
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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What if later on, the guy admits he only came to islam for money (so he wasn't really sincere in accepting), is that marriage considered valid still or is the contract redone?

I don't know.

What do you think of people who dismiss the Hanafi school or any 1 of the four schools saying it has weak opinions? or will say "If my wife follows this or that Hanafi view, like not doing Raf al-yadayn, I'll force her to as hadith is clear"

Anyone who dimisses any mathhab is ignorant of fiqh, history of Islam and disrespectful to the salaf.

If the person is not sincere but pretends to be Muslim for money or whatever, would the marriage still be valid? (This is not the same questioner)

Yes. We judge by apparent actions, and God alone judges what's inside the heart.

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I don't think it's really possible to fully act upon the Hanbali madhab outside the acts of worship in today's world. Esp when it comes to modern day transactions and medicine that require hundreds of rulings, it is close to impossible to do Takhrij of these rulings on the Madhhab.

I think you need to study a little more and make general judgements a little less.
It's actually impossible to do a significant amount of transactions today without the hanbali mathhab. For example, it is the only mathhab permitting tawarruq, without which financial bonds and sukuk would not be permissible.
Also, much of family laws and affairs would not be possible outside the hanbali mathhab. For one example, it is the only mathhab that allows women to take her hijab off in front of other non Muslim women.
Notwithstanding that many issues in worship are only permissible in hanbali mathhab, such as wiping over socks/boots in wudu.
Anyone who studied the hanbali mathhab knows that certainly it is an indispensable matthab today. I highly doubt any mathhab of the four is disposable.

Ya, I wanna to be professional in translation , but how ?

For a start, refrain from writing 'ya' instead of 'yes'.
Study hard, join translation forums, sign up on proz and get some work experience.

Could you please explain if Islam does neglect the time value of money providing the interest on a loan is Haraam?

The time value of money is a consequence of usury, not a natural phenomena.
Suppose there's 1 million dollars in cash. no one has any cash. The bank has it all. The bank lends to people for 5% interest, keeps zero reserve. The million is entirely borrowed. At payback time it must be returned as 1 mil and 50k. However that 50k of dollars doesn't even exist in the market. So the bank prints 50k. People will come to the bank and borrow the 50k to pay the 50k, and so on. Because of usury, money loses its value over time. It's buffered by having reserves at the bank.
The contemporary scholars of Islamic finance discussed this in Islamic conferences and reached the conclusion:
1. The time value of money is a bad consequence of usury
2. If someone borrows a small amount or large amount for a small period of time, this is a small damage that should be taken by the lender as general risks to the lending. The lender may not ask for a compensation for the inflation if is negligible.
3. If the loan is large and for a large period of time. The parties may agree on an anchor (e.g. how many grams of gold this is worth at beginning of loan) and return it according to the price of gold on the day of payback.

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بجهز شقتي للزواج وفيه فى الديكور رسمة كدا للسماء وفيها طيور ..عصفورتين . هل يجوز الرسم دا ولا حرام ؟

ما دام حيوانا مكتملا له وجه أو رأس, فالصورة محرمة ولا تدخل الملائكة بيتا فيه صورة.
ويجزئ لإزالتها طمس الوجه.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

how can i learn the translation?

It's one of these professions that one person doing less than perfect work, harms the entire industry.
The question you need to ask yourself, do I have a potential to be the perfect translator? If not, look for something you can excel at.
Liked by: آية نور

How can you allow a Muslimah to marry a man whose intention to convert to Islam is clearly not sincere? Subhanallah.

Sincerely is not a condition to enter Islam unanimously. Allah perscribed prize money out of zakaah for those who would be inclined to enter Islam only because of money (9:60). Once he's Muslim he can be taught things gradually.
If people stopped objecting on things they did not know about, most of arguments would not have existed.
Liked by: mahmoud ibrahim

Assalamualaykum brother. Someone ask my hand. He is a good man but he is non muslim nor he has a religion cuz he believes that god is one and he also respects all religion, he wants to convert but its because of me. How to give him dawah? My knowledge is limited. Help me thankyou. JazakAllahu khyr.

Alaikum assalam,
Let him convert, then if you marry him you can give him dawah all you want.
If he's in Ottawa let him get in touch with convertcare.ca
Liked by: AYSHA.

Ahlan ya sheikh. I am a idiot, i know. I have made many oath and broken them. I know thats wrong. They are like 40 oaths or more. I am 20 years. I dont have money to feed or free a slave. Must i fast now or can i make ''ta2khir'' and fast the kaffara in the future? What if i die in this condition?

You die upon a sin. The prophet called it a dipping oath; it causes the person to be dipped in hellfire.
Feed ten meals per each oath you broke, (to ten people or same person for ten days), until you run out of spare money to feed, then fast. Three consecutive days, for each oath. It's obligatory, immediately. You are only allowed to postpone it because of another obligations, like fasting Ramadan. Postponing the expiation without an excuse is sinful.
May Allah guide you and support you in repentance.

It was made in Kenia )كينيا( And I'm living in Egypt Seven seas product

If you bought it from a local store in Egypt, then it must be halal as all imported products that contain gelatin or animal products must be inspected for sharia compliance. Not trusting their work without a proof of their malconduct is a form of extremism in religion.

Umar ibn al-Khattab, radhiAllaahu ‘anhu, said: “If your brother mentions something to you in private, then walks away, it is a amaanah (trust) even if he didn’t instruct you not to inform anyone.” [Ibn Muflih’s Adaab Ash-Sharee’ah]

Correction: "then he turned his head away [to see if someone else was listening]"
Jazakom Allah khayran

شيخنا فتحت حساب جار في بنك بامريكا ملحق به حساب توفير؛ هل يجوز لي ادخار بعض المال بحساب الادخار والتخلص من الفائدة السنويه (حولي نصف في المائة) لخوفي من سرقة المال بالمنزل؟

لا. مالك هذا يُرابى به وتأخذ إثمه ولو رميت الفائدة الربوية.
هناك خيارات شرعية كثيرة.
افتى العديد من العلماء أنه يمكنك ابقاء بعض المال في حسابك الجاري (أيضا سيرابى به) للضرورة, مثل دفع ايجار الشهر والفواتير إلخ.
انظر أيضا:

Cod Liver Oil (Fish) (36%), Fish Oil (35%), Capsule Shell (Gelatin, Glycerol), Vitamin E, Vitamin D Prep. (Fractionated Vegetable Oil, Vitamin D Ingredients in the sevenseas It's a product on Kenia I coudln't find the source of gelatin Can I take it?

What country are you in? Where was it made?

Can we say that Allah is our friend? Heard on a podcast from a British Muslim.. I think he said it by accident.. Jazak Allah Kheir...

In short, no. Allah is beloved, befriended, but He guards and supports His servants. Friendship implies casuality and informality with, and is disrespectful and demeaning to God.
The brother probably misread, misunderstood or just erred and meant
that Allah is the walee of the believers. Walee is like a contronym; it means guardian and also means dependent. It means 'friend of' but also means 'befriended by'; it means 'allies with' and 'is allied with by.'
Liked by: Uhkt آية

Salam aleikum ustaz. My question is about a woman obeying the husband. Must she obey him when he have not provided her for aprox 20 years. I mean he dont work and haven't worked...so the family lives on social benefits from the state. But must the woman obey the husband?

Alaikum assalam
She does what she has to do towards her family for the sake of Allah, not in return of her husband doing his duties.
The husband has a duty to provide for his wife. And if failed, the wife may take the matter to an imam and request divorce.
However, sacrifice and turning a blind eye are pillars of a routine marriage life. Otherwise, most marriages will not work.

هل شراء الذهب أو الفضة عن طريق الإنترنت باستخدام بطاقة الفيزا حرام، علما بأن المبيع يصل بعد أسبوع أو أكثر أحيانا؟

لا أدري
Liked by: الرافعي

عندي فيتامينات فيها جيلاتين واقتسمتها مع أحد أصحابي ولم آخذ العلبة والآن لا أدري مصدر الجيلاتين الذي فيها ولا منشأها حتى حرام علي أتناولها؟ لو لم أستطع الوصول لمنشأها

لو انت في بلد مسلم واشتريتها من بقال فسمّ وكل
لو يغلب على ظنك امكانية انها تكون من مصدر غير حلال أو لم تكن في بلد مسلم فيه جهات تفتيش وإشراف فلا
قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: دع ما يريبك إلى ما لا يريبك.

Salaam Sheikh. For a while I've been suffering with wiswas. I went to Ummrah recently and my wiswas made it impossible to enjoy it. Now I just feel empty. The motivation to do good has subsided. The taqwa in my heart is missing. How do I get it back? It's concerning how hell isn't motivation for me

You need to return to Allah and ask Him sincerely for help.
Also, speak with a Muslim psychologist about wiswas (there are differences between wiswas and OCD)


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