
Majed Jarrar

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A kafir friend of mine wants to go on hajj as an adventure. He's quite knowledgeable in Islam, and I think he could pass off as a non-practicing Muslim. How can I convince him not to do this?

Don't befriend kuffaar, period.

If I wiped on my socks and prayed a salah but realized at the next salah that my socks have a hole in them, should I repeat the first salah?


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خطوبتي كمان شهرين و متفق مع خطيبتي اننا مش هنشغل اي اغاني و مش هيكون في اختلاط علشان هي حاجه عالضيق و كلهم خالاتنا و اعمامنا و خطيبتي اصلاً بنت خالي ... و لمن بحاول الاقى بدايل تملى الوقت في الخطوبة مش عارف 😅 عندك اقتراحات ؟

شايفني دي جيه؟ :)
هناك بدائل كثيرة نعم.
Liked by: Usama Aftab Warisha.

Salam Alaikom, Unfortunately our mosque has a door code that only allows people with a code to enter. There's a bell available for people lacking the code. If I am in congregational prayer and the bell rings am I allowed to break prayer and let someone in to prevent him from missing the prayer?

It's prohibited to voluntarily break an obligatory prayer, unless for an emergency.
As for the Masjid, the Sunnah is to leave it open all time, just like in the time of the Prophet and the several centuries that followed.
The Hanafi scholars explicitly stated that it's prohibited to lock the Masjid door during prayers because it is similar to banning people from prayer, and Allah said : who is more oppressive than those who banned people from remembrance of God in the mosques of God, and sought to ruin them. [2:114] paraphrased from fath alqadeer sharh alhidaya
As for locking it outside prayer, it's permissible if the concern was theft, or entrance of those who seek to harm, etc. According to the majority of scholars. Refer to Alfuroo' volume 4 page 636.

Salaam Sheikh. I'm quite strict with music. If there is a video on Facebook, even if it'd educational I will turn it off, or if there is an add, I will mute it. Is what I'm doing necessary? Even if the video is educational and could benefit me?

Do what is best for your heart.

If one is looking to get married but the sister or brother isn't exactly the best in terms of looks nor general health but his/her deen is really strong then is the person doing something bad by rejecting him/her

Not at all. See what works for you and don't overload yourself with something you can't bear the rest of your life.
Liked by: MrAdvisor

هل يجوز فتح محل كوافير ؟ رجاء الرد

نعم يجوز
بشرط أن كوافير النساء للنساء وحلاقة الرجال للرجال

السلام عليكم،اليوم جاء المدرسة مكاتب استشارية لما سألناهم عن كندا قال أحدهم أن سوق العمل وضعه سئ و آخر اقترح الدراسة في community college ثم الانتقال لجامعة لتخفيف المصاريف. رأيك إيه في الكلام دا

انتو مدرستكم في اي دولة؟!

سلام عليكم ، ينفع أصلي الظهر قبل دخول وقته قبل ذهابي للدوام ، ما عندي مكان أصلي فيه ولما اعود للبيت يكون أذن العصر وشكرا جزيلا

وعليكم السلام،
لا، لا يجوز صلاة الظهر قبل موعدها بأي حال من الأحوال.
ما أن يؤذن الظهر صل اينما اتسع،
ما دام مجال عملك يسمح انك تاخد دقيقتين تروح للحمام، فبالتأكيد، من باب اولى، انك تاخد دقيقتين تصلي فيهم.

https://www.joebradford.net/isnt-drop-shipping-haram-no-and-heres-why/ So who's right?

I suppose Joe is Shafi'i. That's the opinion of their mathhab.
The other three mathaahib argue back in two points about his scenario 1, which they claim to be permissible:
1. That salam must be when the product isn't available yet, for the Hadeeth of the Prophet "until a specified date."
2. That the person who came to Hakeem b. Hizam wasn't asking for a specific item. He was asking for a description. He didn't ask do you have that S4 on eBay, he asked do you have an S4. The prophet directly meant the prohibition of that immediate Salam (i.e. drop shipping) when he said: do not sell that which you do not own.

I'm Hanafi and I love sea food :( can I go with the opinion of the other Madhahib in this regard? Or is this classed as following ones desire? #thestruggleisreal

By agreement of all four mathaahib, if you're a student of knowledge, then there is no room to follow something in practice different than what you follow in theory.
And they agreed that the laity have no mathhab, a layperson can ask any trusted, knowledgable scholar, and follow their fatwa.

Man with a Good Character “A woman should make sure to marry a religious man with a good character and not go for beauty, richness or lineage.” Shaykh al-Albani (رحمه الله) [Silsilat-ul-Hudaa wan-Noor 594]

That's a misquotation. Deen is a primary goal, but it is also the last criteria.
A person should first assess the beauty, wealth and lineage of a suitor, before they look deeper into manners, character and religion. That's the Sunnah.
If the superficial matters are not acceptable at all, they can move on without worry.
However, if a person learns that a suitor has memorized Qur'an and of great manners, then they meet him/her and they're the ugliest, unhealtheist person on earth, they'll end up rejecting with great guilt that they abandoned a great person because of superficial matters.

Assalamu alaikum, i know that iman is suppose to fluctuate and is very difficult to keep steady, but with me its always been on extremes, sometimes im always in the first saf for prayer and other times i dont even get up for salah. I mess up once and i lose my rhythym completely. Any tips?

Think of it as a sine signal. Right now the congregation is in your middle point between up and down. Your goal is to make your sine signal rise such that your lowest is still above the line of the congregation.
1. Stretch up. Every time you are at highest point (e.g. catch the first row) push a bit more, (e.g. finish all athkar and Sunnah, and read one rub' of Qur'an),
2. Squeeze down. Everytime you're at the lowest point, don't let yourself go to lowest. If you miss the congregation of Fajr altogether, pray Fajr alone then 2 nafila x 26 times. This will make your body and brain physically understand the value of what you missed. Inshallah if you do this once you will learn.
3. Seek a murabbi, and good companionships to help you discipline your nafs. You can't achieve everything in the highest all the time. No one can. The best is to have a group of good friend that together, one of you is always highest, and help each other.

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Salam ustadh. If somebody makes du3a in sajda, must he do the salawat in sajda to or should he leave it? As far as I know its mustahabb to do it in ad3iya but whats the ruling on doing it during sujud? Can you answer, in sha Allah! My mother is sick, please make du3a for her! Barak Allahu fikum

There's no problem in making salawat ala annabi in sujood. May the Almighty cure your mother.
Liked by: Thana Mer'i

Assalamualaikum Sheikh, through Facebook I have seen you say that a laymen should take the opinion of a scholar. But if that scholar has opinions that go against the four schools i.e. music is permissible on certain grounds, is one allowed to take his opinion? JazakAllah Kheir

The laity is required to seek answers from those whom they assume to have both solid knowledge and righteousness. It is safer to follow a scholar who's explicitly upon a mathhab, but it's not a requirement, as long as they fulfill the two conditions above.

Asa, we were invited at someone's house for the first time, after we prayed jam3a I was told that the one who led the prayer is she'ah , do I have to repeat my prayer ? He was asked to lead the prayer because he reads Quran the best , the rest r non Arab ( I'm a woman )

You don't need to repeat the prayer.

Salam Alaikom, Due to an event at a masjid the president of the association delayed the Isha congregational prayer by an hour. Unsatisfied by that decision a group of people prayed at the usual time. Am I at fault if I chose the first congregational prayer for convenience?

Alaikum asalaam,
Imam Buhooti said : "it is prohibited for anyone to pray the congregational prayer before the prayer by the full time Imam."
There are two opinions regarding the ruling of the said prayer. One opinion says the prayer is invalid and those who rushed must repeat, and the other is that the prayer is valid but they've committed a sin. I lean towards the first opinion, because Allah does not accept a worship earned through forbidden means. And God knows best.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140178325058 واذا كان لا يقدر لى القيام والجلوس والحركة وثقل لسانه ولا ندرى اهو دارى بما يحدث حوله ام لا ولا نريد ان نشق عليه فلا نعلم ما به فهل اقضيها عنه ام لا؟

لا يجوز ولا يجزئ قضاء الصلاة بالنيابة عن أحد، ولا إهداء ثوابها في جميع المذاهب الأربعة.
اذا استطاع الصلاة فاعينوه، واذا لم يستطع فلا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها

Shaykh sometimes when I'm at college and I see some of the brothers I know talking to girls and flirting with them, part of me wishes I *had* that because I'm seen as the extreme guy but I'm just trying to keep myself pure. Do you have any advice for me, is it normal to desire this

It's completely normal. Find a wife so you can flirt with her all you want.

سيب السؤال اللي قبله يا شيخنا عشان مش واضح. ايه بالظبط معيار التفضيل بين الجامعتين؟ و آسف جدا على الإطالة

كل حاجة.
العراقة: يعني خبرة الإدارة، وخبرة الاساتذة
والسمعة: يعني عند أرباب العمل، حتى في الخليج
والتصنيف: يعني في عدد الابحاث وجودتها
والتخيير: يعني في تنوع عدد البرامج والمواد
وجو المدينة، وثقافة اهلها، وسعر الطماطم ووجبة الكتنتاكي وايجار السكن، وتنوع ثقافات الطلاب ومشاربهم،
رغم أن القاهرة انتقلت الى التجمع واضاعت ميزات كثيرة بهذا الانتقال، لكن لا زلت ارى تفوقا شاسعا لا سواغ للخلاف فيه.

هو مفيش غيرها في البلد دي؟ :) صعبان علي الفلوس دي كلها بصراحة؛ يعني لو ما اتصرفوش على اخواني اتجوز بيهم :) طيب: بينها و بين اللي في القاهرة فرق يستاهل المبالغ العجيبة دي؟ (قدها خمس مرات تقريبا!)

اخر عهد لي في التفضيل بين الجامعتين، الامريكية في الشارقة دون القاهرة بكثير في امور شتى.
الكلام في ٢٠٠٥ حصلت على منحة كاملة للدراسة في الامريكية في الشارقة ومنحتين كلاهما ٥٠٪ للدراسة في الامريكية في القاهرة وبيروت، وبعد التقصي، اخترت بيروت، ثم كان اغتيال الحريري، فانتقلت الى القاهرة بإصرار والديّ، فوجدت فيها خيرا عظيما.

I find it more effective for me to see the Arabic meaning of the of the new English vocab. Although they usually say that it's better to see only the English meaning, I wonder if I'm wrong and please tell me the best way to learn a huge amount of new vocab. quickly and efficiently,Thanks in Advance

That's not a bad thing. Perhaps it's the only way sometimes. "They" were talking about toddlers who are learning two languages in the same time, not an adult who is already fluent in one language.
As for your other request, I'll give you an advice that I quote from Queens: easy come, easy go.

السلام عليكم...جدي على فراش الموت ولا يدرى بالوقت ولا الصلاه ولا اى شىء وحاله من سيء الى اسوء فهل يجوز ان اقضى عنه الصلاه فى حياته

لا تجب على الإنسان الصلاة إذا غاب عنه عقله، لأن التكليف مناط العقل. فاذا افاق ودرى ذكروه بالصلاة، ولكم أن توضئوه إن أراد أن يصلي ولم يقدر على الوضوء، فينوي هو وتوضئوه انتم، فان لم يقدر على القيام والجلوس والحركة صلى بأقوال الصلاة دون الحركات، أسأل ربي لنا ولجدك حسن الخاتمة.


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