
Majed Jarrar

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If a Hanafi marries without a wali, is their marriage considered valid? If they follow their ijtihad sincerely?

Ask a Hanafi scholar.

ManyGirls who don't pray regulary ask me if its ok to pray with gelNails.I tell them their wudhu is incomplete.But what's the ruling when they already have gelnails&know u cant do wudhu with it,but have no opportunity to remove them&desperately wanna pray?Is their prayer valid if they do wudhu w/ it

No, they must remove it completely. If gelnails are important to them than entering paradise, where do they think they'll end up?
Liked by: Ahmed Kamal

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Socoio(3)Then there are other problems that sometimes I can't sleep because of,that I believe are sociology can contribute to, eg:forced prostitution),bullying at school,physics and emotional.

It's way too early for you to know what research is needed where. What you've mentioned has been killed with research. All what you mentioned will not be solved by sociology or research alone. It'll be solved by action. Study social work and become a social worker, or study international development or public administration and work in development or relief agency.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139557438274 Too much fuloos required :) tho uottawa's studying in french option reduces the fees significantly. But again,I'm tied by the employment opportunities;need to settle in a place where my brother can follow me.I doubt sociology graduate will find work,sa7?

Money isn't the issue, you can make 30k a year as an uber driver, which is enough to pay your tuition and live.
Why do you want to study sociology? What benefit you want to contribute to the world?

I'm thinking about research because that is what I will do after the bachelor's.escaping the military is one reason why I asked you about Latin America earlier. It's easy to get citizenship there. I can spend a gap yr there+1yr uni,that't citizenship requirements fulfilled. Realistic?

Canada's citizenship isn't difficult, especially if you graduated from here :)

ايه هي مهمة علم الاجتماع ؟

معرفة بناء وتركيب وتطور المجتمعات الإنسانية، ومشاكلها وكيفية إصلاحها، وتغييراتها الطبيعية والحادثة، وكيفية التعامل معها.

Hi. I know a brother. Everytimes a bad things happen or something hateful occurs...he always says: "khayr, inshaAllah." He is optimistic and say its good in it. I mean he tries to find a solution but he is very optimistic and can even say khayr inshaAllah if you burned y-self. Is that even islamic?

The only unislamic thing you mentioned is Hi.
Yes, optimism is part of our religion. The Prophet said: Be optimistic with goodness, and you will find goodness.
He also said: "What wonders are the affairs of a believer! All their affairs are good, and that is for no one except the believer. If good comes to them, they thanked, and it was good for them. If bad comes to them, they were patient, and it was good for them."

I have a sincere question. Isn't the establishment of a just, responsible and accountable Khilafah wajib and there's ijma of Ahlul Sunnah in establishing it? Why don't many Muslim scholars promote for Islamic unity in an administrative way?

Let me guess, 19 year old?
Oh the sweet innocent brain you have. Eat healthy, do your homework, and when you get bigger you'll find out inshallah.

I'm an immigrant to Canada, but I am Muslim. Should my loyalty lie with Canada or with the Ummah or equally with both?

That's like saying, I'm muslim and I'm a doctor, should I pray or treat patients.
Your loyalty to the Muslim Ummah is based on your beliefs. You pray for them, you donate to them, etc.
Your loyalty to Canada is based on the land you reside, you help your neighbours, you protect its environment, you support maintaining its infrastructure.
The Prophet peace be upon him was persecuted until he had to leave Mecca, his hometown. It was full of aggressive disbelievers who put a bounty on his noble head, peace be upon him. Nevertheless, as he was leaving Mecca he turned and faced it and said: God knows that you are the most beloved land to me, and had your people not persecuted me out of you, I wouldn't have left you.
Clearly, loving the land in which you had good memories, and loving your Muslim brethren, are two separate things.

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Gap yr =>I love humanities,thought I'd study sociology and from that get into development studies and/or education.+really wanna do carpentry :D. I also would much rather do that and study other things on my own,I'm much better at selfstudy.Does it sound two risky?&will the gap year have - effect?

There are hundreds of millions of people who envy how much time and flexibility you have, young fellow. Be grateful to Allah for this blessing, and choose something you can excel at. It's a balance of talent + passion + career + community need. Do something that ticks at least three out of these four.

The asharis and maturidis also reject ahad hadith - and they are many (amongst the greatest ulamah of our history) - should we also dont marry them?

That's not my point. I'm speaking from compatibility perspective in marriage. If you're vegetarian then don't marry a butcher in an industrial farm. It's independent of whether it's right or wrong to be vegetarian or to work in a an industrial farm.

We have a da3i/person who makes dawa to youngsters in suburb/ghettos with muslim majority. But this da3i have not studied Islam with scholars. He translated the word jinn as demon and related hadith which he said were from Musnad Ahmad but they were not there and were fabricated. Can we backbite him

No, and I'm concerned about that "we"at the end. It looks like you're hanging with the wrong group bud.

What's this hype about becoming a muslim entrepreneur and all these super expensive courses 😒

Those who sell shovels during gold rush are guaranteed to be the ones who never struck gold.
Liked by: DeenIsAdvice

Jazak Allahu khairan, no she's not in that party walhamdulillah. Wouldn't denying these islamic beliefs by the Hizbi (and he's a blind follower of their founder) even make it prohibited for her to get married to him?

If he personally believes these things, then yes.

Interesting questions, however, if you teach your friends how to pray...and you dont live in the same neighborhood, is it wajib/fard to tell him to pray via communication (like FB, sms etc.) or should one have husn al dhann about the friend and think he is praying? Telling him = like reminder him...

Connect him with friends in his neighbourhood who pray at his local mosque to follow up with him.

They say at a younger age your brain is not fully developed so you should wait until you are 18 years old to make such decisions (marriage, etc.). What are your thoughts?

yeah, and some people reach their 40s with a maturity of a 5-year old. People who want to get married should get married, and they should not delay preparing themselves, spiritually, mentally, intellectually and financially.

A close friend is considering to get married to a man who is from Hizb ut Tahrir. Is it permissible to get married to him as we know they differ in aqidah? Whar should I tell her?

Hizb ut Tahrir still exists? I thought these people went extinct decades ago lol.
The founder of the hizb is a neo-mutazili, and I recall they used to enforce the followers to reject all Islamic beliefs that go against logic. So for example they deny the pleasure and torment of the grave, they deny the false messiah, and they deny the hadeeth-ul-ahaad.
Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend marrying someone in a political party unless she's in that party with him.

Assalamu alaikum sheikh, Is it unfair to apply for a scholarship knowing I might decide not to attend university this year,because someone else could have taken advantage of it?

If getting the scholarship will make you decide to do so then no it's not unfair.

Salam. I have a friend who never prayed in his life and he is a muslim. So i teached him the prayer according to a easy way; like saying some dhikr in Qiyam instead of Fatiha, saying only SubhanAllah x1 in sujud/rukuu. And same dhikr in tashahud. And i left tahmid/tasmi. He is non arab, is it okay?

No, it's not okay,
Alfatiha is a pillar, the prayer isn't valid without it. If they are unable to memorize it, then they can read it from a paper. If they can't read or are blind, they can hear it from a recording and recite it along, if they are deaf or incapable of that, but are able to memorise one or two verses of it, then they repeat what they have memorised until they have recited a minimum of seven verses of Quran, 25 words, 120 letters (all three minimums must be met).
So, if he only memorized alḥamdo lillah rabbil alḁalmeen, that's one verse, four words, thirteen letters. He must repeat it ten times to be as long as alfatiha.
If he can't memorize any verse of alfatiha, but can memorize a verse of Quran (must be a complete sentence so verses like: walAsr doesn't count), then he repeats it until it's as long as alfatiha (the conditions above).
If he can't memorize a single complete verse of Quran, he can replace alfatiha with saying subḥanaallah, walḥamdolillah, wa la ilaha illa Allah, wallahu akbar, until it's as long as alfatiha.
This is all regarding his current prayer, as he must start memorizing alfatiha right away, next prayer he reevaluates. He must not settle for these exemptions except for the current prayer only, and only if he can't memorise alfatiha fully before the current prayer time is over. He can only continue with this exemption if he has a severe learning disability that it's impossible for him to learn alfatiha.
The same goes for all other pillars and obligations of the prayer, if there's still time to delay the prayer and memorize them, then he must do that, otherwise if he can read it out well from a paper, he must do that, etc.
Their prayer is invalid the way you described, and if you told him these exemptions without knowledge from a trustworthy scholar, then you now may share the sin of misleading him and ruining his prayer, along with the major sin of speaking in the religion of God without knowledge. So please be cautious and refer to scholars when you don't know.

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