
Majed Jarrar

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Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said: The eye is the mirror of the heart, so if the slave lowers his gaze, the heart will lower its desires and whims, and if he lets his gaze wander, the desire in his heart will be realeased


Muhaarib said: “We accompanied Qaasim Ibn ‘Abdir Rahmaan and he became superior over us with long silence, generosity and abundant prayer.” [As-Samt, p. 618]


هل تجوز الدعوة على العدناني بالنار؟

أما من الموتى، فيجوز لعن من مات على الكفر اتفاقا. قال الله: إن الذين كفروا وماتوا وهم كفار أولئك عليهم لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين.
وأما من الأحياء، فيجوز لعن الكافر الحي - وهو رواية عندنا في المذهب، وقد كان النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام يلعن الكفار والمشركين في قنوته في النصف الثاني من رمضان، وكذا عليه فعل الصحابة بعده، ويلحق بالكفار من كان مثلهم كالقرامطة والباطنية والنصيرية والأحمدية والقاديانية ونحوهم.
أما المسلم، فلا يجوز لعن المسلمين ولا سبهم، أحياء ولا أمواتا.
وأما الظالم - مسلما كان أم لا، فيجوز سبه ولعنه والدعاء عليه - بل ويتوجب أحيانا، قال تعالى: لا يحب الله الجهر بالسوء من القول إلا من ظلم وكان الله سميعا عليما
جاء رجل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال يا رسول الله جاري ظلمني جاري ظلمني فقال له عليه السلام أخرج متاعك فاجعله في قارعة الطريق فكان الناس يمرون والمتاع الملقى في الطريق يلفت نظرهم والرجل واقف بجانبه فيقولون له مالك يافلان فيقول جاري هذا ظلمني فيسبوه ويقولون قاتله الله لعنه الله والجار الظالم يسمع باذنيه مسبة الناس ولعن الناس له فسارع إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول يا رسول الله مُر جاري بأن يعيد متاعه إلى داره فقد لعنني الناس فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام لقد لعنك من في السماء قبل أن يلعنك من في الأرض.
فهذا الظالم الباغي الذي أزهقت بسببه أرواح ألوف من المسلمين، وظلم بسببه ملايين، لا شك أنه سيلقى جزاءه كاملا، قال الله: إن الله عزيز ذو انتقام، وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام: إن الله ليملي للظالم حتى إذا أخذه لم يفلته.
وأما جماعته الباغية التي ما سلم منها لا المجاهدون ولا المسالمون، فأسأل الله أن يلعنهم ويشتت شملهم ويمزق رايتهم ويأخذهم أخذ عزيز مقتدر.

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Are credit cards haram? Since they deal with interest and all. Should I cancel my credit card and get a prepaid one instead ?

It was haram for you to get into it in the first place. Now that you have it, ask yourself. If you can use it like a prepaid (by making sure that you pay off anything on the card immediately) without incurring a cent of purchase interest, then continue to use it reasonably. If you think you'll start buying large purchases that you won't be able to pay off and it'll be a way to bring riba into your life, then cut the plastic card. There's no need to close the account, as closing the credit account can be very damaging to your credit score, especially if you're young. The impact will last for seven years then eventually be deleted from your bank records. Because your credit worthiness depends on how much credit you have, closing it might have negative consequences on buying - or even renting a house, and getting certain jobs and even scholarships.

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Liked by: Kobefan

هل لي جمع تأخيرٍإني سأكون مقيماً عندما سيدخل وقت الصلاة الثانية؟

نعم، ولك القصر في جمع التقديم، لكن في التأخير تتم الصلاتين

أحسن الله إليك وأكرمك - هل ترى الغناء (دون موسيقى) مكروه لأنه تسبّه بالنساء كما يقول البعض؟

ما عليك مما أرى ويرى فلان وعلان
الغناء حكمه كالشعر، حسنه حسن، وقبيحه قبيح
والمعازف محرمة، سواء صحبها غناء أم لا

Can I utter my Niyyah before I start praying? It makes me conscious of the prayer and I feel more safe when I say it. But I say it quietly so that I'm the only person who can hear it. Is this ok or should I stop it?

It is recommended in our mathhab to utter the niyyah with your lips and a soft voice - enough to hear yourself only.

ختمة قرانية لمتوفي هيشارك فيها عدد من الناس كل واحد جزء أو جزأين ، جائزة ؟ وثوابها يوصل له ؟ شكرًا جزيلًا


salam If the jummah khatib talks three language. First arabic and then translate to english and albanian...is it permissible for me to read quran from my device or mushaf when he is starting giving khutba in translated languages? I listen to arabic and is quiet but when he translates i use quran???

No, you'll cause fitnah to those around you. Send peace and blessings upon the prophet. This is the best thing you can do on Fridays. I do that even if the khutba was in a language that I understand but it's a terrible one.

5) It's been stressing me out too. I basically do taqlid of that view and did taqlid of that view back then too. My question am I still a muhrim or was my umrah valid? Will I be judged on what I followed then? Even after I asked the student of knowledge? May Allah bless you... (End of question)

Your problem is focused on acting upon something while not having knowledge of it, then asking someone and getting verification that it's a plausible opinion. There is no blind fire in Islam, even if your shot hits the target. I will forward your question to one of the scholars regarding the validity of your umrah.
Liked by: J ahmedibrahimdiab

Is the hanbali madhab the closest to the sunnah?

No. There has been over twenty mathhabs in Islam, all leading equally to the sunnah. The four mathhabs have all been tremendously studied and verified. In an order of magnitude, they are all equal in distance to the sunnah.

كنا على علاقة و قطعنا لمدة سنة و نصف و تغيرنا و ربنا هدانا و دلوقتي انا داخل اخر سنة كلية لكن بشتغل و اريد ان اتقدم لها، والدي موافق و لكن امي ترفض حتى انتهي من دراستي، والدي مستعد يكلم والدها رغم رفض امي، لكني لا احب ذلك و احب ان ارضي امي و لكن احب ان اعف نفسي، رأيكم ماذا افعل مع امي و هي عنيدة ؟؟

هل هي رافضة البنت تحديدا أم زواجك عموما؟
زواجك = لا تسمع لها
البنت تحديدا = الأم عادة تكون أقرب للصواب بخصوص البنت منك

I was wondering... Isn't it better to have less children so that you can give them more time and they become righteous than to have many children and you can't give them all much time Hmmmm...

My observation, and that of dozens of scholars who wrote about this, is that those who hold back from having more kids, are often more busy, less caring and attentive to their children than those who have more kids. Moreover, ask anyone who grew up in a large family, children become much more responsible, and take a greater role in helping with raising younger siblings, when in a large family, than a small family.

Assalam o alaikum! These days, when I get up for tahajjud, I feel a fear that someone's around me to such an extent that my heart stops. I want to remove this because it effects my worship. What should I do and why am I feeling this?

Someone? You are in the hands of your Lord, and in the presence of the angels. Who cares what's around you?!

Salam alaikum. People say not to attack those of knowledge in the Deen. But what if the knowledge is pure shirk. For example a scholar says god ia not Allah and so on. Can we say what kind of knowledge do u have.and warn others if the kufr is high high high

High high high doesn't sound high enough. Can you give more concrete example, with links, specific names?

Is that you in your profile?

Yes, but the smiley face beneath my picture is not me, it's an emoji. #disclaimer

I want to become a Hafidh, but this comes with greater responsibility than I can bear. Is it better to leave it as I don't believe that I can act by everything I memorize

Ask God to grant you the level of responsibility suited to pleased Him. He will show you your status.

Salam Alaikom, As a sunni, does praying behind a Shia imam invalidate your prayer?

Not necessarily.
However, the majority. the vast majority of shia today do not observe basic pillars of prayer - which abandoning them nullify the prayer - for example: they do not wash their feet in wudu, instead they wipe on their feet, they do not recite alfatiha in the 3rd and 4th rak'aa - instead they make tasbeeh, and they do not perform tasleem at the end - instead they beat their knees saying that Angel Jibreel has betrayed the massage (i.e. by sending it to Muhammad instead of Ali).
Having said that, any Muslim can be followed in prayer, whether they were righteous or a defiant sinner, given that they know how to pray. If a Shi'i person knew how to pray and the person didn't know that and prayed behind him, and the prayer fulfilled all the obligatory requirements.
In all cases, it is best to avoid doing so, and pray behind the just and pious, to end the dispute (numerous major scholars have the opinion that defiant sinners and deviant sects may not be followed when they lead the prayer)

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Ustadh if I want to 1) attend conferences and lectures locally to learn the deen and my parents say no, what should I do? 2)Travel abroad and because serious in seeking ilm and Persue it as a full time thing but parents say no, do I have to obey them?

Always obey your parents.
Use kindness and wisdom to agree on middle ground. Once you agree on the importance of learning about Islam, see which mosques - scholars - subjects are they comfortable with you learning from, and do that. The better your relationship is with them, the more room for negotiation you will have.

Asalamoulakom Majed, as a beginning student at a uni, how do I manage daily prayers? Sometimes a lecture might occur during the time of prayer. What is the best thing to do, without rescheduling? Thank you. جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

Some people need to go to the bathroom during lectures. Some people need to answer that phone call from their prospect boss calls (who would miss the opportunity after that awesome job interview, right?!)
Right. Your God is your creator, provider, sustainer, protector and inheritor. Everything you do comes from Him and to Him all things return. There is nothing more important in your entire existence than showing up when He calls, and doing so professionally and punctually.
Next time the devil whispers to you that if only your prayer schedule was more convenient and compatible with your life, remind him that your prayer schedule was fixed before you were born; it is your class schedule that is inconvenient with your life.
Plus, imagine the incredible head-start opportunity of showing your professionalism, communication skills, and manners - and teaching someone about Islam - by simply sending an email to your professor in the beginning of the semester to inform them that during those specific lecture days, you will need to excuse yourself for ten minutes (or maybe 5 if your prayer speed is on cocaine) to do your daily prayers.
A few centuries ago, Muslims reigned the world and aced every discipline in life. It was when schools were built by mosques, not corporates, and classes were dismissed by the call to prayer, not factory bells.
Your success depends on what you value the most in your life.

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