
Majed Jarrar

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Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him, stated: "The true learned person is he who does not cause the people to despair from the mercy of Allah nor does he push them to commit the disobedience of Allah." [Majmoo' Fataawa of Ibn Taymiyyah 15/405]

beautiful. Barakallahu feekum.

What's the cubic root of 35521 ?

lol, that's not a natural cube, the closest natural cubic root would be 32.
(natural means without fractions)

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What is your most bizarre talent?

Finding the natural cubic root of numbers smaller than 7 digits in less than 5 seconds 🙊🙉🙈

لو سمحت حضرتك هو ممكن امارس رياضه الجرى مع محاوله الحفاظ على ضوابط اللباس قدر الامكان؟

لا بأس به سواء كان السائل امرأة أو رجلا، وقد سابق النبي عائشة.
لكن، لا يتخذ عادة في الطرقات، ولا يكون في الطرق التي يغلب فيها اختلاط الرجال بالنساء، ولا يكون بلباس فاتن ولا ضيق.
حفظ الله شبابنا وبناتنا من كل سوء.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله سؤال بعيد عن المعتاد يا شيخ. حضرتك عندك فكرة عن منتجات Living Language?

لأ معنديش. ☺

as-Salamu 3alaykum shaykhuna wa 3azizuna Majed. Allah yissalimak. I have a question about the 7alq of the li7ya. What is the mu3tamad opinion within the Hanabilah on this issue? 7aram wala makruh?

wa haathi aa5ir marra ajawib 3la su2al bil FrancoArab, irsu 3la barr ya jama3a.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/138192900674 Away from him Do we abandon YQ's videos now? Is the issue really that big?

No, not at all.
1) The information is leaked through betrayal of trust, hence it cannot be used as evidence against anyone in that email. If at all, it is evidence about the lack of credibility and integrity of the traitor. Allah describes such person as Faasiq in 49:6.
2) Ali - may God be pleased with him - said: "Address people in that (level) which they comprehend; would you rather that God and His messenger are belied?"
Things that are discussed in academic circles are, and have, always been, beyond what the laity can comprehend.
Philosophers spend their lives discussing whether a knife can kill or a fire can burn or not, physicists until today debate whether gravity really exists and how, Sheikh ul Islam ibn taymiyya spent the latter part of his life discussing whether hell fire was eternal or not.
Things that appear basic facts to the laymen are often the most difficult topics of debate by the scholars, in any field. That doesn't mean these basics are not true, or that the scholars are fooling the public by telling them these are basic facts. Rather, there are levels, scopes, domains, boundaries and exceptions for all facts, and students need to learn principles before they branch out to exceptions.
Let me give you an example, all students around the world study Newton's laws throughout school to be factual. Once a student enters first year of physics degree they are introduced to non Newtonian physics, such as relativity and quantum, and they find out that Newtonian physics is an infinitesimal framework which works only in the order of magnitude of humans, and fails at smaller or larger masses and speeds.
Does that mean Newton's three laws are a lie? or that it's wrong to teach them at school? not at all. Without understanding the framework of Newtonian physics first, a student can't have the skill set to explore other frameworks of the universe.
Things that seem to be absolute truths to you may puzzle the most knowledgeable scholars.

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Liked by: mijowa

Did you get the YQ question?

Yes, there's plenty of ignorance and oppression in the video that I would not wish upon others to see. Dawah Man is a textbook example of ignorance infused with narcissism and vengeance. Leave him for a few years and he'll probably destroys himself. This is the first - and last time - I'll answer a question involving him.
Liked by: mijowa


الدعاء بأمور الدنيا داخل الصلاة يفسدها في مذهبنا. لكن لا بأس بهذا الدعاء ما دام خارج الصلاة.


مسألة سرعة القذف متعلقة اساسا بعوامل نفسية كالتوتر والشعور بالذنب، ولها تعلق بعوامل طبعية مثل الاكثار من الاستمناء بسرعة ومشاهدة المقاطع الاباحية، ولها عوامل وظيفية متعلقة بالصحة الجسدية، كالهرمونات والضغط وغيره.
انصحك بمعالجة العوامل النفسية والطبعية وازالتها قبل أن تنظر في العلاجات المادية كالأدوية والاعشاب والعسل والمأكولات البحرية وغيرها. استشر @MElShami

أحبك في الله شيخنا (السائل ذكر ) في الغرب يصعب في بعض المساجد تجمع عدد كبير من المصلين لصلاة الجمعة؛ فهل لو صعد الإمام المنبر ووجدت أمامه تقريبا اقل من ٤٠ مصلي ، هل أعيد الصلاة ظهرا على المذهب؟ جزاك الله من حور الجنة

لا تصح إمامتك للجمعة، وتجب الاعادة على الجميع.
وفي المذاهب الاخرى ما لا يسع الناس غيره.

cheap sources online for learning a language ? :D found a source that wanted 178 Egyptian pounds an hour :D If I had that much money I would have just left Egypt already :D

search لغة in my archives. link in bio

حكم الجلوس في مكان عام او مقهي او مطعم (ليس بار او خمارة) يقدم فيه الخمر و لكن ليس علي مائدتنا؟

فكرت في السؤال فعددت أكثر من اثنين وثلاثين إجابة مختلفة. باعتماد اين تسكن، ومع من تذهب، ولأي غرض، والخيارات المتاحة، واعتبارات اخرى.
يعني لو اجبتك مثلا باعتبار انك من سكان الزمالك، وخارج مع اصحابك الشباب، وأنت بالنسبة لهم الأخ الملتزم، وهم رايحين يشوفوا بنات، غير لو انت في بغداد، وابنك مخطوف، ورايح تتفاوض مع الخاطفين علشان تنقذ ابنك.
الجواب: لا أدري. سل شيخا مربيا يعرفك.

Why is it memorising the quran by myself is a bad idea if i'm young?

The younger you are, the less self discipline you have, the more vulnerable you are to misunderstanding, the more mentorship you need.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Shekh, how can I improve my English, I tried many time but I couldn't find anyone to talk with him/her I'm very sad 😢

I think it's the him/her part that is making it difficult for you ☺
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Ibn Hibban: “The noble does not hurt the wise, he does not joke with the stupid & he does not mingle with the sinner.” [Ar Rawdhah, p.173]

Nobility died long time ago.

Ibn Hazm رحمه الله “Perhaps one hour of neglect may destroy a years worth of pious effort!” [al-Akhlaq wa-Siyar pg14]

And perhaps one hour of piety can wash away years of ignorance. ❤
Liked by: Man sur Amr Ahmed

Bishr ibn al-Harith said: ﴿ما اتقى الله من أحب الشهرة.﴾ ❝Whoever loves fame does not fear Allaah.❞ [Seera Aa’laam, (11/216) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]

Yes. By Allah, whoever loves fame has lost half of their deen.
The Prophet said: "Two hungry wolves let loose among sheep are not more harmful to them than craving wealth and status (e.g. fame) for someone's Deen."

Ibn al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said: ❝Having the correct understanding of the Deen is light which Allaah throws into the heart of the slave of Allaah, which is increased by having the Taqwa of Allaah and having good intent.❞ [Ilaam al-Muaq'een, (1/69) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]



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