
Majed Jarrar

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بارك الله فيكم سألت الشيخ عبد الواحد وقال لي أن اجلس

جزاك الله خيرا

إذا دخلت المسجد قبل دخول وقت المغرب بقليل خمس دقائق مثلا هل أصلي تحية المسجد أم يمكنني القعود أم أنتظر قائما

لا تصلِّ. ولا أعلم جواز الجلوس او مفاضلة القيام. إسأل الشيخ @Mohamadabdelwahed

يعني انت مصري. :)

لو قلت آه هاتشتم لو قلت لأ هاتشتم برضو. أحسن حاجة أقول:
بلادُ العُربِ أوطاني *** منَ الشّـامِ لبغدان
ومن نجدٍ إلى يَمَـنٍ *** إلى مِصـرَ فتطوانِ
فلا حد يباعدنا *** ولا سنافير وتيرانِ

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How old are you brother?

It is not chivalry to tell you my age. Sheikh Qays Alkheyari said: it has been authentically reported by Al-Hafidh Ibn Bashkawal: I read in the handwriting of Abu Alhasan Ibn Alelbeeri Al-Muqri'. "I asked Al-Qadhi Abu Zaid how old he was. He said: "I won't tell you my age. I asked Abu Abdullah Muhammad b. Mansour Attusturi how old he was. He said: "I won't tell you my age. It is not chivalry to tell you my age. I asked my Sheikh Abdullah ibn Abdulwahhab Alasbahani how old he was. He said: "It is not chivalry to tell you my age. I asked my sheikh Ahmed b. Ibrahim As-Sahhab how old he was. He said: "It is not chivalry to tell you my age. I asked Al-Muzani how old he was. He said: "It is not chivalry to tell you my age. I asked ash-Shafi'i how old he was. He said: "It is not chivalry to tell you my age. I asked Malik b. Anas how old he was. He said: "It is not chivalry to tell you my age. If a man tells his age, either he's perceived to be too old hence ignored, or too young hence mocked.""""""""

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كيف أجمع بين صوم داوود عليه السلام وصوم يومي الإثنين والخميس فإذا صمت صوم داوود في أسبوع فوت يوم الإثنين أو الخميس (مثلا - الأحد والثلثاء والخميس والسبت..) لعل سؤالي مفهوم بارك الله فيكم

صيام داوود عليه السلام أفضل درجة. إما تصومه أو تصوم الاثنين والخميس.
Liked by: Tahseen Hamid

salam someone offered to sell me a car by financing it but they will calculate the amount of interest to be paid throughout the lease and include it in the price then divide that by 36 months. the price will then be fixed and wont fluctuate. i wanted to confirm with you before saying yes

1. if a bank is involved as third party then it's not financing, it's a loan with riba.
2. it's unfair. Your rights under consumer protection act in Ontario include that the interest should only apply to the time spent paying the installments. If you buy a car on 36 months finance then pay out the whole sum next day, your right is that you don't pay any interest of the remaining 35 months and 29 days.
3. There's nothing wrong with the seller selling with in-house financing and a fixed interest rate. There is no need to include it in the price.

سوْال شيخنا أنا قدامي فرصك السفر لامريكا فهل يجوز لمسلم ان يهاجر لدولة مثل أمريكا ام يجب الانصياع لنهي النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم من الإقامة بين ظهري المشركين ؟ افيدونا جزاكم الله خيرا

يجب الانصياع لأمر النبي ونهيه في كل حال
وفهم الحديث على سياقه بحسب ما وضحه العلماء
ويحرم بقاؤك في أرض لا تستطيع إقامة شعائر دينك فيها، ويحرم الهجرة إليها.
ثم مسائل التعليم والصحة والعدل والأمان وجواز السفر مهمين جدا خصوصا للأطفال، ويحرم عليك أن تضيع من تعول.
ثم أمريكا كبيرة جدا، عندك ولايات حاكمها مسلم، ومدن فيها أغلبية مسلمة، وعشرات المساجد، وعندك مدن مفيهاش ولا مسجد والمسلمين بيعتدوا عليهم في الشوارع، الخ.
ثم هناك دول كثيرة في العالم غير أمريكا.
عندي بريطانيا وكندا مثلا، افضل حالا بكثير للمسلمين من امريكا.
ده غير في بلدان ذات اغلبية مسلمة ممكن تهاجر لها زي تركيا وماليزيا وخمسين دولة تانية.
وكون البلد ذات اغلبية مسلمة، ليس بالضرورة يعني الهجرة لها مباحة.
ده غير ان المسلم وصل به الحال يتشرف يكون في السنغال ولا يكون في مصر يا شيخ.
ربنا يعافينا.

In Islam, is it allowed for a man to wear jewellery (necklace, bracelet, etc)?

Imam Nawawi said: the scholars unanimously agree that it is permissible for men to wear a silver ring, for the prophet did so. All other silver jewellery such as bracelets, necklaces and headbands are forbidden to men as explicitly stated by majority of scholars.
If it isn't made of silver, then it goes to the cultural tradition. If bracelets and necklaces are only expected to be worn by women, then it is forbidden to be worn by men, whether they're made of silver or not; for the prophet Sadie: God curses the men who try to assimilate women, and the women who try to assimilate men.

For real? Your pursuing a PhD, I don't think you think it's useless.

My PhD is pretty much on how studying is useless. If my dissertation is accepted then voila! I prove it's useless. If it's not then I have proven that studying for 20 years and graduating on top 5% of my class each year still didn't help so it's still useless anyway. They'd better give me the PhD now before I start writing it anyway hahahaha.

Don't stop walking at the thought of something being impossible rather stop thinking out what lies ahead. Place your trust in Allah's hands. If something is going to happen, it will happen whether you stop, you walk or you run

So shouldn't I just sleep and let it happen? 😃
Liked by: aya

I don't really have a passion for anything in particular, but the degree I want will open doors for me and I'm almost done the four years. Just having tough time staying motivated because of life and distractions

If you're almost done. Stop all distractions. Go off social media for six months, graduate then come back.
Let me tell you from right now, your degree won't open as many doors as you think, and might not open any doors at all.
So here are four extremely important questions. Think hard while answering them:
1. What are your four greatest passions
2. What are your four best talents
3. What are four most needed types of people in your community
4. What pays well in your community
If you find one thing intersecting all four, then you hit the jackpot, If not, find something that matches at least three of the four questions. Otherwise, you'll be depressed, devastated and lost for the rest of your life.
Have a good night!
Liked by: Rami M. Alloush

How do you stay in university or college? I had to drop out at least three times already

Who said you had to go to university or college in the first place?
Many great role models in the world, past and present, religious or secular, in politics, economics or society, had no university education.
What's your passion?

Are you a goal setter or a ‘whatever will be, will be’ person? 🎯

In theory, I have extremely high judgement and would want everything to be perfectly planned and set in advance. In practice, I accept that whatever was meant, will be.

Is that u in the profile pic ?

yes. Why would you think I would steal that photo from someone else? lol

Has anyone in your life ever betrayed you?

If I didn't see betrayals, lies and oppression, I would doubt that I'm still living in this world; for this world is nothing but a test. Real life begins in the eternal hereafter.

Sharing your problems with the wrong people doubles them Sharing your problems with the right people halves them Sharing your problems with Allah alleviates them You do the maths and settle the scores May Allah aid us all, Ameen

Ameen. Allah did teach us to seek treatment from those who know it, and that includes sharing problems with those who can solve them.

What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? ^_^

My mother telling me she made duaa for me.

Can any personal problem be solved by talking?

Yes, every single personal problem. It all depends on whom you talk to, when and how.

How would you introduce yourself to others?

Introduce myself? you mean there's someone who doesn't know me? :P

Best feeling you've ever felt?

And you want me to share it and get the envy and evil eyes of everyone here? Have mercy bro

Want Jannah? ibn Aamir said:"I heard the Prophet(saw) saying: "There isn't one of you who performs the wudoo[fully], then he says:"Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluh" except that the eight gates of Jannah are opened for him [and] he may enter through any" (Muslim)

SubhanAllah it's so easy to open the doors, we only ask Allah to let us step in.


Language: English