
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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is reading and writing smut allowed?

Smut, like any form of erotic fiction or art, is an obscene path to a major sin. Smut is more dangerous and forbidden than porn, because it has a developed storyline which can be engraved in memory and influence the heart and imagination far more severely than pornography would. Your brain is shaped by what you read and experience. Continuing with something like this can destroy your life, and even worse, your afterlife.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

For women, their duty is to resist the temptations of fashion trends. A hijab should not be a dress to impress, rather it should speak a language of modesty and chastity. >> من أجمل ما قرأته . جزاك الله كل خير :)

جزانا واياكم.
إقرؤوا أكثر.

Is editing pictures, like making manips, placing the face of a person on another person's body allowed?

as long as no deceit is intended.

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هل السلف من اهل السنه كانوا بيطلبوا من الناس اللي بيحسبوهم اهل تدين انهم يدعوا لهم؟ ممكن تدعيلي بالرزق الحلال والزوجه الصالحه؟

نعم، وقد طلب النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام من عمر أن يدعو له عند سفره رضي الله عنه!
أما أن تطلب من مثلي الدعاء، فلا أملك إلا أن أقول الله يهديك، ويرشدك للصالحين.
Liked by: Mahmoud Abdo

How can I ask my parents to pay me back money they owe me. I normally don't mind but I'm financially struggling atm (I'm a student) I feel guilty asking for the money back since that was my "pocket money " and I should put them before me but I won't be having pocket money for a while.wat shud I do?

You owe your parents your entire life, literally. Parents don't owe anything to their children. The Messenger of God said: You and your wealth belong to your father. Muslim scholars unanimously agreed that no one is allowed to take back a gift, except a parent's gift to their child (e.g. pocket money). It is sufficient disrespect to your parents to think they owe you any money, or favours, ever.
You should strive to become financially independent, and give monthly gifts to your parents, as soon as you're able to. You are required to spend on your parents when you're mature, just like they were required to spend their money, effort, endless love and sleepless nights on you for your entire immature life.
Liked by: Silvia PE

How can we participate in your khatmas ?

go do wudu, pickup a mus-haf, sit and read for thirty minutes or twenty pages, do not get up for any reason. do that 3 times in the day. That's 6% of your total time in the day.
Liked by: Silvia PE

وما تقصد بالأخذ بالأسباب في هذه الحالة؟

1. التعلّم عن الزواج وواجباته وحقوق الزوج الآخر عليه، وعدم الاكتفاء بالنظر في حال أبويه وأعمامه
2. تحديد الأهداف من هذا الزواج، وبناء على تلك الأهداف يقوم برسم أطر عامة لما ينبغي أن يكون عليه الزوجين
3. كتابة خطة (مبنية على الأطر أعلاه) فيها ما يحتاج لتغييره أو تحسينه من نفسه، دينيا واجتماعيا وماديا وثقافيا
4. وما ينبغي على الزوج الآخر أن يكون عليه - معايير اختيار شريك الحياة
يقوم بالنقاط الثلاثة الأوَل بناء على وجود الشريك وشخصيته - والرابعة تكون بصورة مقترحات لتغيير أو تحسين الشريك على حذر، ولا يطلب من الطرف الآخر أكثر مما يطلب من نفسه
يبكي على اللبن المسكوب ويربي أولاده ميكرروش الغلطة :)

السلام عليكم .. أجبني يا شيخ -رحمك الله- آلزواج (قسمة ونصيب) كما يقولون؟

لا خلاف أن كل شيء قسمة ونصيب، أما فهْمُ أكثر الناس للعبارة، المؤدي بهم إلى القنوع بالخاطب السيء، أو عدم الأخذ بالأسباب، أو كبت الظلم والقهر فهو خطأ عظيم

Salam, I will be removing my wisdom teeth and my dentist said that it will probably be bleeding for a while depending on the person. He also said that I should not spit out the blood and have to swallow it. Additionally, I am not supposed to bend at all. How can I perform my sala and jumaa?

Ask a practising, trustworthy Muslim dentist.
Liked by: Amina Akter

Is it permissible for a man to announce the name of his fiancee among his friends, on Facebook for example?

Absolutely, without doubt.
Side note: during engagement, a fiance does not enjoy anything beyond normal interaction with his fiancée. The relationship between them is just like between any Muslim brother and sister who are not married. The only difference is the publicised intention. Communication should remain formal and within limits of necessity. You'll have plenty of time to get to know each other inshaAllah, after the marriage is solemnised (aka Aqd, or Katb il Kitab).
Married life is full of new tests. Abiding by the boundaries set by Allah as you enter into this beautiful stage, is a great source of much-needed divine blessing to your relationship.
May Allah grant us all goodness in this life and the hereafter.

أرَاكَ عَصِيَّ الدّمعِ شِيمَتُكَ الصّبرُ *** أما للهوى نهيٌّ عليكَ ولا أمرُ ؟ بلى أنا مشتاقٌ وعنديَ لوعة ٌ *** ولكنَّ مثلي لا يذاعُ لهُ سرُّ ! بين صينية الكنافة وبيني بعد سفرك

mustafaelmasry’s Profile PhotoMustafa Mohsen | مصطفى محسن
هــاجـت فــؤادك للكنافة دار أقـوت وغيـر آيـهـا الأمـطـار
وعـفـا الـربـيع طعمها فكأنها لـم يـغـن قـبـل بـربـعـهـا ديار
لما وقفت بها الڤتْرين تبادرت مني الدموع وهاجني استعبار

In the west, guidelines for gender interactions is blurred. How should the genders interact in light of the sunnah and according to how the male and female salaf used to interact?

With God-consciousness, not to cross the lines that may displease their Lord.
For women, their duty is to resist the temptations of fashion trends. A hijab should not be a dress to impress, rather it should speak a language of modesty and chastity.
As for men, it is their duty to cautious in limiting such interactions, especially that they are the ones most vulnerable of falling in fitnah. The Messenger of God peace be upon him said: After the Dajjal, I'm not leaving behind me with you, a fitnah for men more severe than women.

As salam alkyum, what is the ruling on, hasan al basri narrated that one 15 of Shaban, 30 something companies prayed salat- all khayr, where you pray ,100 rakats reading surah ikhlas ten times each?

The hadeeth is fabricated, there is no report whatsoever that any companion did anything out of the ordinary on the middle of Shabaan (which is the night of the 14th = the eve of the 15th). There are authentic narrations about some followers (tabi'een) praying it in congregation in the Masjid.
Anyone can pray anything they want, given they don't claim a special reward for that specific prayer without a proof.
On the other hand, no one has the right to forbid people from praying a number of raka'at on a specific day, or reciting specific suras, if they (the people praying) didn't believe that prayer had a special status or reward.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته , is it permissible for a women to upload a photo of themselves without there faces showing and just a photo from the back ?

There's no problem if she's dressed properly.

SalaamuAlaikum. In regards to a previous question about obtaining halal loans to purchase a house, can you please provide some trustworthy links to companies or whomever you think would be willing to provide such laons in Canada? Or someone to contact in regards to this matter? Jazak Allah Khair

I didn't say they were loans. Ask a trust worthy expert on Sharia compliant finances. I recommend brother Khaled Sultan. Google to find him.

I have a friend who keeps giving a brother hope of marriage and when he approaches her she pushes him away and wants him to wait but talks with him even though he asked her not to unless she's serious. Is what she's doing right? How can I advise her if not? Should I tell the brother anything?

That's not marriage planning, that's a Latino dance called tango.

How do you deal with three consecutive years of heartache while noticing your faith is going down..

by not repeating what you did in the last three years, because it clearly failed.
The decision depends on your seriousness in making a decision. Answer yourself, how much does it matter to you that your faith is going down?

كلمات تهديها لاشخاص باتوا ينامون لاجل ان يحلموا ويقولون لقد حلمنا كذا وكذا

ايه؟؟؟؟؟ شفيق ستايل

Please give some advice to a brother who can't stop watching porn.

May Allah conceal his sins and forgive him. I fear for the brother to reach a point where his heart begins to approve of what he sees.
This sin is small and manageable, listening to those who make it a big deal will only make you more hopeless.
Talk to a councillor at your university of school, experts can help you plan clear and easy steps to get out. Porn addiction is a chemical addiction, just like cocaine. There are porn addiction therapy programs in every city in Canada.
If you think you can't do it alone, or you tried and failed numerous times, then it is an obligation upon you to seek help from someone who could help you overcome it.

An empty mind is a workshop for shaytaan, ustilise your time well, use it for the sake of Allah Azawajjal, occupy your mind with the remembrance of your maker and start stacking good deeds to please him, Bi'ithnillah

"As for your self, if you don't occupy it with the truth, it will occupy you with falsehood"
Liked by: am Umm Anṣār

تفسير الحلم حرام؟

لا طبعا، بس عالم بعيد عني تماما، ولست ممن يرى الأحلام فضلا عن أن يؤولها

بعض الشيوخ يجيب تقريبا على سؤال من كل 10 اسئلة، فتكرار السؤال كثير من الوقت لا يكون عدم ثقه او طلب اكثر من اجابه، يكون لان الاجابه الواحده لا تأتي الا بعد تكرار. بارك الله في وقتك وعملك وجزاك عنا الجنه

طيب تعالي حضرتك نفكر معا
في حجّة في فلسفة الاخلاق اسمها العالمية
مثلا، انا فعلا محتاج انجح الامتحان ده ومش عارف اجابة سؤال سيحدد مصير نجاحي، ومفيش مراقب، هل لو غشيت من كتاب حيبقى غلط؟
الجواب عقلا، يكون بحجة العالمية، لو كل حد مر بنفس الامر عمل نفس العمل، سيؤدي ذلك الى كساد الدرجات وفقدان ، قيمتها، وتضخم في الخريجين غير الكفؤين، الخ
المسألة هنا أن لو شخص أراد أن يسأل سأل عشرة علماء، طبيعي جدا أن العلماء مش حيعرفوا اجابة غير سؤال من كل عشرة، وربما حيضيع وقتهم في اجابة المكرر، وتضيع اسئلة من غير أي جواب، ويضيع العلم، ونضيع كلنا
الحل، اسألي من تثقين أنه سيجيبك، ولو لم يُجب في يومين انتقلي للآخر، طلبة العلم كانوا يضربون أكباد الإبل في شهور ليصلوا لعالم ليسألوه سؤالا فيجيبهم لا أدري، فيرتحلوا شهورا لعالم غيره.
فكيف بمن يستثقل الانتظار يومين، ويرمي ثقله على أهل العلم، فيشغل عشرة علماء بمسألة واضح جوابها في الكتب، وقد يعرفها صغار طلبة العلم - أقول كيف بمثل هذا أن يبارك الله في وقت وجهده بعد أن ضيع أوقات وجهود العلماء؟
الكلام ليس موجها لك اختي وليس اسمك معلنا فليس القصد عليك وانما هي ظاهرة منتشرة. فالواجب علينا الا نزيد الثقل على اهل العلم. بارك الله بكم

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