
Majed Jarrar

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ASA, If a couple are engaged and one of them insists on having music played during the wedding, how would you advise to deal with it? And if the person keeps insisting, would you break it off?

If it gets to the point that one must choose either the music or the partner in the wedding, then clearly it isn't a matter of faith, it's a matter of priorities in life (and maturity.)
The fundamental cornerstone of happy marriages is the capacity of each partner to yield for the other partner. If each partner's goal to achieve the other's partner's happiness, then they both will have a successful marriage. If each partner is only thinking about their own needs/wants/desires, then it's inevitable for the marriage to fail, regardless of the level of righteousness any/both of the partners are.

Assalamu alaykum brother. Some scholars say it is allowed to eat chicken from non-halal stores, some say no. Some say it is even allowed to eat beef from non-halal stores. The matter seems to be confusing. What is your opinion on this?

Adnan Faisal
My opinion is not worthy of sharing. Follow the scholar you trust.

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As salam alkyum, many people are talking about a brother jae Deen, he creates music with good vibes and Islamic things. It brings. A positive vibe, is it OK if I listen too him. As many people are saying he is using innovation to spread Islam throguh his music, what should I do here?

May Allah bless him in what he does. He's trying to help those addicted to mainstream music to listen to his music which uses the same tunes but with lyrics that promote goodness and keep them out of obscenity. Thanks to him and others, soon no Muslim will have the excuse to listen to an obscene song and claim that it's only because the tune is catchy.
People hating on JaeDean don't realise the importance of graduality in Dawah, especially in matters where addiction is present. No scholar or doctor would ever claim that a little bit of drugs is good to the average clean person. However, for most drug addicts, quitting cold turkey could kill them. Giving them lower dosages is their best way to recovery.
There's abundant research out there proving that music has the same addictive nature of drugs and pornography. An argument on helping music addicts quit music with this strategy is possible if there are enough confirmed cases of people recovering from mainstream music to a lesser harmful degree of addiction like that of DeanSquad.
Having said the above, it should be clear that all musical instruments, except Daf, are unanimously forbidden in Islam. Over a dozen scholars have reported the consensus of the scholars before them on this prohibition over several centuries. Those who came afterwards and made exceptions, their opinion is purely academic and cannot be followed even through taqleed, because once a consensus is established, it cannot be undone.
What every Muslim should aim for is loving the Quran. Every love you have for music is less love you have for the Quran. One of the 4 greatest companions w.r.t. their knowledge of the Quran: Abdullah bin Masoud - may Allah be pleased with him - said: "By Allah, the love of Quran and singing cannot coexist in a heart of a believer." Listen to the Quran, learn its meanings, understand what God is saying and react to it. Engage with the Quran, and you'll find sweetness in your heart that no musician could ever dream of.

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Salam. A while ago and after so much effort I managed to distance myself from some wrongdoings (girls, drugs, etc.), however quite often some of the seductive words used by those girls/friends and their associated pleasures cross my mind, pushing me to go back to the wrong path. What can I do?

Cut off your connection with all those friends dragging you down. If you're not strong enough to stand up against their temptations, block them on social media and block their numbers, at least temporarily until you solidify your grounds in faith. Use good companionship as your defence and the Quran as your shield - literally. Carry the Quran in your hands all the time and read it every possible chance. That'll require you to keep your wudu, and will push away seduction and seducers. Go pray two light rakaas and plead to Allah to protect you from ever falling again. Tell Him that only His pleasure is what matters to you. Take care of your 5 prayers, your sunnahs, your nawaafil and recall that Allah said: "Verily, prayer forbids obscenity and vice."

As I'm trying to be more religious, I feel that I became more critical of the ignorance of others.I cant help getting angry &unintentionally prideful after they mock my advice or actions. I get angry most at the people I care about them. How do I stop this,since i too have MANY shortcomings?

The messenger of Allah said "No one with even an atom weight of pride in their heart shall enter paradise"
The said: O Messenger of Allah! a person would want to wear fine clothes and fine shoes"
He said "God is beautiful and He loves beauty. Pride is to reject the truth and look down upon people."
Clearly this is a serious matter in Islam, and our goal to be like Umar b. al-Khattab said: "If a call was made on the day of judgement that all humankind will be forgiven but one, I would believe it would be me..."
Remember that you are reminding people for the sake of God, not to show off your knowledge. Study the biographies of the prophets and righteous scholars and learn from their patience and tolerance.

السلام عليكم اخي الكريم هل المرأة مطالبة يإستئذان زوجها او ولي امرها بأي شكل للتصرف بمالها؟ جزاك الله عنا كل خير

ليست مطالبة.
والحياة الزوجية ليست مفاوضات عشائرية حتى تقوم على المطالبات. وإنما قائمة على البذل من كلا الطرفين أحدهما للآخر.
Liked by: Shrooq

ماشاء الله، طبيب؟

لأ، دكتوراه في تطوير الهندسة من خلال دمج قواعد ريادة الأعمال في مناهج تعليم التصميم الهندسي.
حاجة شبه الفخفخينا يعني.

انت ليه عايش في كندا بلاد الكفر و سايب بلاد المسلمين

اهلا ومرحبا بالفضوليين 😀
سؤالك له اجابات متعددة:
ممكن: اكون رايح اجيب حاجة وراجع.
وممكن: اكون عندي سبب مش عاوز اقولك عليه
وممكن: اكون بستنى في حضرتك تجي تجيب شويتين عدل من اللي غامرين بلاد المسلمين علشان تحررني من الظلم اللي انا فيه مثلا.
وممكن: ان ربنا بعتني لأقاصي الأرض علشان يجي حد فضولي يسأل سؤال زي ده علشان انصحه ميسألش إلا الأسئلة ذات النفع.
ثم، وانت مالك ومالي يا اخي؟
قال الصادق المصطفى عليه السلام: من حسن إسلام المرء تركه ما لا يعنيه.
وقول العرب: من سأل عما لا يعنيه، لقي ما لا يرضيه. وقول عمر بن عبد العزيز: من عد كلامه من عمله قل كلامه إلا فيما يعنيه.
وقول سهل التستري: من تكلم في ما لا يعنيه حرم الصدق، ومن اشتغل بالفضول حرم الورع، ومن ظن السوء حرم اليقين، ومن حرم هذه الثلاثة هلك.
فانشغل بنفسك يا أخي ودع عنك أمر الناس، وإذا جاءتك نصيحتي فخذ بأحسنها وألقِ ما لا يروق لك.

asSalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah I pray this question reaches you well. Is using credit cards haram? Say you plan on paying the money back on the card in a week but need to buy something for one's health

The credit card contract itself is haram. It generally involves agreeing on paying 19.99% interest if you didn't pay back within 21 days. That's a forbidden condition because it's explicit riba (usury).
However, sometimes obtaining a credit card becomes a life necessity. For example, renting a car is practically impossible without a credit card. Some apartment buildings require first rent to be paid by credit card. Some companies require a healthy credit score to hire people, etc.
If a person must get a credit card for necessity, then they can do so, given that they must pay off their entire balance within 21 days of any purchase.
Finally, a general advice for good home economics, whether or not you get a credit card: "If you can't afford it (immediately), or if you don't need it (immediately), then don't buy it". If you can implement this rule on your purchases all the time, you will always be wealthy and happy.

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If vanilla extract is haram,as an ingredient, then it is not permissible to eat all products witch contain it? Vanilla ice-cream, cakes with vanilla flavouring, biscuits, etc.? I don't understand what to eat and not

Vanilla extract comes from vanilla beans - the world's second most expensive plant after saffron. The pods are dried to intensify the flavour, then a complicated process of extraction happens to get the extract. For industrial purposes, the pods are soaked in heavy alcohols, such as rum, to expedite the extraction. However, there are ways to extract the flavour without use of any alcohol, as several former-alcoholic chefs pointed out, you can look that up.
Because vanilla extract is expensive, most commercial bakeries use synthetic vanillin; an artificial flavour made up chemically in an easy process that involves no alcohol.
Artificial vanilla flavour is unanimously permissible. The majority of scholars have indicated that pure vanilla extract is also permissible to use, because it is not an intoxicant. Some of those scholars who permitted it specify that it is only permissible in baked products to ensure that any alcohol traces have evaporated.
I haven't researched the matter in depth. However, my first impression is that according to Hanbali mathhab, pure vanilla extract is forbidden to use, because it had soaked in khamr, and khamr is filthy. And God knows best.

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i asked few people to be bro's friend.they said they will see if they can help two weeks from the time i asked when they have more free time.i sent some msgs asking if they were free after the two weeks, they never replied.tonight was the climax for my bro.should i still ask them for help?

Yes, and that's not the climax. If his relationship with his family isn't repaired, then this will be only the beginning.

ASA brother. Is purchasing a home via a mortgage (any type, 'Islamic' or non) permissable? The purpose of the home is to be lived in, not for investment jzkAllahukhairan

Kashif Raza
Not every type is permissible.

will any better Muslims be friends with my bro to bring him to Islam?

No one will love your brother and be genuinely concerned about him than you. Be his friend. when he sees the light of iman coming from your heart, he will want to taste some of it.

should bro be kicked out of the house?

Do you want to make the Shaytan happy? He's your brother. You should love him, not be his boss.

should i call cops to find bro?

It's not a crime for an adult to go missing in Canada. From what you're saying, it sounds like he's already inclined to do this. If you can't convince the police it's unexpected behaviour, then no point in reporting.

bro was with his friend only for 1 hr that day. rest of the day and night, bro is somewhere else.he left his friend's house and lied that he was coming home. don't know where. it's 3am. no calls or repliies to msgs

If he's lying to you, it means he doesn't trust you. Find out what caused this and fix it first, let him regain trust in his family; that you'll be there for him no matter what. When trust is restored, only then you can get to know what he's up to.

bro goes missing like this more than two times a week. his appearance and appetite changed. am i really supposed to sleep? what do u mean he's 19?

Means you deal with issues like this through mature conversations with an adult in the day time, not as a panicking parent over a 9 year old boy. Islamically, he's responsible for his own actions since the day turned 15. If there's a behavioural problem, talk it through or seek assistance. Make duaa for him.

it's 3am on a Saturday and my sibling (19yearsold) isn't home yet. he usually works on Saturdays, and left the house at 11am yesterday. at 7pm, i called his friend, since bro doesn't pick up family's calls, and friend said he was with him and was coming home.>2 times now. what to do?

He's 19. Go to sleep. Or pray, if you're worried.
Liked by: Ahmed Maher Hegazy

Follow up to the question about Syria. I may have worded it the wrong way. I know it's a must to help out with everything possible. How can one help? Some feel like our hands are tied. What should we do?

Your hands aren't tied. If you live in Canada then you're among the 1% most powerful Muslims in the world. You're one of the Muslims living safest, healthiest and most free life, with wealth 50 times more than the global average. Donate through any channel to Syria. Call your MP. Donate. Make duaa. Talk to other Muslims. Donate. Fight against companies profiteering from wars. Make duaa. Donate. Learn Islam. Donate. Start a media platform on the internet. Make duaa.
Liked by: Kashif Raza

As salam alkyum, once I was doing dhkir wih my tasbee in my right hand, I had switched toicmy left hand and someone said I should not use tasbee in my left hand as it is bad. Is this true should I only use the right hand with the tasbee?

It is sunnah to use right hand for tasbeeh.
Liked by: لؤلؤه


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