
Majed Jarrar

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This may be a little sensitive but are we going to be asked on the Day of Judgement how come we stood still while our brothers and sisters are being massacred around the globe? Is making duaa for them sufficient for Allah to forgive our shortcomings?

The question is immoral in itself. It is the type of questions like "is this chapter going to come in the final exam?"
Assume the answer is no, would you be relieved that you don't have to do anything to your brethren who are being massacred? if so then you have bigger problems; with respect to your identity, faith and humanness.
The Messenger of Allah said: The example of the believers in their shared empathy and compassion is like the body; if one member is hurt, the whole body responds with fever and insomnia.
The question isn't whether or not we have to help, rather it is how can we help. The answer is: as much as possible. Their blood is as precious as your own family.

When I buy a car on credit not from the bank as a financier but directly from the seller I now it's halal The question is If I didn't pay one of my premium in time the seller will increase the premium with the interest so it will be some kind of Reba is that right? And I need this by the way 😊

Thanks for the last note, I thought you were sleep talking. 😀
In the event of a missed payment, there are four different types of possible increases:
1. Seller charges you for reasonably foreseeable damages because of missing the payment.
2. Seller charges you for the cost of the implications of the missed payment, such as consulting with a lawyer for a few minutes or mailing you a warning (most typical type).
3. Seller charges you to make up for the potential loss of you and other buyers who might run away in the future.
4. Seller charges you as punishment, or an opportunity to increase their profits.
The first two are unanimously allowed, and the latter two are unanimously forbidden.
Liked by: Nasser Shoshan

As Salam alkyum, what is the view on praying sunnah entrirng the mosque before maghrib azan, some mosques pray after th E azan. Some prayer before the magrhib prayer, do we pray tahya masjid before magrhib or no?

ll sunnah prayers are forbidden in the five prohibited times of the day. The five times being Fajr to just before sunrise, sunrise (heavy prohibition), noon (heavy prohibition), after Asr to just before sunset, sunset (heavy prohibition). Praying a sunnah in them does not count the prayer in our mathhab. There are three exceptions: tawaf prayers (permissible any time), janaza (permissible in the two non-heavy prohibitions), and to repeat a congregational prayer.

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Is music (instruments of all kinds) permissible in weddings at all?

All musical instruments except the Daf (a frame drum with no jingles) are forbidden in Islam. Numerous scholars have reported a consensus on that, including: al-Imam al-Qurtubi, al-Qadi Abu at-Tayyib at-Tabari, Imam Ibn as-Salaah, Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, and others.
Using the Daf by women in weddings is encouraged in our mathhab (permissible in the others). There is an opinion in our mathhab that using the Daf in any happy occasion is encouraged - whether by women or men, weddings or else.
It is also permissible for women to sing in weddings, given that men don't hear it (to avoid fitnah), and the lyrics of what they sing promote virtue and do not promote vice. Also, it is permissible for men to sing nasheeds, and to be hired and paid, if need be.

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As salam alkyum, what is the view on salat- at tasbee? Is it a weak narration.

It's permissible to do, but not a sunnah, according to our mathhab.

As salam alykum, is showing enough for ghusul, if I wipe my nose head face etc.. In the shower, or do I have too perform the specific way.

The conditions of Ghusl: 1) purifying water 2) permissible (e.g. not stolen) water 3) removing water-resistant materials from skin 4) cleaning private parts 5) have the intention
The pillar of ghusl: Washing the whole body with water.
The obligation: to start with Bismillah.
The Sunnah: many.
Skipping the obligation intentionally, or leaving any part of the conditions of the pillar (intentionally or not) nullifies the ghusl.

Jazak"Allah Khair, is there anywhere I can learn the basics of Aqeedah that you would recommend?

Check local mosques in your city. Lemme know if you still can't find anything.

El salam alykom, i'm the who asked about the wine bottle gift. I did as you said, can you explain the reason behind pouring it and not giving to non muslims?

Because the prophet was asked the same question and he said pour it off.
Also, because anything that is always forbidden to use, without exception = is forbidden to store, sell and gift. Ex: alcohol, pork, gold and silver cutlery and utensils. That doesn't apply if it was forbidden conditionally. Ex: silk dresses and jewellery are forbidden for men not women, so it's permissible to store, gift and sell them.

When I am wearing shoes on top of socks, can I wipe over my shoes to make wudu (Considering I wore them while I had wudu)? My confusion is - since I am wearing things on two layers (sock and shoe), can I still do masah without taking off the outer layer?

Yes, in our matthab, given that the shoes cover your ankle bone, and provided that you had washed both feet before you put any shoes or socks on (not washed one foot then put on shoes then washed the other)

Is asking for 10k mahr reasonable?

All wives of the prophet had a dowry (mahr) of no more than 500 dirham. The scholars said it is discouraged for believer men and women to raise the mahr above that of the wives of the prophet.
500 dirham is approximately 1.5 Kg of silver. Today's silver price is 72 cents per gram, so the maximum recommended mahr should not exceed 1080 Canadian Dollars.
I ask Allah to grant humbleness and chastity to all those who seek marriage.
Liked by: Saadia Ali Khan oj

Asalamualaikum..I make wudhu and put on my cotton socks. I need to repeat wudhu later in the day and perform my wudhu as normal but wipe over my cotton socks. I repeat this twice. For no specific reason but just for convenince? e.g. work. is this permissable, if so even on a regular basis? thank you

Yes. You can wipe as many times in a 24 hour period (for resident. As for traveller it's 72 hours)
All mathhabs forbid wiping over socks except for Hanbali matthab. Hanbalis require that the socks don't have any holes, cover the foot and the ankle bone, that the foot cannot be seen through, and that one can work normally wearing them without them falling off on their own.

Assalamu 3alaykum Is financing a car forbidden? I keep hearing that there is a way to include the interest (in dollar value) in the price the day of the purchase and finance it over a period of time so technically you're not paying interest. Is this permissible?

Technically, we don't play games with God.
All financing is halal by default, unless there was a third party (bank or lender) who gives the money in cash to the seller, then receives the money in installments with an increase. In that case, that's not financing, that's a bank loan with interest. It is the most explicit form of Riba, and it is a major sin in Islam.
Financing, which is halal by default, is when the seller agrees to sell in payments instead of one sum, with usually an increase in the total price. The seller is risking not receiving the full amount, and therefore they are justified to have an increase in profit.
The bank/loaner doesn't take any risks in the original transaction. In fact they don't care if the car was destroyed the second day; they will want their money back with profit.

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Liked by: Ahmed Maher Hegazy

I'm not one to file complains or leave bad reviews online, but I was treated EXTREMELY badly twice by a professional. I want to file a complaint either to the company or write a review/rate this specific person online. I haven't done it yet because I don't know if this would be considered as slander

If it's your personal right or satisfaction, then just pardon and let go. The highest rank on the day of Judgement is for those who pardon people.
However, if it's a disrespect to the religion, or a violation of laws, then never forfeit justice! teach them a heafty lesson! let them sweat of the thought of doing something like that again.
The messenger of Allah never got sought revenge for himself ever. However if the God's Religion was targeted his face would turn red in anger.

Asalamu alaikum, I happened upon your profile and don't know much about you. But I gather that you live in the west and have also lived in Muslim countries. I'm curious to hear some of your general thoughts regarding raising children in the west. My family wants to emigrate but the idea terrifies me

محمود كمال العدل
The idea of having children in this age should terrify you, even if you lived inside the Haram of Mecca. The more you will learn about the dangers facing children in the world today (whether in Muslim majority countries or elsewhere), the more terrified you will be. That's how your parents felt too, and every generation before them. Anas bin Malik said to his students: You do things which you think are normal, we used to think they were major sins in the time of the prophet.
I can't answer the question with this limited space, but you can start by reading Muhammad Reda Bashir's books on raising Muslim children in the west. They have beneficial knowledge.

There is a sister who has qualities I am looking for in a wife(kind hearted, genuine, good manners, beautiful and on the deen) I know she cares for me ( we are distant family friends) but I don't know why I am hesitant to proposing +keep convincing myself it won't workout. Is this a normal feeling?

Yes, it's called hesitation. Learn a bit about preparing for marriage before you proceed.
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

Is it wrong to not want to be best friends with someone anymore due to them not following the deen correctly/ diffeent priorities (wearing fake nails not caring that it invalidates prayer, gossiping, ect) even after constant advice? Or is this a pride/ judgy problem from my end?

Your best friends should be those who help you attain the mercy of Allah, not His anger. The Messenger of God said: "A person will be gathered (to the same destiny, on the day of judgement) with their best friend. So let each of you select carefully whom they best-befriend."
On the other hand, you should remain as her friend, pulling her kindly and wisely into goodness, introduce her to other good friends (after their consent) to surround her with good companionship. Draw clear lines where you can't join her in places that displease Allah, nor can you approve of her actions which disobey Allah's commands.
Do you know the Prophet's allegory of the musk seller and the blacksmith? read it here.
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

Asalaamu alaykum, I know that online isn't the most proficient way of seeking Ilm but I was wondering do you know any basic fiqh audio/classes or the basics of any other Islamic sciences which one could benefit off in the mean time whilst they don't have a teacher , Jazak'Allah Khair

These three videos include all of Islamic fiqh of worship at basic level.
Day 1:
Introduction to Fiqh. Purification
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOwcTy1fX5MMajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 XOwcTy1fX5MMajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 XOwcTy1fX5M
Day 2:
Purification (cont'd), Prayer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MEl4N25ax8MajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 8MEl4N25ax8MajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 8MEl4N25ax8
Day 3:
Prayer (cont'd), Alms, Fasting, Pilgrimage and Jihad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5KpqyihjyoMajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 o5KpqyihjyoMajedJarrar’s Video 135967207746 o5Kpqyihjyo
This is the study manual for the course:
Also, learn Arabic as much as you can. I recommend this: www.bayyinah.com

As salam alkyum, I have a question regarding praying and reading of the surahs. Is is a sin or wrong if I read the surahs going backwards, eg. In first rakah I read surah duha, then in the second I read surah rahman, therefore I went backwards in the quarn, is this allowed or should it be forward.

It is discouraged, according to our scholars as well as to the majority of shafi'i and hanafi scholars.

Often before I personally need to ask, I hear differing fatwas. one example is: someone saying a shaykh said wedding rings are haram, his friend replies that another shaykh said they aren't. Now when it comes time for me to have this issue, I already know there are 2 fatwas. Both muftis seem pious!

محمود كمال العدل
Follow the mufti's opinion whom you trust more, and stay away from debates.

"It's better to learn about parenting after marriage as a couple, because what new parents need to learn depends on who the parents are, their skills, culture, and how their parents raised them." Could you please elaborate on this? I'm not sure I fully understand it.

Clearly, you would want to learn something about these before you get married to the person. However, you will never learn them in details - with first hand experience - until after you're married. That's when you develop your parental strategy as a couple.

As a layperson who doesn't follow a fiqh madhab,or follow one particular scholar, I feel lost when it comes to deciding on matters of fiqh where there is a strong difference of opinion. Should I always choose the safe side, pick according to the muftis credibility, or look at the evidence or what?

محمود كمال العدل
1. When asking for fatwa regarding a specific matter = apply the 'going to the doctor' analogy. Choose a mufti/doctor whom you trust their knowledge and integrity. Ask them. Whatever their answer is, you are personally obliged to follow it. If you strongly believe they misunderstood your question, then go ask someone else. It is not permissible to shop around for different fatwas/prescriptions from different people then choose the one you like.
2. When learning Islam = follow the 'going to school' analogy. Choose the school that is reasonably close to your home and aligns with your goals. Then, learn the basic subjects first before you move to the more advanced ones - even if the more advanced may appear very interesting. You can change schools whenever you want but it will delay your learning because sometimes you will have to go a step back to catch basic things in the other school you might have missed.
Important final note. Being a layperson doesn't mean you can remain ignorant about Islam. Every Muslim should finish at least a 'primary education' level of Islam, beyond which they are free to pursuit it or not. The less learnt the laypeople are about Islam, the more exhausted our muftis become answering rudimentary questions about purification, prayer and pilgrimage. The more learnt the lay Muslims are, the more time muftis can have to deal with advanced and complex questions.

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