
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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A person is modest in their dress and speech. Very calm and respectful. 100% convinced that Hijab is compulsory and understands she needs to wear it at some point. How would you advise her to start wearing it? And do you keep on advising her?

Help her do other good deeds, take her with you to a sisters heart softening halaqa. When appropriate ask her what's making her hesitate, don't be judgemental, she could be afraid or stressed about family's or society's reaction. Building her Iman through other ways should help her.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

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Why are there so many Islamic groups out there? Do I have to join one?

Groups exists naturally because humans are, in fact, pack creatures (sounds better than saying pack animals, right?).
The truth is, most people don't have leadership skills and they need leaders to survive. It's an obligation for every Muslim to seek someone they trust and consult when they need advice. However, depending on your ability to make decisions alone, it's good (to vital) for you to find a group of good people with which you can associate, stay on track of good things, and achieve good goals that are hard to do otherwise.
However, (Disclaimer: this isn't about previous question on qabeelat ansar/ maghreb, or kawthar, or mac, or a cult formed by your pious sheikh, or any specific group - this is a very broad generic statement), being part of a group may not always be better. Many people slip into a blind space of trust where they almost stop using their principles and judgement, and turn to complete blind followers of the group, and become alienated or even desensitized from people outside that group.
Think of regular cases like nationalism; majority of people on earth agree to put their faith in a government to do what they think is their best interest. The majority of governments on earth are inadequate and/or corrupt, yet it is very hard to convince the majority of people with that. Think of extreme cases like KKK and ISIS. They have built their existence on the importance of unity and loyalty to a group. People who join them wholeheartedly believe that they are there for a good cause, that they are alone are the saved people on earth, that everyone else is a lost cause.
While you should seek a group to help you become a better person and achieve better goals; you should never become a passive or blind follower in a group, even when you are just a follower; you shouldn't have to sacrifice your own values and principles for the unknown goals of your group. Think about this: even the companions disagreed at times with the prophet, with the utmost love and respect to him, when they didn't think his idea was the best. Sometimes, instead of telling them listen trust me I know better, God told me so, he would agree to follow their idea, and their idea would prove to be worse, and he would never blamed them for it. All of this is to teach us that even if you are following a righteous person you trust completely, you should always evaluate, be critical, in a healthy and construction way.
To conclude, God Almighty teaches us this balance in one incredible short surah. He says: "Indeed, the human is at loss, except for those who [as a group] believe, do righteous deeds, remind one another with truth and remind one another of patience." [103: 2-3]
The first two exceptions can only happen by doing goodness with a group of other good people, and the second two can only happen by keeping your moral judgement alive and critical mindset open to remind even the closest and most righteous people you know.

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What is the Qabeelat Ansar? Why is called Ansar? What is that?

Why are you interested to know? why are you asking me? Why do you ask three questions in one?
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Is adoption permissable in Islam?

Kashif Raza
Adoption, defined as: guardianship and care-taking of minors who have no (capable) guardian = is a great and noble act in Islam.
The Messenger of Allah said: "The guardian of an orphan and I will be like this in paradise (and he pointed with his index and middle fingers as being close to each other)."
However, Allah forbade us from taking adopted children and giving them our last names and treating them exactly as own our children, because that's deception. Islam stresses on the point that the adopted child is not kinship, they are like a friend in need to the family. In other words, The adopted child, in Islam, can still grow up and marry from the family of the adopting parents, because there's no kinship between them. The adopted child doesn't have a default right to inheritance like a real child does, etc.
This may raise some awkward issues of opposite-sex interaction with the adopting family members, after growing up. One of the easy and convenient solutions, scholars recommend that Muslim families who want to adopt a child who's less than two-years old, make sure that the adopting mother nurse the child such that they become her child-in-nursery. Since kinship-through-nursery is identical to kinship-through-blood in Islam, the child can grow up in the same household and be considered a sibling to the kids.

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Are you sure that you're humble ? Regarding FB qs 😅

I am more humble than trump, probably. Isn't that enough? 😂

Do you have limitations when it comes to accept friends on FB ?

I have very few people on my friends list that I never met. I rarely start a friendship online. However, if there's a good reason to be friends then why not? Send in your resume with three references and a void check. 😁

هل ستكون سعيدًا بدون نقود؟

إعلم - عافاك الله - أن الناس شتى، منهم من يكفر إذا فقر، ومنهم من يطغى إذا استغنى. وليست العافية في كثرة المال والعرَض، وإنما العافية أن لا يبتليك الله فتجيبه بالسخط. أما عن الشكر عند النعمة فهو - في التحقيق - صنو الصبر عند النقمة، وقد صح عن نبينا الصابر الشاكر الذاكر، أنه قال: الطاعم الشاكر بمنزلة الصائم الصابر. صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم، ما تذكره ذاكر ولا فتر عن ذكره فاتر.
نسأل الله لنا ولكم وللمسلمين العفو والعافية.

انا حاليا 20 سنه وباقي سنه واتخرج .. ممكن حضرتك تدلني على طريق للإختبارات المذكوره؟ اسف على الإطاله

لو جامعتك فيها مكتب توظيف او نصائح للتوظيف إسألهم، ده افضل حل، لو مفيش شوف مركز من مراكز التوظيف بيعمل هذه الاختبارات، غالبا غالية الثمن، شوف حد يدعمك تاخذهم، ممكن تقنع دكتور او عميد القسم او مكتب في الجامعة، او منظمة غير حكومية الخ يدفعولك الاجور.
أنصح بشدة عدم محاولة أخذ الامتحان لوحدك على النت، مع انه ارخص وستجد طرق مجانية، لكن الامتحانات هذه مثل اختبارات الذكاء تشترط انك لم تقرأها ابدا من قبل. وتحتاج شرحا مطولا من خبير في كيفية اجابة الامتحان.

يعني حضرتك تنصحني بايه؟ واركز على ايه

بيعتمد على عمرك، ومكانك، وأهدافك - وكذلك شخصيتك. للمسألتين الأوليتين، إسأل صديق مقرب لك يكون خبير في المجال.
أنصحك تبدأ تتعرف على نمط شخصيتك (مثلا اختبار MBTI) واختبار لأهدافك (مثلا SII)، حتى يكون عندك من النتيجة مؤشر أن الناس اللي مثل شخصيتك واهدافك اتجهوا الى اي الوظائف في مجالك؟ بعد أن تكتشف المسار الوظيفي الذي يناسبك ويرضيك وتكون اعلى وظيفة فيه هي اقصى طموح لك بعد عشرة أعوام من الآن، ابحث عن الطريق للإرتقاء في ذلك المسار.
قبل عشرة سنوات انا درست ccna، وبينما كنت انتظر الامتحان عملت عدة اختبارات للشخصية والاهداف والطموحات مع مشرفين مختصين، واكتشفت اني لن اسعد ابدا بالعمل في هذا المسار الوظيفي أصلا مهما ترقيت فيه، فأخذت مسارا آخرا بفضل الله أسعدني جدا واستطعت ان اقدم فيه اكثر بمراحل.

May Allah bless you family, I have a curious question hope I don't get yelled at for asking it 🙈🙈 if you had another son and daughter what would you name them?

Children come with their names, we don't name them. We had settled on different names for Elias and Selma, when each of them were born we were like, no their name must be Elias, and Selma 😃.

What should you do if you find out your parent is having an affair with another married person of another family who also is a parent?

This must be shocking, may Allah protect our families.
Unfortunately this has become such a common issue in north America. I know several friends who underwent the same calamity. Being able to overcome it together as family is extremely difficult and in most cases I know the repair-attempt process would end the marriage.
(Un)Fortunately, there's a quite useful Wiki page on how to deal with the issue.
I recommend you follow all the steps.

No one's replying to request in helping my brother. Parents are also overreacting and don't know how to handle situation, leaving me to do everything.What to do? He's getting worse and parents only bother him more

Have you tried speaking to your local Imam?

How are you ? Do you feel better ?

alhamdolillah I was discharged this morning. jazakom Allah kher

مجال شبكات سيسكو؟ على العموم انا درست ccna وهمتحن قريب ومتحير ادرس بعدها ايه .. ومش عارف سوق العمل طالب ايه؟ ومش عارف ادرس ميكروسوفت ولا لا؟ اعذرني على الاطاله

بيعتمد على عمرك، ومكانك، واهدافك.
في اصدقاء عندهم اربع او خمس شهادات سيسكو وعمالين يشتغلوا في حوار تنزيل ويندوز وبرامج 😞
مبدأيا كلما صعدت إلى الأعلى في شرائح الشبكات كلما كانت فرص العمل اكثر عددا، واقل اهمية

شيخنا هل لك مقاطع بالانجليزية على يوتيوب فضلا الرابط


حضرتك ممكن اسالك عن مجال الشبكات؟

لو امن الشبكات عليك ب @mustafaelmasry
لو في بناء وتصميم الشبكات - على مستوى البنية التحتية خصوصا، اسألني

Where did get ur 1st academic degree ?

If you're asking about kindergarten: half of it in Jordan the other half in Iraq. 😃
If you're asking about post highschool, then Canada.

انا مهجر من منزلي واسكن بغرفتين فقط والحال والمستقبل لا يعلمه الا الله ، لدي طفلين الاول سنتين وشهرين والاخر سنة وشهرين ، وزوجتي تعاني امراض من ولادة الثاني ، اكتشفنا ان هناك حمل ، لم يتجاوز الشهر ونصف واسقطناه هل علينا شيء ؟

لا كفارة عليك. لكني اخشى على قلبك من الفتنة في الدين. لا يجوز اسقاط الحمل إلا إذا خيف على حياة الأم. أما الخوف من الفقر وهموم التربية فليست مبررا شرعيا، وإنما نابع من ضعف اليقين والتوكل على الله، والاستسلام لكيد الشيطان. قال تعالى: الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء، والله يعدكم مغفرة منه وفضلا.
فإن فعلتم فعلتكم بسبب كونكم في فقر فقد قال الله: ولا تقتلوا أولادكم من إملاق نحن نرزقكم وإياهم. وإن كنتم تخشون زيادة الفقر فقد قال الله: ولا تقتلوا أولادكم خشية إملاق نحن نرزقهم وإياكم.
إنك لا تعلم الغيب يا أخي، لعل الله يكشف عنك الهم والغم ويفتح عليك ابواب العافية والرزق بمولود جديد، فلا تكن سببا في قطع رحمة الله وعافيته ورزقه عن نفسك واهلك.
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله.


Language: English