
Majed Jarrar

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هل هناك احتمالية في تعمد تغيير يوم العيد حتى لا يوافق 11 سبتمبر فيضر باﻷمريكان ؟

ما تخيلتش الغباء في حياتي يصل لهاي الدرجة.
Liked by: Rokaya El shahed

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Salam, if a wife takes money of her husband from his wallet without his permission then is it considered as a theft?

Does he give her enough money for her needs? if no then he's sinful not her.
The great Hanbali Imam Mansour al-Buhooti, one of the major later editors of the mathahab - when explaining the rule in early Hanbali texts 'Everything a wife can't do without, is obligatory upon the husband' he commented, "it is obligatory upon the husband to prepare coffee for the wife who can't do without it."

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته l'm from morocco can you help me i want to improve my english وجزاك الله خيرا

وعليكم السلام، ابحث في اجوبتي السابقة عن كلمة لغة. رابط الارشيف في البايو.

Jazakallah khair Ustadh I was referring to if I do that act I mention but whilst talking to my wife, how about then?

You have the fatwa of sheikh ibn uthaimeen, what more do you want from me? :O

https://islamqa.info/ar/126208 Well,not ownership,but why do they have authority over her,and not the son?

No one disputes that parents must have authority over their children. All nations have laws for parental and/or guardianship authority, otherwise societies wouldn't function.
In Islam, both boys and girls are under guardianship of their parents, or someone else, with details on which parent/guardian has more right towards whom for which age and to what extend.
Generally speaking, parents have full guardianship rights by default on children since birth until the age of 7 (e.g. boys or girls can't do any business transactions without parent/guardian's approval, parents/guardians may be deemed liable for any public damages kids may do, or torts, etc).
After seven until puberty, it is a partial guardianship (e.g. financial independence or more freedoms are given as parents/guardians deem fit, boys and girls get to choose which parent to reside with if parents have shared custody and equally fit to take care of them, etc), and the kids become partially liable legally (e.g. can be sentenced for negligence, or disciplined - but not punished - for some crimes)
After puberty, boys and girls are legally independent.
Women remain dependent on a male guardian with two issues for her entire life: the companionship of a male guardian in travel, and his consent for marriage. The order of precedence in guardianship is the son, the father, the brother, then the closest paternal male relative.
I had to make that rather long introduction to point out that it's not guardianship of girls over marriage and travel is not an issue of parental authority, but rather the best male guardian available. the mother never has a sole authority over the daughter with regards to marriage and travels. The father can be skipped (by an order of a judge) as guardian - whilst alive, for a number of reasons including, if they are not acting in the best interest of the woman.
The Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - said: "it is not permissible, for any woman, who believes in God and the Hereafter, to travel a night without a male guardian"
He also said: "Any woman, who marries without the consent of her male guardian, then her marriage is invalid; her marriage is invalid; her marriage is invalid."
The believing men and women would rush to obey the command of God and His Messenger without finding something in their chests against it. God said: "But no, by thy Lord, they will not believe until they make you, [O Prophet], judge over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission." [4:65]
The wisdom behind male guardianship for women in travel, and that behind the requirement of consent of male guardianship in marriage in Islam are each a vast topic that you could read more about on your own, or ask and I'd be happy to answer as much as I can or refer you to some resources.
Ask.fm is telling me I'm out of space here, so I hope this answers your question.

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السلام عليكم لو عندي كتاب علي عليه حقوق نشرو طبع و تصوير و ووو يجوز اني اصوره لاستعمالي الشخصي؟ عشان مقلبش في الصفحات كل دقيقتين

إي طبعا يجوز
وكذا أنك تصور منه فقرة أو صفحة أو صفحات وتنشر
العرف في قوانين حقوق الطبع دوليا أن ما تصوير ما قل عن فصل من الكتاب جائز ولا يحتاج استئذانا لا من المؤلف ولا الناشر.

صديقتي تتحدث دائما الي شاب من عن طريق الفيس هو يعرفها شخصيا وهي كذالك ويسكنان بالقرب من بعض ولكن تعرفا اكثر من الفيس هي احبته جدا وهو مهتم جدا بها يسأل عنها بإستمرا ر الي انا تعلقت به انا نصحتها كثيرا وهي تعلم ان هذا فعل محرم دائما تقطع اتصالها به وترجع اكتر من الاول. ماذا تفعل ؟!

لما هي تسأل، نجاوبها.
أما حضرتك تسألي، حنجاوب ليه وهي مبتسمعش نصيحتك؟!
يا إما تصاحبيها بالمعروف لو خيرها اكثر من شرها، واستمري في نصحها برفق، يا إما تتركيها وتبعدي عنها لو شرها اكثر من خيرها.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

ماذا يفعل المُسلم في حالة مُعضلة الترولي "trolley problem" ؟

يصلي استخارة 😎

lol. Well apparently most scholars consider their authority over the daughter continues until she gets married,then she's expected to simply obey him in everything.Why is this so?

1. Name three scholars who said this. (i.e. You won't, because there aren't)
2. If authority means ownership to you, what about the son don't they own him too? what about the government does it own you?
Liked by: MSA

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله .. فى الجنة الانسان بيتمنى كل ال هوا عاوزه و بيحصل تمام ! طيب ايه الفرق فى النعيم بين جنة الفردوس و جنة عدن مثلا طالما ال الاتنين بيتمنوه بيحصل هل كدا درجات الجنة متساوية فى السعادة ! و ممكن الى فى ااقل درجة يتمنى ان هو يكون فى الفردوس ايه الفرق بين الاتنين " اكتر من سؤال"

همم الناس في الدنيا تختلف، في واحد منتهى همه في الدنيا انه ياكل لحمة كل يوم، وفي واحد همه انه يقرأ قرآن كل يوم.
كذلك في الجنة من همه محصور في الاكل، ومن همه ما هو أعلى من ذلك. وأقرأ إن احببت: منهجية إبداعية في استثمار الخلود.
قال تعالى: وللآخرة أكبر درجات وأكبر تفضيلا
Liked by: Emy Mohammed

Jazak ALlah for replying the question about listening to khutbah in other language than arabic. Your answer that its mubah to make salawat when he translates...can u give any reference from any fiqh book about this. It helps me alot and i dont have a local scholar near me :(

Yes. any fiqh book - literally - would do. Start with an easy book like al-fiqh al-muyassar, or bidayatul abid by al-imam al-Ba'li.

Why do the parents own the daughter in Islam?

Let me change one word in your question to make it a valid question.
Do the parents own the daughter in Islam? Why?
the answer is: No, because they don't.
Liked by: the wanderer

Isn't it that Hizb ut tahrir ist doing much more for the revival of the Ummah than the scholars?

Hizb attahrir is a retirement home for a bunch of seniors who spent their youth foolishly, and now wishing if they were young and powerful they would've gone to liberate Palestine and establish the caliphate.
They have been saying this for over 60 years. They're worse than alqaeda who at least tried but have done things wrong.

Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan حفظه الله: If the Aqeedah (Faith/Creed) is CORRECT, then the deeds of the Muslim will be correct. المنتقی 1/107

The quote is out of context.
A person with a pure belief is more vulnerable to fall in riyaa (show off), ujb (self admiration), ghuroor (arrogance), kibr (pride), let alone falling in desires, than a misguided person, because a person whose faith is healthy is a much more desired target by the devils than a misguided person.

*قال شيخ اﻹسلام ابن تيمية:* *المعاصي في الأيام المعظمة والأمكنة المعظمة تُغلظ معصيتها وعقابها بقدر فضيلة الزمان والمكان.* السؤال : هل ثبت تغليظ المعصية في الأيام المعظمة ؟!

انت بتحط الجواب ثم السؤال؟
نعم ثبت تغليظ المعصية في الاماكن والاوقات الفاضلة.

Asaalamualayk, this is a bit awkward but I don't have anyone to ask; what if I hump the bed and ejaculate? https://islamqa.info/en/4807

This fatwa is about a married couple pleasing each other over the phone.
Pleasing oneself sexually is unanimously prohibited. God said in describing one of the attributes of the believers who are promised paradise: "And they who are protective to their private parts, except towards their spouses and whom they possess, then they are not to blame, and whosoever seeks beyond that then these are the transgressors."
The exception would be for the unmarried youth who has no restraint, and would otherwise fall into Zina. Since fornication is a major sin and masturbation is a minor one, if one had no third choice then they may do the lesser evil, and may the Almighty forgive them. For those, my advice is to seek marriage seriously. The prophet said: "God has a duty upon Himself to fulfill the needs of three [...] and a person seeking marriage for the purpose of chastity."

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يستحب قضاء رمضان في عشر ذي الحجة، ويُرجى للصائم أجر القضاء وصيام العشر، قال عمر: (ما أيام أحب إلي أن أقضي فيها رمضان من هذه العشر) .. هو ده صحيح ؟ امال ايه مينفعش نصوم حاجه مع ال هتصومه بنيةالفرض ؟

لا كراهة في قضاء رمضان في العشر، وهو ثابت عن الصحابة، ومعتمد مذهبنا. والرواية الاخرى هي الكراهة ولها ادلتها، وفي كلا الروايتين: يصح القضاء.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

I wanted to watch old Bollywood movies with my family which we used to watch in childhood. They don't do much more than hugging each other but there are songs every 30 mins or so. Is it permissible to watch those movies?

every 30 minutes? my memory is that Bollywood movies broke into a song every 30 seconds lol.
The goal of entertainment is to refresh and be ready to do more work and/or worship, and no one can survive without entertainment. It depends on you and your family, what's considered inappropriate entertainment for some people is not inappropriate for others. Given that you avoid the obscenity and the prohibited.
Before zealous kid jumps at me regarding the prohibition of music that plays in movies/cartoons etc. Hearing is different than listening. if you can't skip it, and you're not intending to listen to it, and - I add this - it's not a regular thing you do, then there's definitely no harm.

Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee (حفظه الله) said: From amongst the people nowadays, they say: "I am Salafi," However the reality is you dont see them, except, they hate Ahl-ul-Hadith (the People of Hadith) and speak ill of them. Taken from Shaikh Rabee (حفظه الله)'s Explanation of Aqeedat-us-Salaf Ashaabi

Subhanallah, where did the hatred and attacks against ahlusunnah by students of knowledge come from, other than Sheikh Rabee and his likes? He used to warn his students in his private lessons from listening to Sheikh bin baz - his Sheikh - because "he's too easy on bid'a". I had heard that myself, it wasn't reported to me, and it's recorded.
Then when some of his own students started spreading hate against him and his likes, he comes and says this?!

هل ممكن اتواصل مع خطيبتى على الواتس او الفيس بحدود و بغرض التعارف وفهم الشخصيه ، لانى بزورها قليل بسبب ان والدها مش ليكون موجود فى البيت الا كل فترة بسبب شغله..

مش حتتعرف - ولو حاولت - إلا بعد الزواج والعشرة الطويلة. لا حاجة للكلام.
Liked by: محمد حمدي


Language: English