
Majed Jarrar

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I'm a prnograghy addict please give me an effective solution because l am completely weak I hope that Allah will Accept my want to repentance?😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

1. The root cause of all addiction is spiritual void. We are created with the instinct to rely on external sources for comfort. The religion that God sent complete these deficiencies, such as in prayer and continuous remembrance of God throughout the day.
2. You need to busy your time, your mentality and your self with good things, especially in striving to help others. Altruism kills ego.
3. Pornography is a filthy industry that praises ego and selfishness. I fear that watching their act might eventually lead to your heart approving it, and if you do, their deeds will be in your record on the day of judgement, as if you have done them yourself.
4. Like every addiction, you must envelop it in its proper size. It is a minor sinful act, the more you think about it, the more you will do it, the greater it will grow in your mind and the more likely it will defeat you.

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What are the tariqas in Islam?

Fraternities. Established so people voluntarily choose a specific way of cleansing themselves spiritually, also developed to become establishments, often with 'sanctuaries' that offer free accommodation and food.
Imam Ashafi'i described them: the religion of lazy people.

Sheikh, I reverted in 2013. My entire family is Christian. Recently my mom moved in with me and SubhanAllah she is showing she is very interested in Islam and loves to pray with me. I will lead and she will just follow. Is this okay? Any suggestions?

That is wonderful to hear, may the Almighty guide your mother to the straight path, Ameen.
For you to lead there has to be a congregation. If you had the intention to lead a congregational prayer but she wasn't praying, then you were praying alone despite your intention, this discrepancy makes the prayer invalid according to our mathhab.
Teach her that prayer has movements, words and intentions, and must be preceded by conditions. For her first time, ask her to bathe, dress properly, and have the intention to pray to God. Next time you can teach her about doing wudu instead of a bath.

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No of course i listen to a qari, that's the most important thing - i know. But I am asking about writing it in latin letters for the sake of aid/help...is that permissible? I have heard some saying it's permitted and other not permitted...so its really confusing BarakAllahu bik

It's not permissible to write the Qur'an except in the way it was revealed, and there's a consensus of all four schools of Fiqh upon this.
They gave an exception to the illiterate, the children and those who are new to Arabic, that it may be written for them in easier ways, given that it's temporary and that they're leaning Arabic as a priority.
You don't seem to be asking for a temporary solution, and this I don't believe it's permissible for you to do so. If you have memorised alfatiha and a few small chapters already, then focus on learning Arabic until you are comfortable reading Qur'an directly from the Mus.haf

Please, answer about the question about writing Quran with latin letters. Only answer halal or haram - thats enough.

If you go to the doctor and say, just tell me to take ibuprofen or acetaminophen, that's enough, what is a reasonable answer you expect to hear?
We were taught that it is disrespectful to spoon-feed answers when asking a question.

طيب معنى الكلام إن الemployability أعلى لخريجي الكليات؟ و ممكن أشتغل بعد التخرج من الكلية و بعد فترة لما آخذ الإقامة الدائمة أكمل دراسة في جامعة؟

اللي اذكره - وربما تغير لا أدري - أن كل شهادة تعليم عالي في كندا تاخد بعدها تصريح عمل بعدد سنوات الشهادة. وبعدها ممكن تقدم على إقامة
Liked by: manal mostafa

المجال اللي أنا عاوزه مش لاقيه في أي جامعة من جامعات كندا الكبيرة. موجود بس في جامعات صغيرة أو community colleges. دا مؤشر إنه قيمته ضعيفة أو حاجة زي كدا؟

لا علاقة.
بل من أكثر المهن احتياجا وأعلاها دخلا، تلك التي لا تحتاج سوى لدبلوم عامين من كلية صغيرة، كالتوليد الطبيعي، وتقنيو الاتصالات - لا المهندسون - إلخ،

Are we really supposed to sit back at home and focus on the 'problems' of our community while our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in Myanmar, Syria, Palestine etc?

Why do that when you can only sit back home and 'complain' on the internet?! 😑

salam. how do i make istikhara if it is my time of the month and cannot pray. it is an urgent manner

Alaikum assalam, ask a Maliki scholar.

Can you suggest someone who can interpret dreams ? Its urgent

No, sorry. Write it down though, you'll forget it quicker than you think.

If the hadith qudsi shown to you lately in a video of Shaykh Al Sharawy was fake then why did the Shaykh use it?

Numerous reasons.

مواقع للاستثمارعلى النت تعطي أرباحا بنسبة على رأس المال محددة سلفاً ثابتة او متغيرة بحسب الموقع، هل هذا من الربا المحرم ؟ وإن كان كذلك فماذا يفعل من وضع فيها مالا بالفعل علما بأن الموقع لا يسمح باسترداده إلا بطريق تحصيل الفوائد اليومية أو الاسبوعية فهل ياخذ منه حتى يستوفي رأس ماله ثم يكف أم ماذا ؟

الحكم على الاستثمار لمجرد كونه ذا عائد متغير أو ثابت = قصور في التصور. ليس كل عائد ثابت حراما. اشتر شقة بمليون ثم أجرها بخمسة آلاف شهري، هذا استثمار بعائد ثابت جائز بالاجماع. اشتر كيلوات ذهب في الفوركس وبعها متى ما ارتفع الثمن واقبض بعد اسابيع، هذا استثمار بعائد متغير محرم بإجماع.
اشرح الموضوع لعالم ثقة بتفصيل أوسع مع أمثلة تفصيلية

Can I memorize thr Quran without being firm in Tajweed?

Can you build a house without being firm in placing the blocks?
Absolutely not. Not until your tajweed is approved by a Qur'an teacher that you can memorise on your own
Liked by: Unio

Salaam Sheikh. Is it permissible for a male to lie down next to his sister? Not to sleep next to, simply to lie down while having a discussion. JazakAllah Kheir

Alaikum assalam, certainly.

Is it permissible to memorise some ayat or a short surah with transliteration? Like: Wan Najmi idha hawa and etc. I can arabic but i dont know...it feels that i can memorise things easier with the latin letters but dont want to make sin. Can you tell me the hukm on this matter JazakAllah kheyr

The writing is there to aid, memorisation primarily must be done oraly, ideally it would be by listening to a reciter, repeating after them then get corrected by them.
Sticking to the writing alone will surely get you to memorise with many mistakes

“Having many sins with correct Tawhīd is better than having less sins with corrupt Tawhīd.” Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah [Al-Istiqāmah 1/466]

Not entirely true. He talks about major corruption of monotheism, such as believing that stars are in control of people's faiths etc, compared to music and forbidden relationships etc.
This is not the same case as someone has minor tawhid issues (like showing off good deeds), compared to someone who commits major sins but has proper tawhid.
Having many sins with correct Tawhīd is better than having less sins with

"Don't befriend kuffaar, period." Sheikh with all due respect, this is the kind of backwards thinking that turned many westerners to be afraid of Islam. If we do not see each other as friends, how can we expect to live in their society? You are wrong here may Allah guide you.

Ameen to your dua and thanks for sharing your opinion.
My answer was specific to the asker.
Liked by: فَآطِمَة

Salam Alaikom, When combining prayers as a traveler, do they have to be right after each other, or could there be a pause in between prayers for sunnah prayers or other forms of worship?

The mathhab is that they must be consequential, not separated by another prayer or extensive time.
Sheikh ul Islam saw otherwise, and it's one narration from Imam Ahmed.
Nevertheless the mainstream opinion states that consecutiveness without a long delay is a condition for combining.

Assalam alekum sheikh Majed. My friends and I are curious about what is the Islamic perspective on this famous ethics hypothetical question. https://jpst.it/SOTt بارك الله في علمكم و نفع بكم

Alaikum assalam, an entire book can be written on this.
Short answer, I have over a thousand unanswered questions and definitely don't have the time to entertain hypothetical questions :)

هو أنا ممكن أشتغل فول تايم و أدرس بارت تايم في كندا؟ كان المفروض أقدم السنة دي لكن جاءت أمي في آخر لحظة و قالت لي مش هنسفرك حتة مش عارفين حد فيها, انا بصراحة مش حمل أربع خمس سنين كمان تحت إديهم. أي خيار تاني أفك بيه من اللي بيحصل دا؟!

عاطفة الام قد تسبق عقلها، صل استخارة أولا، ثم كلم ابوك وقله عاوز اخد خبرة واتبهدل لوحدي واتعلم شوية، لو هو موافق توكل على الله
والرفق الرفق بقلب أمك. اكثر من تقبيل يديها واسالها ان ترضى عنك.

Sheik I have failed many exams bcz i dont have motivation to study. I want to study and get a good job to pay sadaqa and help people with my mal. Am I rewarded for struggling with the studies? Any virtue for it? Can it be seen as worship bcz my aim with studies is to please Allah but no motivation..

If you had a true intention, you would have the motivation.
Listen, and beware of being like those whom God described as: And had they intended to go forth, they would have prepared something for it. Rather, God hated their going, so He kept them back, and they were told, "Remain behind with those who remained behind." (9:46)
Studying isn't a goal, and isn't the only way, go find something in life that motivates you and move on.


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