
Majed Jarrar

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141829353026?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=iOShow about the shampoo , condition and lotion. Also tee,coffee bags in the hotel room, if we take them when we leave the room ,is it the same ?

If they put it in your room, the inferred implication that it is a gift.
If you're visiting a store or someone's property and they say, serve yourself from this stash prepared for guests, then it's for use, not a gift.
Muslim scholars distinguishes between giving something, and giving access to something; that if you're expiating a sin which involves you feeding a homeless; it is not sufficient to invite them to your house, or even a buffet. Rather, you must give them ownership of the food - should they want to share it with family or store it to eat later.

is it okay to take home a couple of sugar packs from coffee shops to use them later or is it considered stealing? knowing that I take them openly in front of everyone. I mean the sugar packs they leave on the table to use for your beverage.

The assumption is that these are put out for use in store, hence taking them out is violating the trust of the store owner.
If you buy the drink to go, and ask for these sachets to take with you, and they give you some, then those they gave you are yours to have.
Liked by: EE Umm Anṣār

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ASA Shaykh, I forgot the last tashahhud.

It's one of 14 pillars of the prayer.
If you skipped a pillar but remembered it right away afterwards in the prayer, while you're in the same rakaa, you go back to it and do it, and continue from where you left off, then add prostrations of forgetfulness*.
If you forget a pillar, then remembered it a following rak'ah, but still within the prayer, then you consider that rak'ah of the forgotten pillar as void, you add an extra full rak'ah to the prayer, then you add prostrations of forgetfulness*.
if you forget a pillar, and finished the prayer and got up and left, or sat and talked, until some time passed. Then the whole prayer becomes invalid and you have to redo the whole prayer again.
* Prostrations of forgetfulness: At the end of a prayer in which you added, removed or doubted a pillar or an obligation. You're required to fix it, then at the end, you add two extra prostrations of forgetfulness, identical to regular two prostrations, either right before tasleem, or right after tasleem.

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ASA Shaykh, pray this request reaches you in good health & spirit. Tonight, I prayed and I forgot the last portion. Somehow it escaped my memory. When I went to a prayer app, I noticed it says it differently than I was taught. Prayers are one of the first things we will be asked of; proper method?

Which last portion did you forget? Of reciting Qur'an? Or the last tashahhud?

why is selling tobacco haram if smoking in itself is not haram?

While smoking one or two cigarettes every blue moon has a room among scholars between being a discouraged or prohibited ruling, smoking in itself is a harmful habit that wastes a lot of money, and thus has been prohibited for sale, and because most buyers are heavy and/or chain smokers.
Until the industry is regulated to protect the people from greed of the manufacturer and addiction of the substance, then it remains an industry in which a Muslim is prohibited in taking part in selling, storing, transporting or investing.

Is using a public bathroom Islamically okay as long as there is no visible filth on the toilet seat?

Filth does not transfer with the mere contact of two dry objects (e.g. your body and the dry toilet seat)
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

They say 'you don't sell or give away things that have been gifted to you!'. Is doing so permissible in Islam?

Yes. The recipient of a gift, like the buyer, has full right over the item. They may use it, resell it, regift it, return it or discard it.
Any condition with the gift or the sale limiting the rights is a non binding condition.

In Pakistan, Government issues prize bond :£1 buys you 1 bond. You are always able to redeem your bonds for cash (the same amount). Periodically, a number of ‘prizes’ are distributed and every bond has an equal chance of winning a prize. You may win much, but you can't lose. Is it Haram (Riba)?

Ask Pakistani scholars.

What happens if one slanders Kuffar? They won't get my good deeds but I'll still lose them? And is it permissible to backbone them if they're hateful towards us?

"A Muslim is never a curser, never a slanderer, never bad-mouthing and never indecent."
Said by the most honest, most beloved, Messenger of God.

Salam Sheikh, Is it true ibn Taymiyyah believed nonArabs are inferior to Arabs????

He didn't. What he stated in the iqtidhaa', is a basic pillar in the Islamic creed, he's not the first to state, that the Prophet was not only the most noble human, in character, but also, in lineage.
That, Banu Hashim were the most noble of Quraish, that Quraish was the most noble of the Arabs, and that the Arabs were the most noble of mankind in lineage.
That, in the entire ancestral lineage of the Prophet Muhammad, not a single parent committed adultery.
That, even putting the argument of 'the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic' aside, Arabs have always had the most noble of lineages among other ethnicities and tribes.
This implied also another basic belief, which is that despising Arabs, as an ethnicity, is a major sign of hypocrisy, greater than despising any other ethnicity.
Having said all of that, Islam prohibits anyone from mocking people's lineages, or showing off one's own lineage for the purpose of looking down upon others. The Prophet teaches us that one's lineage alone does not dictate their nobility. There is a unanimous Islamic principle which says "whosoever is slowed down by their own deeds; their lineage can not boost their status."
The Messenger of God said: "by God, the thing that destroyed the nations before you is: that if their noble stole they would let them go, but if their weak stole they would be keen on punishing them. By He whom the soul of Muhammad is in His Hand, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, stole, then Muhammad will cut her hand."
Arabs are born with a tremendous blessing, which is the ability to understand the spoken Word of God without translation, that puts a tremendous responsibility upon them to live up to it, they are far less excused than a poor convert who is clueless what most of those verses mean yet struggle to recite them.

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Asalaamualaykum sheikh, I've been offered a job at a store which sell cigarettes and magazines, my induction is next week and I don't know what to do, should I mention that I can't sell these products? And how can I say that in an appropriate way? What's your advice sheikh JazakAllahu khayr

It's okay to work in a store that a minority of its sales (less than 30%) are in prohibited items, as long as you're not carrying those sales yourself. Make it very clear from the get go that you require a religious accommodation because you can't handle alcohol, tobacco, gambling and pork products, and that you can do more work on other fronts if they can spare you these tasks. If they accommodate and offer you a job that doesn't require these duties then it's fine, and your entire earnings are halal.

Is it true that the sahaba had a consensus that they daw nothing as kufr except for leaving the prayer?

They did not consider any act of worship which abandoning it [i.e. completely, albeit without defiance] is considered major apostasy.
What you said means a different thing, and not true.

If I use my hand to do دلك to remove najasah from a body part, do I need to then wash my hand 7 times as well since it was touched by najasah? Or is it washed in the process of washing the former body part?

If your hand is rubbing while you're pouring water from the first to the seventh, then is washed in the process.
Another scenario, if your hand first touched the najasah directly not at first wash but, say, in the 3rd wash, then when you have finished the 7th wash for the spot your hand was washed five times, so you still need to wash it twice only after that.
Another scenario, the water that separated from the najasah after the 4th wash, splashed onto your hand, but your hand didn't touch the najasah directly. In this case: you only need to wash your hand and the najasah three more times (to the seventh). Your hand in this case only needs to be washed three times, because the water that splashed on it was the fourth wash, and the najasah is diluted in each wash.

Is the USDA means of slaughter acceptable? Is the meat (beef or chicken) hence permissible to eat? What about conservative christian/jewish restaurants?

1. Ask AMJA.
2. Yes, if you know the meat was slaughtered by a Jew or Christian then it's permissible to eat.

السلام عليكم انا اللى سألت حضرتك من شهرين على التجارة الربوية التى اشركت بها بغير علم واحب اعرف حضرتك ان رأس المال تقريبا تضاعف واشتركت به في تجارة اخرى واهدانى والدى دراسة الماجستير على حسابه الخاص ورزقت بضعف المكسب تقريبا من غير حول منى ولا قوه والحمد لله... وشكرا جزيلا لحضرتك على نصحك لى

اللهم لك الحمد
قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: من ترك شيئا لله عوضه الله خيرا منه.

Salam alaykum ustadh, i want to improve my relation with Quran but the problem is somehow i find some words in the pshycial mushaf very difficult to read. Can i recite from the internet mushaf? I find that much easier but my elder family members says thats not rewarding like a real mushaf,true?

This is twofold: the reward of the reciting itself is the same, whether it's from memory, mus-haf or a screen.
Another act of worship is looking into the mus-haf, whether you're reciting, listening, or reading with your eyes only. This is not replaceable by a screen, a translation, a book of tafsir or memory.

Does the hadit: ''From the completion of a person's Islam is his leaving that which doesn't concern him'' refer to things like my father's family issues, my mothers family issues or fight/conflict betweenMy family members? I am a teenager and dont have the ability to make islah. I want a good heart!

Your family should be your greatest concern in life. If it isn't, I would be concerned about your own faith.
Liked by: Abdelrahman Cool


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