
Henry Manampiring

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ketika seseorang memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang gay, is it wrong?

Nothing is wrong when you are being honest to yourself. What's the alternative, pretending to be someone you are not?
Having said that, being honest to yourself is one thing. Being smart in dealing with your society is another thing. The reality is, our society may not accept that easily. So you need to be smart also.

Bos om yang mulai dari teknik kimia itu untuk ngebuktiin dia qualified kerja di advertising gimana om? Kan keburu kalah sama yang dah ngumpulin pas kuliah? Atau perlu belajar sendiri dulu tentang marketing dan sejenisnya?

Di advertising untuk posisi fresh grad hampir gak dilihat jurusan/fakultasnya. Yang masih dilihat cuma untuk posisi art director dan graphic designer karena skillnya spesifik. Sisanya (account, copywriter, project management) bebas blas.
Khusus Strategic Planner, agak diutamakan berpengalaman dalam market research. Minimal pengalaman di ad agency.

Om.. mau tanya deh, untuk terjun ke dunia advertising perlu skill khusus ga ya, kalau basicnya bukan anak komunikasi kesempatannya ada ga? (Di luar kemampuan interpersonal, kreatif dan mau kerja keras tentunya, krn saya rasa semua pekerjaan perlu itu)

Ada beneeeer.
Gw sarjana Akuntansi, sekarang di advertising.
Mantan bos2 gw di advertising: satu teknik kimia, satu teknik elektro.
Yang penting: do you like creativity? Do you like marketing and advertising? Do you like to observe and analyze human behavior? If yes, then you can be in advertising. :)

ka aku mau tanya, kalo pas wawancara itu cara kita buat introduce yang benar ke pewawancaranya gimana ya ka? biar first impression nya baik. makasih ya ka :)

Smile. Sebut nama dengan JELAS. Salaman dengan mantap, tidak lemah, tidak juga diremas. Tatap mata saat berkenalan.

Buat anonim oom piring yg suka sama oom2: kita gk bisa milih pd siapa kita jatuh cinta. Cewek spt Angelina Jolie, yg cantik bgt,baik pd sesama, suka beramal,ngetop dapat Brad Pitt yg 12 thn lbh tua. Amal Alamuddin dpt George Clooney yg 17 thn lbh tua. Dan mereka bahagia. Nothing is wrong, right?

*sisiran plus oles minyak angin*

Om, katanya kalo nikah masih harus adaptasi ya meskipun sudah lama pacaran juga? Masih ada ekspektasi yg tidak sesuai kenyataan? Do you experience that too? Gak jamin dong pacaran lama bisa tau karakternya? Menikah sepertinya memang butuh kerja keras ya. Jadi takut mau nikah

Shinra Andjani
Kalo pacarannya gak tinggal bareng, siap2 untuk terkejut, bahkan walaupun pacarannya udah lama.
Pacaran dan tinggal bersama itu beda banget. Ada kebiasaan2 yg baru ketauan saat tinggal bareng (jorok, bersih, berantakan, ngorok, makan, dll). Jadi dijamin adaptasi itu HARUS dan AKAN terjadi.
Percayalah dengan gw yang sudah lebih berpengalaman. Pacaran lama bukan jaminan mengenal pasangan lebih baik.

Anggaplah bahwa oom adalah dosen atau senior saya yg ilmunya lebih banyak drpd saya. Jika saya banyak bertanya ttg bbrp kasus yg kurang sy kuasai pd oom melalui bbm/line/wasap dan mengucapkan selamat ultah atau hari raya keagamaan, am I too aggressive? NB: dia sdh punya pasangan.

So far listnya kelihatan masih 'normal'. Mungkin baru masalah kalo kamu mengucapkan selamat tidur. Sambil memberi kecupan di kening.

I'm 19. And I like older man. We're not talking about 25ish man, but um, more like 35ish man. Is there something wrong with me? Capek di ketawain orang2 krn sukanya sama om2 :<

Seriously now, there is nothing wrong with feeling attracted to much older men. It's pretty common phenomenon, for various reasons.
It will only become a potential issue once you want to move from just attraction into relationship. Many other factors start coming into play. Including your mom having heart attack when she finds out.

kak, hewan peliharan apa yang cocok buat cewek introvert yang lagi ngekos (bukan rumah, jadi ruangan terbatas, standar kosan lah), ada saran kak? please answer. terimakasih.

Cowok. Cowok itu kalo dapet yg pas bisa jadi piaraan yang baik. Bisa ngebersihin kamar dan nganter kamu ke kampus juga.
Otherwise, a fishbowl or little aquarium will do.

Om, alasan akhirnya memilih note 8 dibandingkan samsung yang lain (atau iphone) ? apa karena ada stylus? Kalau om mau beli gadget, pilih yang mana diantara 3 : note 4, iphone 6/s, blackberry passport ?

Note 8 itu tablet ya, bukan smartphone. Jadi comparisonnya iPad (Mini).
Kenapa Note 8? Yang pasti S-Pen nya. Sekali kebiasaan nulis tangan untuk nyatet meeting, udah gak mau lepas lagi dari S-Pen. Bisa untuk gambar/sket juga. (attached itu gambar gw pake Note 8).
Ukuran pas segede buku, jadi untuk e-book juga pas. Jadi dibawa liburan juga gak ganggu :)
Om alasan akhirnya memilih note 8 dibandingkan samsung yang lain atau iphone

Any advice on how to start talking to you and get to know you without being too agressive? ;)

Just start talking to me. I will only qualify you as aggressive if you start biting and kicking me.
Liked by: D.

Wait. You left a question on my ask fm. Does that mean you know who i am? Did you use askfm tracker or smth? (I'm the anon who ask u how to start talking to u w/o being too aggressive)

Of course I know who you are! There is ask.fm hacking app that tells your identity! Complete with whom you naksir all this time. MUHAH MUHAH MUHAHAHAH! Your life is MINE!
Gak lah.... kebetulan aja *kedip*

Any practical tips for those with no social life due to crazy work hours on how to meet new people (i.e. cari pacar!!) ?

You might want to consider dating app/site like Tinder or OKCupid. I know people who get dates there. And dates might be the beginning of relationship.
What about weekend classes? Kursus apa kek, fotografi, memasak, bikin kue, public speaking. You gain new skill, and meet new people too.
Good luck!

How important is someone's physical looks in office work? There was a research that said better looking people get better payment than average. So, better looks=higher chance of success?

As much as we want to deny it, physical looks do contribute to someone's professional success. Several studies show support to it as well. People need to quit whining and accept that life is unfair.
Having said that, "looks" is not limited to what you are born with, or genetic endowment. Looks can be enhanced a lot by choice of make-up or clothing.
I've seen beautiful/handsome people who dress sloppily, and they become unattractive. And I've seen people who may not win the genetic lottery yet they smartly compensate it with good taste in make-up or fashion.
So, the short answer(s): YES. Looks matters at work. YES. Everyone can do something about it.

Should the fear of never getting to be married keep a woman from achieving her dreams, career-wise?

You must decide for yourself what's important for you, what makes you happy. It is not for others to define and decide for you.
If working and career makes you happy, then go for it.
If settling down and having a serious relationship is your thing, then you have to work for it. Don't wait for it to fall from the sky.
Having said that, relationship and career do not have to be mutually exclusive. I've seen women successfully juggle between both. Not easy, but not impossible.

Om, kalo lagi suka sm cowok nh.. Can we (girls) make the first move? Kayak chat duluan atau kasih perhatian hbs dia tanding misalnya, itu berlebihan gak sh? Dr physical contact yg dia buat sm kita tuh kaya dia interest juga sm kita.. Tp taunya dia bener2 interest jg sm kita gmn ya om? :/

Gak ada masalah cewek make the first move, sepanjang tidak berlebihan.
Dalam asmara, dan banyak hal lain dalam hidup, kamu tidak akan pernah tahu 100% apakah dia suka kamu balik ato tidak. Hidup harus berani menghadapi risiko. Kalo takut dengan risiko, ya jangan hidup.
Put it this way: what's the worst the could happen? Dia gak suka kamu balik, so what? Life goes on. :)

I'm proud to know you, Om ^^. An ingenious and brilliant man. Give me some advices to follow your foot step, Om. (Iam fresh graduated)

Thank you for the kind words. I don't think I'm genius nor brilliant. I know some people who are. What I have is huge curiosity and love of learning, that's all.
Advices? If you are willing to scroll down a little, I think I have posted a long list of what I have learned so far in life.
A condensed list for fresh grads like you:
Stay curious. At work/business, always believe you can learn something new. Every stranger you meet can be a teacher.
Don't be a douchebag. Be nice, smile, and say thank you to all people. All kinds. From waitress to CEO. You will be surprised how being nice can take you far.
Stay humble. Even when you are successful, there is great chance you have been helped by other people and circumstances, whether you know it or not.
Don't believe in stupid astrology. You are uniquely you, not part of absurd "12 star signs".

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Recommend a decent book? Non-fiction, pls.

Go to goodreads.com and find my account under "Henry Manampiring". You can see the books that I read and rated. Plenty of non-fiction.
Off hand, these are my all time favorites:
Nicolas Nassim Taleb's "Fooled by Randomness", "The Black Swan", and "Antifragile". The first book especially is like seeing The Matrix around you.
Malcolm Gladwell's "Outliers" will make you humble if you are ever successful.
Richard Dawkins' "The Greatest Show on Earth" explains evolution in layman's language. You will be at awe with nature and how we came to be. "Selfish Gene" is a brilliant and audacious idea on how complex life began.

Do you watch "bokep" movies? How often? And can you give me reasons why do you watch it? *your answer will be used as my blog materials about why people watch "bokep" movies."

I watch bokep to follow its philosophical discourse. Bokep movies often explore the roots of philosophy, its impact on anthropology and modern day spirituality and even economic system.

gue cewek, tapi kalau porn sukanya liat objek wanita, apakah gue lesbi? tapi gue suka cowok T_T

Konon wanita hetero lebih bisa mengagumi keindahan fisik wanita lainnya. Sementara pria hetero males mengagumi body pria lainnya. Jadi kayaknya sih normal2 aja. Tapi gw bukan psikolog loh ya :)

let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance. let's get rich and build our house on a mountain, making everybody look like ants

You really should stop doing drugs
Liked by: Valentines Risma

Menurut Om Piring pendidikan formal itu seharusnya gratis atau tidak? Kenapa?

Ini dilema besar buat saya, sebagai penganut pasar bebas dan di saat yang sama percaya prinsip utilitarianism.
Sesuatu yang digratiskan membuat valuenya kabur, dan menjadi taken for granted. Jika orang harus membayar, maka diharapkan orang lebih menghargai dan memberi effort lebih untuk belajar. Selain itu, jika gratis tidak ada mekanisme feedback untuk kualitas. "Price" memungkinkan sinyal untuk kualitas. Yang ingin kualitas lebih, membayar. (tapi ini sudah ada solusinya, yaitu swasta).
Tapi dalam utilitarianism, harusnya the good of many prevails. Artinya, jika pemerintah mampu, adalah kewajiban moral untuk menyediakan fasilitas pendidikan bagi semua orang, yang artinya idealnya pendidikan formal digratiskan.
Kesimpulan gw pribadi condong ke yang kedua, karena pendidikan adalah salah satu "equalizer" nasib. Social mobility memerlukan pendidikan. Selain itu pendidikan sudah termasuk janji kemerdekaan.
Yah ini cuma opini awam gw sih...

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