

Ask @melimelibanana

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If you can give just a single piece of advice to a dating couple, what would it be?

Before you love anyone, love yourself first.
Go on a date with yourself.
Buy yourself your favorite flowers.
Dress well and put some makeup for yourself.
Make yourself a box of valentine chocolates.
Visit new places just to surprise yourself.
Enrich yourself with ideas and thoughts.
Seek yourself, find your goals in life.
Love youself the most.
And when you do that, when you're in love with yourself, you don't have to be worried about dating anyone else. You don't have to be anxious whether it will work or not, because you have yourself and you're fully aware that the one who loves you the most will always be you.

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Who was your first crush? Describe them.

Killua Zoldyck.
Dulu jaman internet masih jadi barang mewah, seminggu sekali pasti ngecek HxH geocitites cuma buat liat original art dan fanart Killua. Terus di forum semua orang berlomba-lomba jadi pacar dan istri Killua, gue sampai nangis setelah buka geocities karena yang boleh jadi pacar Killua cuma gue. :(
Sampai sekarang pun gue masih punya crush on Killua Zoldyck, apalagi kalo Killua udah dewasa kayak gini aduh nikahi hayati plis.

define male version of you

Parama Prenjana
A male version of me will not be studying arts and designs, instead he will be majoring in sciences or international relations.
He will be a man of sport, since the female version of me is not really good at doing it. He can be seen sitting in the basketball field drinking a bottle of Pocari.
A male version of me is a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
Visually, he will pretty much look like this:
(and yes, that was me wearing my friend's wig~)

Who inspires you?

My mother, for sure.
By the way, talking about mothers, Ichiban Sushi lagi ngadain kompetisi foto tentang Mother's Day nih!
Caranya gampang banget, cukup post foto kamu bersama ibu di Facebook, ceritakan kisah di balik foto itu pada captionnya, terus tag Ichiban Sushi Indonesia dan kasih hashtag #HappyIchiban #HappyMothersDay nanti dapat voucher makan gratis di Ichiban Sushi sebesar 200 ribu ^^b
Ayo semua ikutan! Besok hari terakhir! :D :D :D

Kak Meli aku sampe kaget pas kakak muncul ahaha. Welcome back kak! super kangen :')

Kemarin gak mood jawab-jawabin pertanyaan, jadi cuma pasif aja ngebacain feed.
Ternyata, ditinggal 10 bulan pun Ask.fm tetep banyak dramanya hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
*lanjut scroll feed*

Dulu sering banget nyari Melissa Indira bcoz I didnt following you. Tapi gak nemu2 ampe mikir, namanya Indira kan? Melissa Indira? Eh, ternyata hiatus. Huf. Welcome back the most qutie person in ask.fm! #muchlove Your new follower.

Gak follow tapi ngestalkin kayak mantan aje.
Liked by: poja Nenny Yulianti

What's your favorite book, for this year?

I must admit that I haven't read a lot of books this year. Tapi semalam gue nonton In the Heart of the Sea yang ternyata adalah kisah nyata.
Bercerita tentang pemburu paus (untuk diambil minyaknya, karena cerita ini bersetting saat minyak belum ditemukan di daratan) yang harus bertahan hidup di lautan karena kapalnya karam dihantam paus berukuran raksasa. Karena gue ga mau spoiler, kalau kalian pengen tau kisah asli dari film ini, bisa baca di sini:
(bonus posternya yang gue bilang keren banget banget, I'd love to frame it and hang it in my room)

Kak Meli, kalo misal kita mau ngalamar kerja tp si cv kita, kita blm pernah punya pengalaman kerja sebelumnya. Itu menutup kemungkinan untuk bisa di terima di suatu perusahaan ndak?

Most profressional companies will put a detail on their vacancy, misalkan mereka butuh yang udah punya 2 years experience, atau mereka terbuka juga untuk fresh graduate. ^^

Halo, kak Meli! Aku mahasiswa DKV semester 1, tapi aku sudah punya impian untuk bekerja di advertising industry nanti. Untuk bisa melamar dan diterima, yang harus dibutuhkan skill apa saja, kak? Karena aku cuma bisa manual drawing. Kemudian, pada saat mendaftar dulu, cv kak Meli cv kreatif kah?

Hi little one with big dreams! :)
It's good that you already know what you want to do but don't let it restrict any opportunities that will come to you, okay? :D
Untuk skill yang dibutuhkan buat kerja di periklanan... Hmm... Karena kamu DKV kamu bisa mulai sebagai desainer grafis atau junior art director di advertising agency. Tapi gak menutup kemungkinan untuk kamu coba posisi lain, misalnya, jadi copywriter atau account executive atau malah strategic planner!
Kalau buat portfolio sih, jelas harus portfolio kreatif yang relevan dengan posisi yang mau diambil. Misalnya ingin jadi desainer grafis, ya porto kamu isinya hal-hal yang grafis banget. Misal, poster desain, layout, dan sebagainya. Kalau ingin jadi art director, ya porto kamu lebih ke konseptual, tapi tetep sense of graphic/layouting yang baik dibutuhkan.
Semoga jawabannya membantu ya, good luck for your dreams! ^^b

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aku juga suka Marsala. tapi Pantone bilang "everyone hates Marsala. they maybe expect a brighter color" but people whyyyy. btw menarik sih ini dual warna ini ngangkat isu gender equality jg katanya.tp gue ngerasa agak 3thn lalu (perasaaan doang)

Wah, Pantone salah tuh kalau mau angkat gender issue tapi ngeluarinnya Rose Quartz sama Serenity. Menurut gue sih warna yang gender neutral dan bakal disukain semua kalangan tuh merah... Apalagi kalau ditaroh di dompet.


Language: English