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omg you can play guitar?

Banyak banget masuk pertanyaan ini.

To clarify, yes I used to play guitar. But I quickly realized that music is not my forte (literally satu keluarga nggak ada yang bisa maen musik), jadi sekarang instead of investing my time to learn music, I just use it to write and read business books.

TL;DR: yes I'm able to play guitar, just not as well as I'd like to be.

dear haters..

Ya ampun.

Jadi ceritanya kemarin LINE gue di-add kan sama reseller aplikasi yang menjamur. Awalnya gue risih (dan udah mau blok), tapi ujung-ujungnya gue penasaran. Akhirnya gue ajak reseller tersebut ngobrol.

Rupanya reseller tersebut sudah jualan aplikasi selama satu tahun.
Gue dikasih tau bahwa rupanya dia sehari dapet minimal 1.000.000 Rupiah.

Satu juta Rupiah. Sehari.
Ya Allah gue semacam nyesel susah-susah kuliah di luar negeri... Mau jadi reseller aplikasi aja ah daripada jadi budak perusahaan.

So yeah.
Dear haters, daripada lo ngehate-ngehate nggak jelas, mending waktu lo diinvestasikan jadi reseller kayak @marketapple2. Udah tentram, dapet duit lagi.

Have your friends ever seen a movie and say "this character/scene totally reminded me of you!" What character/scene was it, and why did it remind them of you? Feel free to elaborate over several movies, or quote the dialogues.

Hi Vipey!

Several people have mentioned that BBC's Sherlock reminded them of me. When I asked why, they said because sometimes I looked distant and often used sarcasm to convey emotion.

Now if only I can stop looking cute and look a bit more masculine like Benedict, I could start my own detective agency.

Hi Kent, I'm actually very curious and it has been bugging me for quite some time, thought I might ask you. Is there any unspoken rule on how many commas should there be on a single sentence? (Atau emang ada written rule-nya...)

Dezaldy13’s Profile PhotoIG: ddezaldy
Hi, Dezaldy.

There is no rule to the amount of commas in a sentence.

Exhibit one: "For the camp, please bring pillow, tent, blanket, indomi, and girlfriend."
That sentence has five comma and makes perfect sense. (Because it is a list, see.)

Exhibit two: "The sun is up, you better get ready."
That sentence has only one comma but is grammatically incorrect.
This is a common error that we call a "comma splice."
"The sun is up" and "You better get ready" are two INDEPENDENT clauses.
You can't join two independent clauses using comma. (You can, but you have to add a conjunction.)
The correct sentence is" The sun is up, so you better get ready," or "The sun is up; you better get ready."

So yeah. summarizing everything, there is no rule to the amount of comma as long as it reads well.
My personal rule is "If you feel you have too many commas, you do."

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Gimana caranya cewek dapetin hati cowok?

1. Menggunakan sebilah pisau bedah, buat sebuah potongan memanjang di bagian perut cowok tersebut.

2. Menggunakan sebuah gergaji listrik, potong tulang rusuk cowok tersebut sehingga Anda dapat menjangkau hatinya.

3. Dengan sebilah pisau kecil yang steril, potong semua jaringan yang menghubungkan hati cowok tersebut dengan tubuhnya.

4. Raih dan tarik.

5. Selamat, Anda telah mendapatkan hati cowok tersebut.

Hai, Kak Kent! Mungkin kakak sering dapet compliment ini, tapi aku cuma mau bilang kalo flash fiction(s) kakak adalah salah satu karya yg paling aku suka di ranah maya ini 😄 Have an awesome week ya, Kak!

Jesslyn Metta
Hi, Jesslyn!
Nothing beats a heartfelt compliment and yours certainly is one.
Thank you and wishing you have a great week, too!

kak #HTA apa? coba aku dong kak >.<

Guys gue mau minta maaf dulu.
HTA Zahira yang terakhir ya.
Nulis HTA buat tiap orang takes me like five to ten minutes per HTA, dan gue masih ada banyak kerjaan lain yang harus diselesaiin.
Permohonan maaf setinggi-tingginya saya panjatkan.

Oke, Zahira.

Zahira is a bright-pink lollipop.
Looks sweet, is sweet, and probably will give you diabetes if you indulge in it for too long.

But I also think that Zahira is a kaleidoscope.
I'll let the reasoning be lost inside my head.

Pokoknya kalo ketemu Zahira bawaannya kayak "so cute; can i kidnap this girl?"

KENTaki! :D #HTA

IG: @dezkyoka
Dezky is a Joker card in a deck of playing cards.
Sure you can play a lot of card games without it, but several games require the existence of Joker to even be played.

But Dezky is also a hushed prayer toward the end of the day.
Despite sometimes looking immature, Dezky cares and plans about his future and he always strives to bring his future one step closer to him.

Sukses, Dezky! I hope success will follow you in whatever you do.

Adik Joey dong, Ko Kent💫

Joey is an oversized sweater that you won't ever throw away for the rest of your life.
A bit huge, yet he provides comfort and warmth.

But Joey is also water at four degree Celsius.
Not gonna explain because it's physics and I want to look smart and mysterious sometimes.

Above all, Joey is BB cream and maroon-colored lipstick hastily applied at A&W in GI.


Language: English