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roza_mrs’s Profile PhotoАнастасия
Schecter Ultracure By Robert Smith. Но олигархов в моём окружении, увы, нет. Поэтому, придётся делать подарок себе самому...
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Are Boomer brands like Fender or Gibson still relevant today when we have so many other good choices why??

Looking at their sales figures, yes. Gibson still dominates the market and Fender isn't far behind. In fact, they have been the top two selling brands for decades. You also have to consider resale value and demand. Again, both brands dominate in these areas too. Personally, I am glad that we have numerous options and while my favorites include ESP, Schecter, Kiesel and a few others, I'm not sure how you can label Gibson or Fender as "Boomer brands" when so many young players still buy them today. All things considered, I can take issue with Gibson's management and some of its decisions in recent years but Fender seems to have their act together and if you didn't know, they also own newer brands like Jackson, Charvel and EVH.
Are Boomer brands like Fender or Gibson still relevant today when we have so

Never seen you review anything cheap just rich boy sh.it

Marshall DSL20HR? Orange Crush Pro 120? Schecter Sun Valley Super Shredder? Fender Player Stratocaster? Jackson X Series Soloist? All very affordable and far from "rich boy sh.it."

Добрый день, Ламарк. Я только начинаю играть, хочу сменить свой китайский страт на что-то более мощное. Мне посоветовали Schecter Omen-6, подскажите, не прогадаю ли в такой ценовой категории? Заранее спасибо.

Вечер добрый.
Как я уже сотни раз советовал - Шектеры очень хороши как для начинающих, так и для профи (ну не берем в расчет совсем претенциозных задротов). Линейка Omen для напористого звука подойдет более чем. Так что берите смело.
(сори за долгий ответ)

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