

Ask @AmyBraham

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Yeah I have always been noob ish in LoL but Ahri is beautiful! So are you!

i'm edging on lvl 12 and I can still only play ashe and ahri...okkkkkk. xD
aw thankyou!

The fact people give you shit for the drunken antics you got up too when you were a young teenager is so retarded. I get it all the fucking time also. WHY DON'T PEOPLE JUST GET OVER THINGS xD you're perfect though as I've told you many times

it's boring now, it's so last year ;D
omg thankyou Rox, you too n_n

Difference between Sadie and you is that Sadie is a lovely person, you're just vile and rotten to the core. Everything you do has an agenda to get as much attention as possible. If you're nice to Sadie she'll treat you with dignity, Whereas you just are a malicious manipulative attention whore.

i'm really not, i'm not a cunt majority of the time, This opinion is bias. And not everything I do has an agenda, I'm a good friend and I work hard to achieve something in like :)
I was nice to Sadie, I think she forgets we considered each other 'friends' at some point.

You know all this recent hate you're getting is Sadie don't you?

I don't really care, it's pathetic :')

OMFG YOU COSPLAYING AHRI that's great!!! I'm sure you'll look great she is one of my favorites! Good luck, doll! <3

i absolutely adore her but i'm not very good, in all honesty i only bought her to cosplay her pahaha, but she is an excellent champion :D i wanted to cosplay Queen Ashe too as i'm getting good with her n_n <3

Hilarious? In no way would cutting your wrist infront of your friends be hilarious. Get a grip you horrid girl.

if i remember correctly (which i do) everyone had walked off and i sat down. they never saw me actually do it.
and i was hilariously drunk as in paraletic not as in fucking funny, dumbass.

Oh right, people are making it out to be so much worse u_u leave the poor girl alone! And why were the police looking for you?just curious;3

because i was hilariously drunk and at harm to my health and apparently others :P

Did you actually throw yourself in a road as attempted suicide?

no hahahahahahah, i was severely drunk, cut myself and hid under a Sainsbury's truck so the police wouldn't find me...
i was so wasted okay. so over it xD
Liked by: Eleanor Sanders

I remember the time I cam onto Amy;s ask, thought she was beautiful and doesnlt deserve shit and the anons deserves a bus to hit them! :D

<3 <3 <3

'Oh, you're breaking up with me? Well I gues I better go tell everyone I'm gonna kill myself to get you to stay.'

Hasn't happened here ;D stop giving me grief from when i was like 14/15...i'm seventeen soon and Troy has made me into a better person because he hasn't got the mentality of a 14 year old like majority of the people i've been with n_n

Remember when you slashed your wrists and tried to run in front of a bus? I wish the bus actually hit you.

Pretty sure buses don't go along the road that happened n_n and me too!

It's amazing how many people pretend to like you because you're 'good looking' (which you aren't, so don't get your hopes up, love, you look like one of those abandoned dogs in the RSPCA adverts). Just fuck off somewhere where no-one has to see you, ever again.

aw, you're hilarious. A lot of people think i'm beautiful inside and out. Considering someone just messaged me like ''holy cow you're a famous model'' and people i dont know calling me beautiful from the photos they've found from Google. i know i'm not famous, or pretty enough to be a model but if i didnt have friends then people wouldnt invite me out and what not. My confidence is at the highest it has ever been rn and no faggy anon is going to change it hehe ^_^

why does levi talk so much shit about you? Does he not say anything else?

idk, ive had a few people say hes always talking shit about me/ma and troy/etc. it's lame, and to publicly do it is even more pathetic, it doesnt help he had a fat cunt for a friend who didnt like me anyway and apparently has been spouting lies n_n

As much as wearing the clothes that you want to wear is cool or whatever. But don't you get a little bored of the negative attention that comes with it?

you didnt need the full stop or 'but' to ask that question but no. not at all, i get faaaar more positive stuff than negative

I don't even have you on facebook ;__; I literally found your ask today and read through a few of your answers and dude, you're cool ;_;

then just message me and i'll chat to you and add you n_n


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