

Ask @AmyBraham

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Are you one of those shallow people that make friends with boys based on looks? be truthful.

I think looks can be a part of it, but have you seen half of my Guy friends?

I'm 16 and I've slept with 5 people. Just ignore them all, it's your life and you have the choice to do what you want with it. I've met you a few times and you're lovely!

Awh Ty! X

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Never talked to you before but just wanted to say that you're beautiful :) Sorry if it's creepy aha :3x

Ty So much!x

If you didn't intend to sleep With Mikey why did you do it? Is he good btw haha and he just used you.

I know he used me, I'm over it :')
I did it because I was drunk :)

it's sad that some of these people on here are just trying to upset you by writing Shit about other people to get at you.stop writing stuff just 2 insault people just because your names hidden. We all make mistakes but learning from them makes us stronger. Whats you favorite song of all time?

Ty <3 means a lot ^_^
It's probably the same person xD
OH that's tough! I have no idea!

lol at the person giving you shit about sleeping with Mike when there is literally nothing you can do about it now. People need to just get the fuck over some things. Anyways, you are a very pretty little lady x

eheh ty kirsten.
people are gayyyy

why does the girl always get shit when the guys done something wrong? bet thats a jealous girl giving you crap. she should mind her own business :')

yeah, bitches need to get outta my faceeeee


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