

Ask @AmyBraham

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I don't know what there problem is either! xD But you know I think you're lovely and gorgeous and I've known you for years so forget about what Anons are saying I wish the best for you and Troy I honestly do. And my answer to my anon who asked wasn't that interesting and was days ago :'3 xo

I don't pay attention to them anyway:P
Awh, we need to see each other soon:( xo

I know this is personal but I really can't stop wondering, have you ever tried to commit suicide? Why? Don't answer if you don't want to!!:)

I have

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Jess put her opinion of you on her ask if you want to know :) and your really pretty and awesome :3 just thought I'd tell you xD and I don't see why people give you hate about your a really nice person and you not need it :)

I'm not that bothered, i don't follow her:P Ty x

Thoughts on jess hawton?

Is like everyone obsessed with asking about her?:P
Well, I'm not sure on her opinion of me but she's such a lovely girl, a really good friend to have, absolutely beautiful and yeah, I can't think of a bad thing to say - never given me a reason to dislike her!

Do you still talk to levi? If so, does it bother your new bf?

I don't know, ask him, but yes I do still talk to him, he's a friend now

Came on here to ask you a question, and saw the Daniel Okeefe thing...you don't no who he is clearly but just don't go there he's really not :') and secondly, the question I was going to ask you is do you like scott pilgrim? But the books? Not the film

I'm in a relationship anyway :') haven't read the books, don't like the film

Why are you thinking about having sex with your ex when you're with troy? Wtf.

I'm not? Someone asked a question and I answered....

are you a goverment hooker

As long as I'm your hooker
(Back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker
(Hands on the ground)
As long as I'm your hooker
(Back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker

LMAO, CAN U NOT THO!? Probably like 40 year old pedos m8

I KNOW creepy thought that someone COULD be thinking about me having sex with someone. THANKS FOR THE NIGHTMARES


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