

Ask @SteveJones313

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What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

"You're so brave with your style."
Translation: "I wouldn't wear that in a thousand years."
Liked by: Rezz

Let’s say your family member was found guilty of murder, but they felt remorse. Would you rather they receive the longest sentence possible for the crime or the shortest sentence possible?

I'd rather they receive a just sentence. Feeling remorse means little in this regard. If they commited murder - not killing in self-defence or something like that, but cold-blooded murder - then my feelings are irrelevent. There needs to be justice.
Liked by: Rezz

If you feel comfortable sharing, how is your mental health doing right now?

Like an old rope bridge - it's still standing, but it can't take much stress.
Liked by: Rezz

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Be obscenely wealthy for a year or poor forever but never have to pay bills?

Obscenely wealthy for a year. I can easily manage finances so that at the end of the year, I'm sorted for life.
Liked by: Rezz

Have you ghosted someone before?

Absolutely. Generally I let people know when I'm cutting them out of my life, but sometimes it's necessary to just cut them out without making a scene of it.
Liked by: Rezz

Only see in black and white or never hear again?

Only see in black and white. I don't want to live in a world where I can't hear the sound of my partner laughing. Her laughter is worth all the colours of the rainbow.
Liked by: Rezz

💛 Do you show your love through actions or through words?

Both. I know it maybe a cop-out answer, but I genuinely try to do both.
Liked by: Rezz

Fight with a light saber or a sword?

Depends on two things:
1. Why are we fighting?
2. What is my opponent's weapon?
If it's just a sparring session, then swords. If it's a fight to the death, the light saber.
Liked by: Rezz

When you can’t sleep late at night, do you wish that there were someone you could talk to all night long?

Normally my partner is up, so we enjoy each other's company. Admittedly I don't have anyone else to talk to at night when she's asleep. I used to, but I don't really have those friends at hand anymore.

Would the childhood version of you look up to the current version of you?

I think my younger self would be surprised to see he survived long enough to make it to my age.

do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?

Definitely. I like having "outside" and "inside" clothes.
When I'm in my house, I focus entirely on being comfortable.
Liked by: Rezz

Do you have a game, series, album, movie, etc that you play or watch to distract you when things get difficult?

Game - TEW2020. It's a wrestling simulator/management game.
Album - Not really, though there's a collection of musical artists I like to listen to. Malinda Kathleen Reese is a prime example.
Movie - I don't, but there are some YouTube channels I like to check out. Game Grump compilations, DooleyNotedGaming, MegaGWolf, Helloween4545, and so on.
Liked by: Rezz

If you would have the power to change something (like billionaires have), what would you change? 🙂

screams6’s Profile PhotoAndreea ♡
If I was a billionaire, I would buy so much medical and student debt and just forgive it.
Liked by: Rezz

What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?

Tried to have me expelled for harrassment, when she was the one who was harrassing me. She was a nasty piece of work and in the end her bullshit was revealed. She eventually got shown the door.
Liked by: Rezz

Do people drink or eat soup?

There are two arguments to this - a strict symantic argument and a verb argument.
Symantically, you drink soup because soup is a liquid. You don't eat liquids.
In a verb argument, it depends HOW you consume the soup. A cup of soup would be DRINKING, however if you use a spoon or dipping bread into it, then you are EATING it.
So it depends which school of thought you identify with.
Liked by: Rezz

How have your priorities changed in the last five years?

Politically, I'm more concerned with the voting process we have in this country and I'm a strong advocate for a proportional representation system.
Financially, I've been changing my strategy on how to become debt free, with great success.
Health wise, I'm focusing more on exercise than diet, for personal health reasons.
Liked by: Rezz

In the world of star wars, would you rather wield the Light Side or the Dark Side of the force?

Light side of the force, as I wouldn't want to have the power to cause severe harm to others.
Liked by: Rezz


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