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what skills you need to get a job at ask.fm? (what do I need to study at college )

Work hard, stay in school, and check out our careers page for job descriptions. If you find something that interests you, then go to your counselor and they can point you down the right path. Good luck!
Liked by: El Salma A. Paula

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Are the people on your "friends list" the people who you follow & they follow you back as well or only just the people who you are following?

Just the peeps you're following! 😉
Liked by: El Olivia Holt

guys.... I asked annon and after the person answered.. I LIKED IT. will the person see that I gave the question a like ? by the way. the person does not follow me

Yes. Users can see who liked their answers, even if they don't follow the liker.
Liked by: El

Good afternoon ask.fm help, how can I know if the user is online or offline on askfm? Because I can't find the feature to check if he or she is online or offline. Just like how we check if the user is online or offline on Facebook.

You probably can't find it because we don't have this feature... at the moment, you are unable to see if users are "online" or "offline."

Is there a way to see ONLY the posts of people we've followed?

Unfortunately no. But we value your opinion and we might add such feature in the future! If you have other ideas, tell us :)
Liked by: El Lord Spider × alona

Can we recreate another ask.fm account if it's suspended?

Sure! You can always make a new account, but make sure to read our TOS!
Liked by: El alona

ask.fm shouldnt have a "share button" this app is getting unprivate with that button :( please remove it

Well... everything you post here is public and searchable (don't forget that!) so having the share button just helps users get others to check out a cool answer. But we know there are still people who don't want their answers shared, so you can easily opt-out of sharing by going to your Settings.

I've got some anonymous question and they claim to be coming from ask.fm I got one saying something like "hi ! This is ask is ask.fm. You're pretty! Thanks for using us , young girl."

Does that sound like us? Come on, give us a little more credit than that! 😜
No, that's not us. The best way to get a shoutout from us is to probably ask us a question. We'd love to say hi to ALL of our users, but it's just not possible.

how to stop advertisements that appear on Ask.fm ? I'm using Firefox as a browser

There's no way to stop ads from appearing... sorry, we have to pay our bills somehow!
Liked by: El Osman BRRRIIICE

if i delete my account or got suspended (?), can someone register here with that nickname? Like: my nickname is perrieismyqueen and if i got supsended or if i deactive my account, can someone new register with nickname perrieismyqueen?

Your username only gets released if you delete your account completely (on your own).
Liked by: El Osman


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