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Why can't I log in my profile with my phone or PC connected to Wi-Fi? When i try, a message says "connection error" I can log in with 3G only, what's happening?

Have you been a good citizen of ASKfm community?
It seems your Wi-Fi IP address is banned. Check the Community Guidelines: about.ask.fm/community-guidelines/
If you still believe that there is some mistake, write us: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm

Related users

How can I send a GIF?

There are two options. One is using our Giphy feature!
When you go to answer a question in the app, you'll see an option to add a GIF. Just click on it and you'll be able to search for just the right GIF to make your answer awesome!
If you're on mobile or desktop web, then you'll have to search for your own GIFs. Once you find the one you like, save it like you would save an image, and then upload it as an image with your answer.

I posted my profile picture but I picked the wrong one, now when I press the 3 white dots the only option coming up is to 'save image'. How do I get rid of the picture?

Here are some steps that will help you personalize your account exactly how you want to create it:
1.Before you remove your profile image find, set another image as your profile picture!
2. When you have uploaded and set alternative image, remove the old one!

How can I delete all my photos in my account?

There is no one way how to remove ALL pictures from your account.
To remove the content from your profile, get in your profile and:
in web - click on the "x" next to the post
in app - click on the three dots next to the post
Here is instruction how to change your profile pictures: http://bit.ly/2eFXWt2

When I click the star bised my friend name you are telling me that I can't subscribe to this user. Why ? Does that means she is blocked me ?

It seems your friend has clicked in settings that he or she does not want that other users subscribe.
Let your friend know that you want to subscribe. Maybe that will make him change his mind!

How do people have more than 1 profile pic and I don't?

I bet you have more than one awesome picture, right?
Well.. share them all. Here is how to do this:
App users: Tap the profile picture and choose photos from your gallery!
Web users: Go to Settings and click on "Change photo"
Remember that your past profile pictures are also visible until you remove them!

Did how do you block people?

If you want to block a user on ASKfm, there are two options:
1. Click on the three dots next to the question and block the user.
2. Go to their profile and block the user from this section.
A list of blocked users is available in your Settings. If you change your mind you can unblock them.
Remember that there is always option to report the user and let ASKfm moderators know if someone is a bully!

Will you deactivate an account if a bunch of people report it, even if the person didn't do anything wrong?

Each (!) reported post is checked by a real human being -
our moderator. Account can be banned if there is bad content which violates ASKfm Community Guidelines about.ask.fm/community-guidelines/.
We would not remove an account if reports are false.

i've send fourth ticket but i never get verified why???

Let's count again criteria for verification:
① Activity - answer a question every day!
② Positivity - be friendly!
③ Popularity - check your number of followers!
④ Authenticity - this should be your personal account!
⑤ Uniqueness - give creative answers and never exchange with likes
Does your account matches each of criteria? Hope it does and you come back soon!


Language: English