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How to share my answers on Discover?

Each user has a unique Discover wall that allows to find trending questions and answers.

Your post will become visible in other users’ Discover feed, when it’s liked and shared by many people.

We have prepared some useful tips in case you want to know how to become an ASKfm celebrity: http://support.ask.fm/link/portal/30134/30188/Article/203/How-do-I-make-my-answers-more-popular

What's the best thing to do if someone is mean too you?

ASKfm does not support bullying and harassment.

Here are some tips what you can do if you experience this on ASKfm:
▶Report inappropriate activity by clicking on three dots next to a question or post you find bullying
▶Block the user who has been mean to you
▶Don’t answer the mean questions, it will only make the bully happier

Learn more how you can improve your safety on ASKfm via this link: http://safety.ask.fm/safety-tools/

Related users

I've already asked this, but it wasn't answered ... Where (on the desktop interface) are the hearts/like buttons? It might sound stupid but I can't find them for the life of me.

It should be found in the Bottom left corner right under the answer.
If it's not there as shown on the screenshot below DO send your request to our support team at http://bit.ly/contactaskfm selecting ‘Technical Problem ’ as an inquiry type.

If I start a poll, who sees it and will everyone see that I made it?

Check the picture - this is how your poll looks like in your followers’ Feed.

Your profile picture is visible next to the poll, so everyone knows who created it.

It’s the same with any other post on ASKfm – your profile is public and everyone can see it.

if someone has blocked you when you asked an anonymous question, can you still ask them questions with your regular account? will it show that it was you who asked the anonymous questions?

Both your anon and open questions won’t be sent to the user who has blocked you.
If you were blocked after sending an anon question, your identity is safe – the user won’t learn that you asked the question.
A friendly tip: in most cases people get blocked by friends, if they ask mean questions. Think about it!

I forget my password, what can I do?

It happens, but you can easily get back into your account.
If you remember your email, just click on “Forget password” link when you try to login. You will receive an instruction on how to reset your password in the email.
If you do not remember your email, write to our Support Team via this link: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm. They will verify that you are the true owner of the account and will give you a new password.

Someone has posted a picture of me in photo poll. What should I do?

Posting a picture without your consent is not OK.
The goal of photo polls is to have fun for all.
To remove the photo poll you consider offensive, please contact our Support team here: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm .
Don’t forget to add a direct link to the poll you want to report.
You can report the photo poll also by clicking on the three dots next to it and submitting a report to ASKfm moderation team.

can a person reactivate their disabled account?

Of course you can, and here is how!
Deactivated account is a simple method, how to hide your profile from other people’s eyes. To reactivate your old account, just log in, and it will work again as usual.
BUT! If you have deleted your profile beforehand, you will not be able to access it again, because all posts have been removed.

How to get a verified badge easily?

Easily? This is a precious badge that does not come easily.
Only active and popular users who respect our Community Guidelines can receive it.
So the easiest way to get the blue badge is to post interesting content, be friendly and respect our inner rules. By following this suggestion your account will soon be big enough to become verified!
Verification criteria can be found here: http://bit.ly/ASKfmVerificationCriteria

My answers are being deleted. I don't want this. Why is this happening?

We remove answers, which violate ASKfm rules.
Are you sure that your posts did not violate our Community Guidelines https://safety.ask.fm/community-guidelines/?
If that’s not the case, please contact us so that we can find what is causing the removal of your posts: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm

How to send gifts?

Though some users still have gifts on their profiles, the option to send gifts is not available anymore.

But we are always looking for new ways to improve ASKfm, so new features have been introduced.

There is always an option to cheer up your friend with a question and like ❤


Language: English