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I am unbable to give likes or even like my answers as well. Whennever i like any answer,the answer is unliked automatically. Need help asap.

haiderjamil_007’s Profile PhotoMr. Bean
Ooops, it sounds like you were pretty excited during the past few hours and ended up liking a bunch of answers. While we love your enthusiasm, users are only allowed to like a certain number of answers in a short period of time to prevent anybody from abusing this function.
Please wait a few moments and you should be able to like answers again.

How can I make block to someone

Go to the persons profile you want to block -->
Click or tap on the three dots next to the users profile -->
Choose "Block"
And congratulations - you have successfully blocked the user. You will be able to unblock the person whenever you will want to do that.
Have any more questions how to keep your account safey? Check this link: https://safety.ask.fm/safety-tools/
Safety tools described with pictures.

I have 607 coins bt in leader board it is showing that I have only 431 coins😔I was supposed to be 17th in position(in leader board) bt I am 27th😑Plzz fix the bug😐

Nidhi Khan
The leaderboard is based on the number of coins earned not the total amount of coins you have.
Therefore, to be on the top, you just have to earn coins. You will get coins for each answer to your open questions and for each answer you give to any question from other user.
If you still have any questions, contact us directly via support@ask.fm and provide screenshots of your leaderboard. It will help us understand the issue.

There are many accounts posting this pictures and annoying us with private questions, please find us a solution!

In this case you should report inappropriate activity.
Please click on the three dots located on the lower right hand corner of the post you would like to report. Our team of moderators will review your report and take appropriate action.
+1 answer in: “Can i post a nude photo?”


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