
ASKfm Help

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how can I change the language? please answer

To change the language web version of ASKfm, scroll down to the bottom on the page and you should see the option there.
Or if you are using the new design already - it will be located on the right side of the page under the ASKfm Support Center block.
If you are using your phone, you will need to log out of your account and then you will find the option on the bottom of your screen.

Почему я не могу ставить лайки?

Екатерина Тесленко
Скорее всего, ты увлеклась раздачей лайков своим друзьям и исчерпала часовой лимит. Подожди пару часиков и ты сможешь радовать своих друзей лайками снова!

When would you make videos for Android too? It's stupid that I go buy iPhone just becuse of that. Android phones are more better than iPhones but all Android guys want videos for Android!

We don't want you to go buy an iPhone just so you can record a video on Ask.fm! We appreciate all of our users... Android, iPhone, ALL of you! We're doing our very best to streamline the experience for all of our users so you will get a more consistent product. Please hang in there! We didn't forget about our Android users!

2Questions: -1: are there different support account for different languages? -2: if i really don't like seeing someone's answers in my wall, cause i dont like what he says, can i hide his answers even if a person i follow likes them?

1) There is currently only one support account (this one) for all languages. We do our best to support all languages with a translator, so please bear with us!
2) At the moment, unfortunately, no there is no way to edit or block a person's answers from appearing on your timeline.

What do I do if I miss Freddie Mercury? #WorldAIDSDay

We recommend a good belting out of some Queen songs. Suggestions: "Bohemian Rhapsody" (begin and end your sing-along with this track, always), "We Will Rock You," and "We Are The Champions." If you feel like dancing, incorporate, "Under Pressure" and/or "Another One Bites The Dust."


Language: English