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There is one of my questions has been deleted without my permission or without me deleting them, how can that happen ? Do the other person who asked me can delete a question after i answered it ? Reply please

An asked question can not be deleted by the asker.
Most probably, it was violating our Terms of Use and was removed by our moderation team. Please re-read our ToU here http://bit.ly/2wKKHRC

dont know if you have gotten my question. If I delete my account permanently, can someone still get access to it somehow later? Or how does the deleting thing work?

There are two options - deactivation and deletion.
Deactivation will keep all your content so you can return to your account and find it with all your posts even after a year. BUT - it will not be visible during this time until you activate your account.
Deletion - if you choose to remove your account, your content will be destroyed in 30 days. It means - it will be lost forever.
Check out how to deactivate or delete your profile via this link: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115008686388-How-do-I-cancel-my-ASKfm-account-

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Answer me please ! 😭 Knowing who ask anonymous questions is possible ?!

For privacy and safety reasons, we cannot disclose anonymous account information without proper legal process.
If you're getting some negative or inappropriate questions, then please report it to us immediately using our Report Abuse feature.
Click on the three dots at the lower right corner of the question to report it and to block the user. Our team of moderators will review your report within 24 hours and take appropriate action.
Blocking the user will add them to your blacklist and prevent them from sending you any more questions, but doing so will not reveal who they are if the user is anonymous.

There is a HUGE PRIVACY PROBLEM!! If I permanently delete my account all my likes WON'T get deleted! So they are still connected to my username (and shown on google) even if I deleted my account! Please fix this

Did you deactivate your account or fully deleted it?
There is a difference. Check this instruction on how to fully delete your account: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115008686388-How-do-I-cancel-my-ASKfm-account-
For 30 days you should not login your account. Only then the account will be deleted forever.

How to close my account؟

We are sad that you have decided to remove your ASKfm account.
One option is to deactivate account. In this way all your posts are preserved, but they are invisible for other users. You will be able to reactivate your account at any time. Go to your Settings -> Account -> Deactivate account. To do this, you will be asked for your password.
To fully remove your account and all info that is in your account, please follow this link: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115008686388-How-do-I-cancel-my-ASKfm-account-
Your account will be removed in 30 days from our servers and Google.
Good bye and we hope to see you back soon!

I have a suggestion for improvement which I described here in detail: https://ask.fm/quetzop1/answers/143194620172 and here (in german): https://ask.fm/quetzop1/answers/143193276172. I already got positive feedback from other users. I hope, you like it, too, and we'll have fun with this new feature.

quetzop1’s Profile PhotoFritz-Ferdinand von Pinguin
Thanks a lot for your suggestions Fritz-Ferdinand von Pinguin!
We have shared them with our team.

What's the function of shoutout? I still don't understand. Thanks

The Shoutout feature allows you to send questions to people nearby.
In this way you can meet new people you do not yet follow or did not even know they are using ASKfm!
Maybe you had some question you were too afraid to ask your friends? Now you have a chance to ask stranger ;)

What is the 'pacman' button on the right upper corner for?

Estefanía Del Angel Ponce
This is not a Pacman. This is our new Shoutout feature!
Click on this symbol and write your question. Your question will be sent to random users nearby.
When it is done, wait for answers! It is a good way to learn about people who use ASKfm in your region. 🔥

Hi. I asked a question to someone and she answered. Can I delete that question ?

Now only the user who answered your question can remove it.
But if you think that this user somehow violated our Community Guidelines with the answer she gave, you can report the question and our moderator team will check this post. If needed, they will remove the content.
Check our Community Guidelines via this link: http://about.ask.fm/community-guidelines/

what is the new shoutout thing on ask fm?

ASKfm has a new feature Shoutout! It allows you to ask questions ASKfm users nearby.
How to use it? Before asking a question, choose Shoutout feature. It is next to features to ask a question or make a Photo Poll. You can use it both on app and web.
Type in your question and it will be sent to people in your region, even for those who you do not follow. When the users will receive the question and answers it, you will get a notification.

So how come we can't see the person we blocked, on our block list, if they kept harassing us through anon?

You can always block the anonymous user by clicking three dots next to the unpleasant question. After this, this use won’t be able to ask you questions anymore. But ASKfm will never open the anonymous name due to privacy and safety reasons.


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