
ASKfm Help

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I forgot my username. What should I do?

To get a reminder of your username, all you need to know is the email address you used to create the account.
1. On the login page, click the forgot password link,
2. Fill in the email address you think is associated to your account and hit send.

You’ll get an email with both, your username and a brand new password. If you forgot your email, try with all your emails that you can remember!

How do you know if a person has blocked you?

If somebody has blocked your account, your asked questions will not be sent to this user.

You cannot find out who has blocked your account. But if you think that somebody has blocked you by mistake, ask him/her personally to check it.
+1 answer Read more

why can not I find a friend. Please help me in finding friends in Ask.Fm

There are many options how to find your friends and make new ones. To start, click on section Friends:
1. Usernames – if you know your friends @username on ASKfm, write it in bar “Search people by keywords”
2. Hashtags – make new friends by searching for hashtags. Play guitar? Write #guitarist and find other people who play it too!
3. Social networks – if your account is connected with VK, FB or Twitter, ASKfm will search for your friends who are also using ASKfm.

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how to watch videos on ask.fm?

If the video is not automatically played à

Click on the video and it will start. Make sure you hear also the sound! 🎶 App users – enlarge the video full screen to hear the sound.

Still can’t hear the sound? It seems you have turned off the sound for your device. Turn it on, and everything should work ;)
askfmhelp’s Video 141066190819

i can't load my background and profile photo. why? i always get this "Error!"

Are you sure that your photo is not larger than 3MB?

If you still cannot upload your photo, send us a message here in this link: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm

We will ask you about your device model and app/web browser’s version to solve the issue.

Hello please help I used to have a ask.fm account and I posted my pictures there Now when I google my full name (just for fun) those pictures appear there!!!! It is so embarrassing, what do I do?? I don't want them to show up on google! Help please please please!!!!!!!

This happens to most of us. You are not alone. Please, do not panic. There are several ways how to deal with it.

Can you access your account? Just click on X (web users) or three dots (app users) next to the embarrassing post to remove it.

If you cannot access your old profile, write us! We will help you get back to your old account so that you can delete the posts. Here is the link where you can contact us: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm

What do we have to write in the summary and detail while filling the verification form?

First of all, be sure you have written your @username, number of followers and a correct email.

Summary – a reason why you are sending the email. In your case it is applying for profile verification. So just write “Profile verification”.
Detail – a brief statement of why you want to get verified.
Apply for the verification here: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm

If l liked some one's answer but I removed it quickly , will he see my like in his notification's ?

Notifications about likes are sent automatically after you have liked someone’s post.

In case you unlike the post, notification is automatically removed from inbox. So there is a chance that your friend didn’t notice the notification before it was withdrawn from his/her inbox after you unliked the post 😉

What is the fastest way to speak with you?

The fastest way how to contact us is via this link: http://bit.ly/contactaskfm
ASKfm support staff responds to all emails from users within 24 hours.
But you can write us also here:
Twitter: @askfm
Facebook: @askfmpage
Instagram: @askfm
And of course, here!

I cant follow anymore. Whats wrong?

It looks like you have reached the maximum number of people you are allowed to follow.
Please check the list of your friends! Maybe some of these accounts are not active anymore?
By removing subscriptions from these accounts, you will get more space for new profiles to follow.

How do you block people?

Keep yourself safe from unwanted users! ☔
There are two ways how you can do it:
①Via user’s profile: block the user by clicking on the crossed circle next to user’s name on the right side.
②Via section Unanswered questions: click on the three dots next to the question and choose option Block. Now the user who sent the question cannot contact you anymore! In this way you can block anon users, too.

What does online status mean? Some people are online but they answer later...

Online status indicates, whether the user is online or not.
Green dot - online.
No dot - offline (or the user has decided to hide online status).
Maybe your friend was still thinking about the answer? Or was lost in time while scrolling through the Feed?


Language: English