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how can i change the language of ask ??😩

For the app users the language button is in the logging in window.
If you are now using ASKfm, just log out and you will see this window to change language.
On web it is easier - go to the settings and on the right side you can choose language by clicking on the name of the language.
We have around 50 language options. Did you find yours?

Related users

How can I edit an answer of mine, to correct a grammatical mistake?

A posted answer is like spoken word - you cannot change it.
But, hey, you can always delete the answer!
In web: Go to your profile where you posted the answer --> Click on the "x" next to the answer you wish to remove.
In app: Go to you profile and click on the three dots next t the question you wish to remove.
The question will go back in your "Questions" section! If you want, you can answer it again. If not - delete it.

How can I get notificitions on my mobile phone? I am using Apple!

Please reinstall ASKfm app from Appstore.
When you have done this, there will be pup-up with question about notifications. After you have allowed, you will receive notifications!
Write us if you still have any question ;)

how do you delete your profile pictures if i have 4 and i only want 1

Choose your favorite picture and set it as a profile picture!
What to do with the rest of the pictures? Click on the upper right corner those three little dots and you will have a chance to choose "Delete" them.
Also on the web you can change it: Choose "Settings" and click on the "x" next to the pictures you wish to remove!

I want to report a profile for rudeness and the use of negative words but the thing is that it is in a language that is not very common so I do not know if one of your stuff can understand what is being said? What should I do?

Definitely report it!
If the post contains inappropriate content, reporting is the best way how to make sure it will be removed!
Our moderators work with many languages and even if the post is in rare language we will help you!

Is there any way to delete the notification from your favorite profiles ? the ones you star and then the notification comes "they answered a question" ?

umarfarooqkhan49’s Profile PhotoUBomb
Go to the section "Friends", find the profile you do not want to follow, click on the star.
From bright yellow it will turn grey. And no more notifications from this profile!
+1 answer Read more

unknown people signal every photo so ask close my account,i create another account but append again how can i have my profile back? how can i signal this people?

Account on ASKfm can get terminated only if the content violates our Community Guidelines. So you should not be worried about the reports if the content is all right.
But you have been suspended already twice, so we suggest you to read the the guidelines: http://about.ask.fm/community-guidelines/

I may have left my account logged in in someone else's tablet and I can't get the tablet back, how do I log out my account in other devices from my own?

Safety tip - always log out if you are not the only user of the divece.
But if the issue has happened --> just write to our helpful Customer Support team and they will log you out from all devices!


Language: English