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How do u receive answers????

You'll get a notification when your question gets answered, so be on the lookout for those whenever you get an answer!
Liked by: M O M A

I dont know for other people but, honestly? I LOVE the anonymous feature. Yes, sometimes youre dying to know who asked you but thats whats actually fun about Ask.fm-- the mystery! Keep up the good work Ask.fm :3

That's what we love to hear!

I can't understand, when it says"someone liked your answer" and when it say "someone thinks your answer is awesome"? ,,What is the difference?

RadwaMahmoud415’s Profile PhotoRadwa
No difference, really. They both pretty much mean your ask got some likes 😎

I just wanted to say thank you ! I couldn't get the link to answers even after clicking on the timetag and now I get that option below every answer ! Thank you so much ! You guys do a great job ! Hope you all have a fabulous day ahead :) ~M

All of our wonderful users inspire us to create a better experience for you all on ASKfm! So thank YOU! 😍
Liked by: Patteh Jill

Will anonymously disappear? Will all of the questions you asked anonymously do not be anonymously anymore?

Not sure where you got *this* rumor from... but no. Anonymous users will not be revealed. Not now, not ever. Write it down, send it to your friends.

How to unblock an anon?

On your block list, you should see the question from the anonymous user you blocked. Just select that question to unblock and the user who asked you that question will be unblocked.

l had an account which was connected to facebook but when l disconnected it from facebook it did not log in again and when l tried to log in by my username l wrote the password of the facebook but it didn't log in too althougth l don't remember the email l inserted now l just need to deaivate it?

Whoa... sounds like there's a lot going on there. Send us a help ticket and we'll be happy to give you some guidance:


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