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I can't like any answers of a person. Why?

Hate to be the one to tell you this, but it's most likely because that person blocked you 😔
There's a chance this might have been an accident, so try to reach out to this user in another way to see if he/she will unblock you. Sometimes posting a message on your profile in the bio or as a question can help. Good luck!

If im asking someone a question..and there "anonymous questions" think is on..but oncew im about to send the question..they turn it off..will it still be an anonymous question? or will it show my name?

Whoa, you put a lot of thought into that! If you're anonymous, then you'll stay anonymous. If your friend happens to turn off anonymous questions right when you ask, your question will be the last anonymous question he/she receives. Basically... there's still no loophole to reveal anonymous users.

Well, hi.. i have problem, but your support http://support.ask.fm/ics/support/ticketnewwizard.asp?style=classic doesn't work, it's just frozen..

Well that's not ideal... here's a suggestion: why don't you send us another question not anonymously so we'll be able to send you a help ticket ourselves and try to figure out what's going on with your account? Don't worry... if you don't wanna be revealed, we won't answer the question publicly here 😉

When ever I press the back button after clicking somones profile pic, it sends me to the profile of the person that i was viewing BFORE that. Its so annoying. If that makes any sense.

Totally makes sense, and we totally understand how that can be annoying. Did you know that after clicking on a profile pic, you can just click anywhere on the page and the pic will close out? You can also click on the "x" at the top-right corner of the pic to close it out without leaving the user's profile. Since you're still on that user's profile while viewing their pic, clicking the "back" button will take you back to the page you were on before. Try it out and let us know if it didn't work!


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