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Where would you like to get a tattoo?

A second one? Well either vertical words in script running from my elbow down my hip or inner wrist or bracelet altho i hear those are painful. I've had 1 since last Fall. I'm ok with just the one I have. I don't want too many & in obvious places.

What is your biggest pet peeve? 😒 Why is it that you hate it sooo much? 🤔

When people dismiss my feelings or words when I'm expressing myself. That type of flippant behavior makes me feel like they are basically calling me stupid or insignificant. Since I'm neither...it pushes my buttons.

Are you scared of heights?

No usually. But did have to concentrate to ride the Sky Jump at the top of the Stratosphere needle (Vegas). My best friend stayed on the lobby downstairs. Lol. But 1 person went with me. I like freefall rides so I had to do it. I love views so u gotta open your eyes & ENJOY. Ha! It was incredible!

Describe your workout routine

My workout routine is pretty abysmal. I run a trail of varying elevation a few time a week. I should do my planks and burpees...I procrastinate becoz I hate them. Circuit training works best for me, but its not as easy to accomplish in my current household. I never thought I'd miss the gym. And I hate working out with friends in a park atmosphere. Anyway I need to work on strength & balance. So there's that.
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Why is it rude to ask a woman how many different fathers her many kids have?

If you are interested in someone or newly dating, I'm not sure that this matters any more than asking how many relationships the woman has been in. But I do know women ask men this question. So to be fair...you have the right to ask. It can be a touchy 1st date subject. At least let it happen organically.

Was the Buddha the Messiah of his time? Why / why not? Thank you.

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
If we're looking at a messiah figure as a messenger bringing hope & enlightenment...then yes. However, their philosophies were vastly different.

Has someone ever told you they didn't find you s xually attractive enough to f ck?

No. But since people have preference I'm 💯% sure people feel this way about me. To each, his own.

Do you get irritated by the laughter of others when you are in a bad mood?

No. Ironically it breaks my mood & makes me ease up a bit. What I don't like when I'm in a bad mood is others dismissing my feelings.


Language: English