
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Ask @GrimReapings

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Oh dear..this isn't working is it..? What is this? Is this the poison..? *she looks at the black liquid running down his mouth* This isn't good.. hold on, we can't disturb Geno, he's not fairing any better than you are..maybe..I know its risky and may do more harm than good but if I share my magic..

TheGoddessOfLife’s Profile Photo〜T∿o∿r∿i∿e∿l〜
*Reaper grips his robe as he continued hacking, if Life shares magic with him, he will definitely díe, hopefully she doesn't*...
+4 answers in: “*Toriel then sits beside Reaper as she tries to heal him but her magic isn't capable of curing poison*.. I hope this works.. I don't think Geno would take this well if you were to dust like this”

*Toriel then sits beside Reaper as she tries to heal him but her magic isn't capable of curing poison*.. I hope this works.. I don't think Geno would take this well if you were to dust like this

TheGoddessOfLife’s Profile Photo〜T∿o∿r∿i∿e∿l〜
..*Reaper starts hacking while Toriel tried to cure him and a black liquid spews from his mouth..it wasn't his Hatred though..this liquid looked very similar to Alluras Toxin*
..Ngh..!! G-Geno..!
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*hands you coffee* you look like you need it

Huh..thanks I guess...kinda weird to have a anon thats friendly..or anyone that's friendly towards the Grim Reaper..
*he takes the coffee*
+1 answer Read more

What was The last thing that you were trying hard to get but lost interest after getting it?

..Getting away from being the Grim Reaper... I almost had that freedom thanks to Gaster..but I don't know what else to do if I ever stopped being the God of Death.. i was made just for that reason..to be the God of Death.. to reap Souls whether I wanted to or not.. and all I've known was that.. reaping and kílling.. no matter how much I hated it.. I got used to it over time.. so when I almost had that freedom of not being a God anymore..I panicked..it was all I've known for all these years.. even though I wanted that freedom for so long.. I don't know what to do if I wasn't a God.. I don't think I would have a purpose anymore
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Your a God yes but your not invincible and you've shown it how many times were you taken down?

...F-ck you anon!!

Hey look on the bright side, if I hadn't trapped myself there cheating conceptual Death, we never would have met. Also my bone attacks use the least amount of magic of my offensive magic, so I'm still fine, well I'm tired, but that's from worrying about you.

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
True, and I'm happy I met my adorable Tsundere *Reaper nuzzles him before blushing slightly over hearing Geno was worried about him*
You were worried about me? Love, you shouldn't have to worry, I'm the God of Death remember? I'll always be okay, I'm more worried about you.. you should lay down for a bit
+5 answers in: “https://ask.fm/LazySkeleton89/answers/155050713076”


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