
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Ask @GrimReapings

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You're not happy to sea me?

FishTheGoldfish’s Profile PhotoFish
*Reaper ends up laughing at the pun but he was upset with himself afterwards..he didn't want anyone to view him as "nice" so even though he has nothing against Fish now, he still didn't want to be friendly towards him*
Damn it..I have a reputation to keep, I'm the Grim Reaper ..remember? I'm not supposed to be joking around with a Goldfish..
+9 answers in: “Hey reaper!”

Would you rather tell your parents the truth or lie to your best friend?

How about we talk about how adorable Geno is instead?
Would you rather tell your parents the truth or lie to your best friend

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What do you mean? *Geno is now confused, and choosing to ignore his other comment*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Reaper realized he had let that slip and quickly tries changing the subject* N-nothing, its nothing Love, so after we eat, can I have you for dessert? *Seriously..he has his mind in the gutter 24/7 ..*
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

I'm just going to order you a burger, *Geno leans across the table and clinks Reaper's cheek* I do love you, even if you've done some pretty terrible things. But we're working on that.

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
A Geno burger? I wouldn't mind eating you, if you get what I mean--*REAPER OMG your in a restaurant!**The Death God went silent for a moment and turned bright blue from Geno clinking his cheek* Would it help at all if I told you not all my actions were my own?
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

pfft *you managed to get him smiling* Not now Reaper, I meant something off the menu, *Geno places a hand on his head and shakes it smiling* what am I supposed to do with you

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Kiss me and tell me you love me? *Reaper winks* But okay then, are strawberries on the menu? I wouldn't mind having a strawberry Tsundere~
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

I don't think anyone here would attack me... but can we just try and act like a normal couple for a little while, anything in particular you want?

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Well, there IS one thing I want and hes standing right in front of me~ *Reaper, seriously?*
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

*this causes Geno to freeze up* can... can we not talk about that? Let's just try and enjoy ourselves without starting fights for once... ok? *Geno's eye has a far away look*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Reaper then pulled Geno into a hug once seeing he was really bothered by what Reaper said* S-sorry Love.. I didn't mean to upset you..just I worry about you and as long as nobody tries hurting you, I won't need to fight..
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

I'll keep him in line Grillbz, come on lets sit at a booth before you end up in a pointless fight. *Geno speaks more quietly* Remember these people are my friends, they aren't going to hurt me anyway so there's no need to scare them

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
But Love..*Reapers voice had suddenly shifted into a more serious tone*
..We both know from experience just because someone says they're your friend doesn't mean it's true..your Frisk said they were your friend and kílled you Love..I'm just looking out for you..
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

*Geno facepalms* My husband, I don't take him out often, and I'm sure you can figure out why. Reaper seriously? First thing you say when we get in is a threat?

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
R: But Love, if everyone is afraid of me they'll be too scared to do anything to you
G: ..So this is your husband? Is he going to be a problem?
R: I'll only be a problem if you cause any problems for Geno
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

*Geno chuckles slightly* No threatening to reap Grillby either, he's still an old friend of mine

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Alright, fine..I won't threaten to reap him..*Reaper sighed, you have a feeling he will still make a scene somehow since his social skills are zero*
G: Hello Geno, right? I'm still not used to calling you that..who's your friend?
R: Your worst nightmare! *REAPER!! NO, BAD*
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

How about Grillby's, as long as you think you won't make another scene again

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Reaper blushed bright blue at the mention of that embarrassing incident and silently takes Genos hand, teleporting them to Grillbys, at least he won't be chasing a goldfish this time if he does make another scene lol*
..Don't bring that up...I'll behave this time..
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

I'm not supposed to be here either, remember. Silver is in Limbo like I am and Sorell is a Reaper like you and Goth and shouldn't have ended up in the Underworld to begin with.

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
..I guess you have a point..*Reaper sighed* Sorry Love...I'll let them go..for now.. until one of those kids do something to you..anyway, now about our date, any place you wanna go?
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

*instead Geno grabs Reaper's hand and teleports them to the surface* We don't need more reasons for Horror to hate you.

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
But Love..that kids on my list..him, Silver and Sorell are already dead..they aren't supposed to be here..
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”

How bout we go to the surface and do something for our date before you manage to put your foot in your mouth *Geno is smiling as he says this but it's true Reaper does do that... a lot*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Reaper blushed slightly, he was a little embarrassed because it is true, it won't be long before he manages to p-ss someone off or get into trouble, actually I think he's already done that by trying to reap Rora*
..L-lets just go on our date..after I reap this kiddo first
+18 answers in: “*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...”


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