
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Ask @GrimReapings

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*It took a few hours but Geno is back completely unscathed, he has @EverIastingSorrow with him and places the kid in one of the beds in the kids room so he can rest before coming over to talk to Reaper again* Did you still want to go on that date...

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
First..are you okay Love? Your not still mad at me, are you? *Reaper them went behind Geno and nuzzled his Tsundere*
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Death sometimes I swear... you can’t even share me with our own kids?!

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Is it a bad thing I love you that much I want you all to myself? *Reaper then wraps his arms around Geno* relax Love, I'll get the kiddo out of Underfell AFTER I spend some time with you first~
*He sent Sorell back to Underfell..the same place where the kiddo died with his brother, good job Reaper*
+5 answers in: “*a hand tightly grips his shoulder* what the fuck did you do to Sorell? *Reaper has a knack for pissing people up*”

*a hand tightly grips his shoulder* what the fuck did you do to Sorell? *Reaper has a knack for pissing people up*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*It was at this moment, Reaper knew..he f-cked up*
*He looked back at his Tsundere who is clearly angry*
Calm down Love, I just sent the kiddo away for a bit..we need some alone time together too~ *he winks*
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D3ad!?D3ad..I know D3ad I was d3ad old man..I was eaten alive by a monster in horrortale.But now i'm back.We both got a second chance we both deserve our best shots at living again!

*Reaper is going to reap poor Rora now that he knows this kiddo died before too, though Reaper was responsible for Silver and Sorells deaths and now he's going to be responsible for Roras, Allura and Horror are going to be very angry skeleparents*
*Reaper then grabs Rora by the scruff of his shirt and flings him into a portal along with Sorell*
You know I'm the Grim Reaper kiddo, it's my job to make sure whoever dies stays dead and if your telling me the truth here, your times already been up..but I'll tell you what kiddo, if you really want another chance at life, you can try living in Underfell, let's see how long you last there
+2 answers in: “Hey!*he gets hit by a rock*”

**Hey Death figured you might need someone to spell this out for you, but it's clear if you erase Geno's memory of Silver and Sorell that anons will remind him about them. Memory wiping won't save your ass anymore**

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
..Says you! I'll kíll all the anons if I have to but I'm erasing his memories later on! He doesn't need to know about those brats!
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Geno sicced Epic on you... And if you remember the fight you two had several months ago, this could end very badly

Geno wouldn't of done that, he loves me~
*You DID kíll 2 of your own children and put the remaining 3 in comas..Geno is probably p-ssed and he has every reason to be*

I think meeting his dead son might have broken Geno....

*Reaper is definitely going to try kílling Silver again over this but first he's going to go get someone to help Geno*

God forbid Geno have anyone else in his life that he cares about

He doesn't need anybody else! *Reaper then swings his scythe in order to reap you, someone is angry*

The point of a family is to take care of each other AND HELP EACH OTHER. You're missing the point.

*Reaper just kept his gaze away from both you and Geno, truthfully..with the way he was raised and the fact hes never had emotion before, he didn't know that's what family is about..even if his Hatred wasn't affecting most of his actions, he wouldn't know how to be around his kids, he didn't even know how to act around his own brother or even with Geno*

*Geno seems to mouth the names, then shakes his head* No the names don't feel familiar at all, whatever you did when you erased my memories of them has really stuck....

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
That's a good thing, means you won't remember them after this..at least ONE of the things I erased finally stayed erased
*Reaper chuckled a bit* You named Silver well Silver because when he was alive, he had Silver colored eyes and you thought it fit him, he doesn't have that anymore now since I reaped him and Sorell you came up with by combining not just our names but Fells too since he was still your adopted brother at the time and you wanted him to feel part of the family..I erased all your memory of them right after you named them and sent them off..and I'm going to do it again here in a minute..
+8 answers in: “Does the HOW I know really matter? You do realize you also just admitted that you did in fact reap 2 of our kids and leave the remaining three near dusting”

If you ever bothered to actually act like a parent as opposed to me having to do everything then I wouldn't end up in trouble trying to take care of them *normally Geno would have sounded angry or at least frustrated, but right now he sounds just ... empty*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Love, I did try to parent them..*by dumping them in Underfell, you even dumped Goth there a few times, good thing Geno doesn't remember that*
I don't think we were ready to have that many kiddos, it's better off they're gone, now we can just focus on eachother without having to worry about anyone else, your upset right now but I know you'll forget all about this later and we'll go back to cuddling~
+8 answers in: “Does the HOW I know really matter? You do realize you also just admitted that you did in fact reap 2 of our kids and leave the remaining three near dusting”

... fine... *all of his earlier anger is gone, replaced by what seems like a void of hopelessness*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
..*Reaper was now worried, Geno went from angry to upset in just a matter of seconds..if Geno had his magic functioning again though I think he would have strangled Reaper for this**The Death God then proceeds to take Geno back home and lays him back down in bed*..Love, I know you don't like this..but I'm just doing what I can to protect you..those kiddos got you into more danger than anyone else..
+8 answers in: “Does the HOW I know really matter? You do realize you also just admitted that you did in fact reap 2 of our kids and leave the remaining three near dusting”


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