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Hey, I have a question. Your dog is sooo cute and I wonder whether your dog is sterilized? I have a dog too and my mom wants me to sterilize her because she doesn't want any babys lol and that makes me sad and scared. :((

all of my animals have always been sterilized ... even tho i dis sterilize my dog way before i originally planned to because she had a really bad cancer on her ovary and we had to sterilize her way before to avoid the cancer takes other parts... but don’t worry, if your dog is healthy nothing will happen to her if you take her to the good vet for the surgery :) she will just gain a little bit of weight and be more calm.

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I've been scrolling down your page and all I see is crap about whitney. Screw that teenage drama! I want to know what happened to alaina and matt! lol

“ all i see is crap about whitney “
like did you really scroll my page then ?! 😂😂😂
because you know, i have like no posts about Whitney or related to her at all, maybe only one about the skateboard 😂😂 nothing more😂😂

did alaina and matt really break up? I've been curious about that because of everything she's been tweeting lately, it just seemed like she was having relationship problems.

yes they did break up... idk if it is something like a “ lets give each other time “ or just a simple and definitive break up... but they aren’t together at the moment .

I wonder why Hailie doesn't disable her public account and make a private account lol. That way she can post again without worrying about publicity.

Maybe because she doesn’t care about posting in the first place ?! like didn’t you think about it ? because this is actually the reason.

Was Marshall even home for thanksgiving since he’s still in NY?

idk.... probably yes, you know... there is that weird thing called “
private plane “ that allows you to fly whenever and wherever your want without any tickets or anything ... just call and book it.

Don’t I think hailies boy friend kind of gain a lot of weight he has a double chin now it’s so weird 😝 hailie looks so little next to him though

he looks exactly the same .. he didn’t gain weight at all... for your info... everyone can have a double chin if you make a weird head position... even a small one but still.

Chances are if Kim and Marshall ever got back together I think they would never let the public know about them and I guess they wouldn’t get married they will just live together..nothing is impossible and I would like to see them together it would make hailie so happy.. since they are both single

Hailie herself thinks they are better apart ... they are just not made to be into a relationship together, they won’t be back together ... they are in a friendly relationship even tho they aren’t close or anything to each other .... they are better apart and live on their own.

The place where u live, does pharmacists earn good? Cuz I’m doing a bachelor of Pharmacy and I wonder if I ever be able to earn good and become independent I’m sorry if I’m annoying u.. it’s just I don’t have someone from Europe to ask about this 😶😶

i don’t reallt understand what are you asking about
Liked by: Hailie Scott

How’s hailies grade at school ? She’s a very bright student or average student wonder how much she’ll get for her gpa... what’s her course by the way? If she’s doing psycology ?

She’s good student but idk how good lol

Does it ever bothwe Marshall that the only biological kid he has, doesn’t have his last name ? I mean a child should have her fathers last name whether her parents were married or not ? He never left hailie or anything... maybe Kim was been selfish 😳😳😳

Kim wasn’t selfish, please don’t talk and don’t judge when you don’t know the things.
it was especially Marshall’s decision to make Hailie keep Scott as her last name for several reasons and Kim and Marshall together agreed with ir.

Do u think em ever grounded hailie or he’s not a strict parent? If hailie ever yell at him will her be silent or get mad at hailie? He doesn’t seem to be that strict though

Marshall is actually a strict parent, he said it himself in the way i am book and many people who know the girls or even Marshall confirm it.

https://ask.fm/HaiiliieScott35380/answers/142861674841 But it was a big drama ,why you dont think she told them?

lmao it was a drama Dayer made to get a revenge, not a big deal to Whitney herself, she didn’t care that much in the first place, plus why she has to get involved her parents in everything happening on internet ?! she is big enough to deal herself with some stuff.
i bet no one of us tell our parents what happens on internet.

U don’t know for sure how Marshall disaplines but he don’t seem like the hitting type

lmao “ poke „ is way far from hitting in the first place ... plus i have never said how he discipline the kids, i have just said that the way he does it, it’s just his business and he does it the way HE think it’s okay and wants.
there is a huge difference

I don’t get why ppl are talking about Marshall poking Alaina’s head😂 not that big of a deal

It happened years ago, it is like in a deep past now so idk why people keep making it a hige drama like it would be recent ...

Do you remember the caption of Hailie’s when she posted collage of Marshall’s gifts on Valentines Day? Did she even have one?

i have a screenshot of it with the caption but it wasn’t Hailie’s post.

Marshall actually loves cooking and is really good at it. Probably because he WAS a cook in a restaurant 😂

lmaoo... he actually have said himself he can’t cook and doesn’t really like it... like do you seriously think he loves it and likes it just because he worked where he did in the past ?! ughm no... it’s not like he choosed this job because he liked it, his life situation forced him to take the first job he found.
Liked by: angela Hailie Scott


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