@M1ssSemy#5 🇱🇻

Star. i

Latest answers from Star. i

How do you deal with being misperceived or misunderstood?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
I don't because I aspire not to give a fu.ck about what others might think about me. If they misunderstand me, they're not my people. 🥺

When you know you'll be doing a lot of walking, what do you do to prepare? What's the farthest you've walked in a day? 👟🚶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I think it was 17 km, but apparently, it's 19.24km.
The most important thing is the boots. I have issues with shoes. No matter how good they are, they will cause blisters or any other pain.

Kādas lietas Tu rūpīgi novēro citos lai Tev radītos pirmais priekšstats par kādu?

Vispār reti kad maldos cilvēkos.
Tas 'vaibs' ko viņi izdala ir ļoti svarīgs. Vai tā ir pozitīva vai negatīva enerģija;
Viņu attieksme pret mani, pret citiem;
Kā viņi runā un ko stāsta;
Bet ar laiku tāpat man viņi nepatiks, pierādīts fakts. 😂
Tiešām ļoti reti ir cilvēks pie kā gribētos pieturēties, jo dīvainības mani atbaida.🥴

Nosauc desmit lietas kas liek Tev smaidīt?

Es nezinu vai varu nosaukt kaut vienu. Es nesmaidu un nesmejos vairs. Viss dzīvesprieks ir izsūkts un kaut nu tā nebūtu. Nu kaut kādi vispārēji sīkumi, nekas konkrēts.

How would you describe your dream garden? What features would it have? 🌹🌿🦋

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It's a pretty hard question because I'm a gardener... I could go into details and make the answer extremely long, and I don't want to. I'll keep it short.
This year, my idea was to do the garden differently. I wanted to ditch the "potato field" as I call it ... because I hated it and have garden boxes instead. With garden boxes, you avoid having to deal with useless weed between the furrows.
But it didn't work out for me because I can't make them by myself. So, I still have the potato field. I have different greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc, planted there.
My dream garden would require little weed maintenance.
This is what I want! ⬇️
How would you describe your dream garden What features would it have

When you think of your favorite comfort food(s), what dish/dishes come to mind? Any specific ones that are traditional to your family, culture, country, etc? 🤤

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Comfort foods...
Besides chocolate and cake 🤔
My absolutely favourite food combo (IT IS A LATVIAN THING)
Šašliks (shashlik), boiled potatoes, + tomato, dill, cucumber & sour cream salad. I eat salad and potatoes together, it's like an amazing sauce. 😂
And then we have cold soup.
It's best in summers - when it's so hot you can barely think about food.
Beets (not fresh, they're prepared and ready in a jar), eggs, cucumber, tomato, dill, and kefir (buttermilk??)
When you think of your favorite comfort foods what dishdishes come to mind Any

How do you go about keeping a good posture? 🚶‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don't. But once I'd notice even a slight change in having a bad posture, I'd work on it immediately.
I had this colleague who had a hunchback and that looks so terrifying 😯
I atleast try to sit with straight back because any other position really just causes severe backpain.

Language: English