@M1ssSemy#5 🇱🇻

Star. i

Have you ever tried to google your own name? What came up? 😆⌨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I know there's nothing on my name. I don't use my real name. (Name yes, last name no), guess I've always been disassociated from the family that "raised" me.
I know it ain't a funny answer. 🥲

Latest answers from Star. i

What's your favorite board game? How good would you say you're at it? ♟️🎲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don't know. I don't have favourites, I play whatever I have and buy whatever looks fun. 😃 :
Both Alias and Latvian trivia are fun to play with the best company. Oh, and I also have another pick - about mu.rder and accidents - called black stories. I suggest it. It's fun to be the detective 😆
Whats your favorite board game How good would you say youre at it

What reminds you of home? 🏡

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
* That cosy feeling of your own home arrangements. You've spent time into putting furniture and things in places.
The kitchen - cupboard, spices, tea.
The bedroom - the bed.
Bath + bath bombs/bath foam.
* The safety feeling. Like when something is too much, you're safe in your little bubble at home.
* Different scents and smells. Foods smell tastier, and flowers smell fresher.
* My two rabbits and fish that wait for me to get home.
* The neighbourhood.
* For me, home is also my country. After 4 /5 years abroad, I know I can't get lost in my own country because it's familiar to me.
* Nature. I love having trees around the house. It brings comfort and cosiness to me. Especially when it's raining and the rain hits the leaves.
* My S/O. And also, there's a saying - home is where your heart is. 🥺

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Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day? 🕔🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I feel hungry. 😆
I don't have regime because sometimes I sleep because I'm too tired. Yesterday I woke up at 1pm and had lunch, today I woke up way too early, around 9pm and had breakfast. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast and end up taking a nap.
My schedule is all sorts of messed up because of how tired I am. 😮‍💨

What'd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year? 👗☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I've been wearing a very light dress + undershorts, because I couldn't walk around with a bare ass. ☺️
Literally nothing else because it's too hot. 🤕 pants make me sweat. I can't believe I used to wear jeans all the time 10 years ago.


sathik_05’s Profile PhotoSathik
Here's a :story: but it's not a story.
I've been getting phone calls from one company for about 2 weeks straight. I finally blocked them because I sleep till 12 pm. And they're like the unwanted alarm clock at 10 am. I never pick up random numbers. You need to schedule an appointment if you want to talk to me, lol. But I'd rather not, phone call anxiety is a serious thing.

How do you deal with being misperceived or misunderstood?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
I don't because I aspire not to give a fu.ck about what others might think about me. If they misunderstand me, they're not my people. 🥺

Language: English