
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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IS it cheating when 2 people are seeing each other and are still not official. and 1 person is still sleeping around with out the other knowing

Brian R. Willet
I feel why be with someone if you’re not serious with them? Well for me, that’s a waste of time on both him and I.
Liked by: † Twix †

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what are your thoughts on having kids ? you want them , you don't , you got them , waiting , ready , expecting . . . ? 👣

arrrby’s Profile Photo✨ Rare ✨ Essence ✨
I would love to have kids, but I think about how the world is today and it almost seems selfish of me to bring a child in such a terrible world.
Liked by: † Twix †

do you like to argue?

No and if I have to argue with someone. I always cut them off completely. I have no time to be going back and forth with some insolent, self righteous, sorry excuse for a human being.
Liked by: † Twix †

Are you ready for 2022?

Grac3fulBella86’s Profile PhotoJaiBella
Nope. Just like I wasn’t ready for 2021. I knew it wasn’t going to be any better than 2020. I highly doubt 2022 is too. This world is by far the worst it’s ever been.
Liked by: † Twix †

How do you feel about interracial relationships? I personally don't discriminate but I have a very prejudice father and idk how our father/daughter relationship would correlate if I were to marry outside of my race

I have nothing against a interracial relationship. I always say, no where in the Bible it says that God only accepts marriage between a man and a woman if they’re both the same race, so I never understood why some people hate the fact that there’s interracial couples. Besides, mixed children are adorable.
Liked by: † Twix †


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