
How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

17805,465,9875 times worst than it is now. There will be no grass or trees and people will still not know how to drive. The animals will be about gone because I would rather not say but you better check the meat in your rice. The cloned meat will be making you sick and they will be putting super extra hormones in meat so ur gonna get 300 pound life will they say organic, no lactose, fat free all that (probably is now) will be a lie they will just be trying to make a sell. Since live stock gonna be short u gonna be eating rats, bats, cats, and dogs on buns at fast foods and y’all know it’s true so don’t get sensitive

Latest answers from Iamsoe

Bad girls, bad girls watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

🎶 🎶 Hopefully they are going to run from the bad girls 😂

Language: English