
Ayesha Omar

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From broken toys to wandered hopes.
From crying for wants to crying for losts.
From teaching the dolls and walls to being taught harshly.
From asked to respect to earning it yourself.
From not caring about oxygen to breathing several deaths.
From shooting bullets onscreen to smiling upon the absorbed shots.
The ecstasy changing to concealed vehement, made out of felonies.
The innocence bending into never ending abrupt vividity.
The need of upgraded toys to the need of toxicated inhale.
The careless actions to cautious societal judgements unheard; sometimes.
The hue fading to accomplish the darkness.
Worldly visible absurd moulding into invisible absurd.
Unjudged pure laughter ageing into insufficient unlively laugh.
Believing 'the end' when a zinger was not promised to ending everything for once and for all.
Faking a cry to get things done to keeping the wishes engraved.
Swallowing bitter syrups to wanting high-dozed destructive bunties.
"Life is beautiful." to "It'll be fine, soon."
Promising friendships for life to laughing on BFF captions.
Crying for parent's attention to silently wishing if they understood.
The desperate desire to stay awake all night to suffocating nights of insomnia.
The infallible future plans to no more next minute plans.
The perfect lush life falling into shackles.
The unknown word 'dignity' to vulnerably protecting it.
The simple chapters of destiny to untold, unsung, unheard thoughtless chapters penned each passing minute.

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Language: English