
Living Beyond Fear

Which was the first place you traveled outside of the UK?

itzmanu_’s Profile PhotoManu
I wasn't sure about flying so I decided if I was going to face my fear it better be for something amazing. We went on a Red Sea cruise which incorporated sights in Egypt and Jordan. I love Petra and Luxor the best but also went to the pyramids at Giza, Cairo museum and Valley of the Kings. Still the best holiday ever to this day and that was 7 years ago now!
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Latest answers from Living Beyond Fear

What are your plans for the weekend? 🗓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm working on Saturday then Sunday I plan to have a lie in and go for a relaxed stroll with a latte.

How can I learn to better see all the opportunities around me?

Slowing down and being present in each moment is a good place to start in my experience. Focusing on one thing at a time, physically slowing down your pace, making time to notice your surroundings in greater detail etc. This helps give some breathing space for observation, reflection and enjoyment.

Do you think it's creepy for an adult to follow a minor actress on social media?

No, at least not any more inappropriate that a minor having a social media account in the first place! I'd assume their guardians would have appropriate safeguards in place.

How do you usually feel about going to the dentist? 🦷

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I really hate the dentist but it is a necessary evil! I've actually not been for a check up in quite some time. I'm dreadful at putting it off!

Would you rather be loved or respected ?

Respected as until there is respect there is not truly love.

Post the last photo or video on your phone

I took a picture of this for a friend who was struggling. It's a journal page I did a while back.

Are you really who you want to be?

In some ways yes! I'm doing what I want to do for a job, I'm with a lovely person and I'm putting as much kindness out there as I can. But there are things I'm still working on. My physical health and fitness, my travel goals and trusting myself. How about you?

I'm thinking of soon making a post where I'll tag those who are willing in hopes of bringing the lovely people of this app together. Do you want to be a part of it? 😄📣

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Great idea! Yes please 😊😊

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