
Not a care in the world

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اسامح ولا لا؟

أمل دنقل يقول :-
لا تسامحْ*! ..
ولو منحوك الذهب
أترى حين أفقأ عينيك
ثم أثبت جوهرتين مكانهما ..
هل ترى..؟
هي أشياء لا تشترى ..
و الشافعي يقول :-
لمّا عفوتُ ولم أحقدْ على أحد
أرحتُ نفسي من هَمِّ العداواتِ
الناسُ داءٌ ودواءُ الناس قُرْبُهم
وفي اعتزالهمُ قطعُ الموداتِ

How to stop comparin' urself with other ppl?

rania_al_rashidy’s Profile PhotoEwww
I think the more important part is when they try to drag u into this comparing and competition game , just dont give in , smile and wave and dont be tempted, mostly it is not worthy rly ..
On the other had just know that everyone have their own path and time line to learn or gain things in life and that is the most tricky part , that we have to deal with each other with all of our different positions in life which demands that we r considerate and compassionate toward each other, as the saying "each one is going through a fight u know nothing about" ..


Language: English