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Most exciting thing you've ever done?

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Lol welp statute of limitations is up & no one likes me anyway. So for most of my teenage years I ran a crew for a biker gang with syndicate connections. I was an enforcer so a mid level soldier. I've been in street fights. Sometime for money sometimes to settle disputes. I was trained with weapons. I've collected money for the gangs. I've managed dealers and had to do a lot of things I'm not particularly proud of... I've been shot at, had my ribs broken, and nearly stabbed. Well I say nearly. They chipped my rib with a knife but thankfully it didn't go in...

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بدون دخول في تفاصيل يا ريت تعملوا ريبورتات لصفحتها هي لانها بتأذي صحابي و معارف عندي و هي وقحة كتير بتدخل تغلط عليهم من حسابها هاد و من حسابات فيك كمان 😭💔
Quite possibly my recent adventures. That’s why I’m craving more and going to Long Island without much of a clue. 🤣😏

Language: English