
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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How do you feel about having your butt's integrity endangered on a daily basis?

I'll have to eat more spicy food for protection.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Dan, you have so much stuff you want to make but don't seem to have any time, have you considered cloning yourself?

Last time I quit my job to make NNN.
Maybe I'll have to do it again.
Liked by: Evil Steve

How deep is your lore and why?

How deep is your lore
How deep is your lore
I really need to learn
Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

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>Even when you do stuff or have characters that are not strictly yuri||| wait! I'm confused, what is dan making that isn't yuri? Vampire bride is super yuri, captains worries is fairly yuri, himehorn's don't really romance but they're as close to yuri as you can get outside of that. What isn't yuri?

Snowhorn! Also Darkcake wants to find a nice guy and settle down one day.

Have you ever read any of Mizukami Satoshi's mangas?

Nope, but Lucifer and the biscuit hammer has been on my to-read list for a while. I'll get to it. ;w;
Liked by: Evil Steve

Honestly I'm just really tired after work these days. Sigh. | Too much homework?

Just spending too much creative energy at work. It's not a bad thing, really-- the job is great. I feel wiped out by the time I get home, though. : T

Also I should really focus on finishing my comics! ;~~; | You always say that, Dan. Not that you actually go full nitro on them or anything.

;~~~; I know
Honestly I'm just really tired after work these days. Sigh.
Liked by: Evil Steve

>SHE LOOKS UP TO YOU THEREFORE YOU MUST READ HER WORDS >no, you should read my words because they're pretty dandy, and you should leave sempai alone before I break your legs

>also mfw

>Esper is heavily influenced by you and Deculture, but still manages to retain her own style >her senpais dont even look at her works / Why not give her a chance, what do you possibly have to lose


...and so the major culprit eats the bait and comes back to the crime scene. | >making fun of people for being faggots is taking b8 now

drama get out
Liked by: Evil Steve

a quest I really like though. | What kind of quest do you like?

Magical Girl Noir Quest!
>enough time between posts
>posts are meaty enough pull out an image
>character designs are all fun to draw (since they're good and all lifted from shows I like)
>enjoyable story and reader bantz
>fun waifu wars
It's a good time.

>all that writing, all that drama, and that time pressure between posts. | ... Dan, you wrote stuff too, is not a big deal, and what time pressure? You write, they wait, simple... and what drama? Your comics are more prone to drama if you ask me, plus you are too old to care (on internet weeb years)

Also I should really focus on finishing my comics! ;~~;
Liked by: Evil Steve

>they're not even real fans, just folks who want to do a bully on a himehorn ||| LIES! Himehorns are for headpats and cake! So sayeth a fan!

[muchu muchu muu]
Liked by: Evil Steve

>they make it hard yuri all-around anyway... kind of a bummer for the people that like other genres too. | sempai you are triggering him

Liked by: Evil Steve

Nope! Never. | Why not? You have the talent to make the drawings AND a great story. I think you could make an awesome quest all by yourself if you wanted. It could also serve you as a break from your comics somehow, open your mind to new things and also bring more people to your comics.

I'm not really a quest guy -- you know, SCHEDULES, all that writing, all that drama, and that time pressure between posts. I like doing things at my own pace. I don't mind drawing for a quest I really like though.

I loathe your fandom, Dan.

There's only like a dozen people in it I think and they're not even real fans, just folks who want to do a bully on a himehorn.
Liked by: Nubum Evil Steve


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