
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Defectivehorn Apostle here. Seeing that Cupcake is more or less adopted into my herd, this unification of comics might not be that hard to do.

+3 answers in: “Yo Dan, so get this right - if you merge your comics together you can work on them concurrently. Then you can finish On the Subject of Witches - Snowhorn's Vampire Meguca Offce Drone Bride in 40 years and spend the rest of your life playing vidya and eating cakes, having fulfilled your life's goal.”

Yo Dan, so get this right - if you merge your comics together you can work on them concurrently. Then you can finish On the Subject of Witches - Snowhorn's Vampire Meguca Offce Drone Bride in 40 years and spend the rest of your life playing vidya and eating cakes, having fulfilled your life's goal.

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Saber Tank
This is great. ;ww;
Copy/Paste below:
Goodnight Dark Moon:

In the small apartment bedroom
There was a magic girl
And candy, sweets, gum
And a doll of-
That idol paired with a thing of the Dark Moon
And a piece of corporate paper from a smiling traitor
And two eyes through the window stare
Past paired rain-banishing prayers
And a comb, a brush, a maid singing too much
And that maid’s deceptively nice butt
Goodnight gum
Goodnight Lunarian scum
Goodnight a cutest
Goodnight a best
Goodnight Clocks
(And goodnight Bweh Socks?)
Goodnight Comb
And goodnight brush
Goodnight Robot maid that tells The State too much
Goodnight paper
Goodnight traitor
Goodnight twice to that bitch
F@#%ing disabled Ero switch

What if, say, hypothetically, an anti-lunarian hardliner were to send trapped letters or gifts to her, would he succeed? Would he get a chance to succeed? Or should he rather try an attack during a live concert? J-just asking for a friend, ahah

All letters are carefully screened by responsible megucas at M Corp's community management and idol services dept.
+1 answer in: “Congrats on your daughter reaching #1 (pair of idols)! \(' ww ' )/ Does she get get hate mail from the anit-lunarian? Does the state have to short through her mail? Do they plant fan letters to her if the moonies gets more mail so they can preserve the idol group?”

Deferctivehorn Apostle here, I could put Cupcake to use here at my home stead. Between handling the herds and fighting the Templars, i'm sure she can do well. I'll give her room and board, pocket money, and in time, means to further her education.

Defective horn apostle...! ;_;
Alas, my cutest and a best is also my apostle, so she will have to serve me until the Time Of No Moar Caek arrives. However I would be happy to send her along to visit your herds. Maybe she could learn something about being a good apostle from her visit, too.
+2 answers in: “If you had to give up one forever, which would it be, Himehorns or Cupcake? :Tc”

Congrats on your daughter reaching #1 (pair of idols)! \(' ww ' )/ Does she get get hate mail from the anit-lunarian? Does the state have to short through her mail? Do they plant fan letters to her if the moonies gets more mail so they can preserve the idol group?

Cupcake is an earth girl!!
The lunarian is more popular, but Cupcake keeps digging at her partner's self-esteem so she doesn't get any funny ideas (like starting a solo career and leaving her behind). At the same time, it's likely that the state wouldn't endorse the breakup of their group... so my cutest and a best can keep riding this Two Worlds As One wave for now.
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5/5 An intresting note is that the lower rank himehorns who over see the musclehorns really prefer that they romp in the leaves than the mud. I guess it's easier to clean them up from the leaves than being covered in mud it seems.

They leaves probably give them a good smell, too, instead of sour musclehorn and dirty mud. ;w;

4/? on more happier news, I found a seasonal alternative to mud for musclehorns to romp in. Huge piles of leaves! Right after I had my leaves piled up, the musclehorns were right in it having fun. it soon escalated into a free for all wrestling match However.

Muhuhu~ =w=
I like this image.

3/? Sadly, that old musclehorn who taught @muscle_Horn and the others how to fight passed away quietly in her sleep. I found her leaning up against a tree overlooking my home and the valley beyond. She loved that view. I made sure she was given a proper burial. She will be missed.

Rest in peace, Old Masslehorn. You'll always be part of the herd now that you're buried in the herd fields.

2/? The musclehorns have been worn out and any further digging would harm them, even with rotating shifts. That and the more hard headed ones who didn't want to stop wound up busting their hands so hard I they nearly became defective horns from the injuries.

Musclehorns need haremhorns to manage them... they push themselves too far if they're not reigned in...

Defectivehorn Apostle here, It's been rather quiet up here in the mountains. The tunnel excavation being done by my musclehorns have come to a stop for now. They have dug out quite a lot of space I could stick couple more herds underground and still have space to spare. 1/?

Looks like you may have your own network of apostle caves soon enough... ;ww;

Defectivehone apostle here. I just want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving Dan. From me, my family and the herds. Thank you for all you have done so far and for yet to do. I hope you and your family will have a good time and be safe.

Thank you, defective horn apostle. I wish all the best to you and your family and herds as well. ;w;
I am not as productive lately, but I want to make a strong effort over the winter holidays and update as much as possible. I think I can take maybe three solid weeks off to update... that would be nice.

6/6 It's a good think I had that barn built to house my defective horns. The numbers have grown to 14 now. I did lose a few to serious defects I could not fix. Yet I had not seen any new defects in weeks now. I'll take that as a good sign.

RIP superdefectivehorns.

5/? I think know how they got it. They worked hard for me and I gave them one of my cakes. I think they traded that for some moss. My herds don't just trade away their moss to a "wrong herds" so easily. They really value their moss. I guess they value my cakes even more.

It's almost too easy to buy out a horn. Cake was a mistake!! ;ww;

4/? In other news, The first frost of the fall season has arrived and the broken herd has fully moved into the dug out tunnels my musclehorns have excavated. To my surprise they got their hands on some of that cave moss I told you about before and they are growing here where I can see it.

Hmm, nice fragrant cave moss. =w=


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