
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Where do you envision yourself living in the future?

I really like my current location.
Bakery downstairs, metro 5 minutes away, another bakery across the street, a bakery down the road... and another bakery a little further down.. and another...
Liked by: Evil Steve

She could use perfume and wear shoes to cover her clawed toes; pointy fingernails, just cut them like everyone else ... and the black sclera, she could say that its due to sickness or that she is just using contacts, and the pointy teeth... ehh, don't smile too much? (I am not a dentist) ° 3 ° ~♪

A big bulky coat with a big fluffy hat would get most of the job done. =3=
Liked by: Leedah

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Let's say that a himehorn managed to take off her horns somehow without damage, could she pass as a nohorn somehow?

She'd still smell like a himehorn and have slightly pointy teeth, clawed toes, and slightly pointy fingernails.
Nohorns would also notice her luxurious himecut, totally white skin, and black sclera.
Liked by: Leedah

Dan I'm no horn but is it okay to grow one?

You'll only become a wronghorn.
I suggest leaving a cake at the cave entrance and waiting for a defective hornmother to take home.
Liked by: Evil Steve Leedah

I'm a cashier and was thinking of the mystery that is darkcakes mother while checking someone out then without thinking I said "have a cakeday" What have you done to me Dan?

Thanks for the story, anon. =w=
Liked by: Leedah Evil Steve

What's with all the waifu on twatter lately? Caster best girl.

Just felt like a classic weekend waifu drawstream. =3=

Fanfic anon here. I'm surprised you entered one for a class grade, but it's even more surprising that it all went well! Did you ever keep your old writing, for posterity's sake/nostaliga, or did you get rid of it to grow out of it?

Hey, anon.
I hung on to it for a few years, but I lost it long ago during a hard drive failure.
Don't worry, I have a good backup system for my current stuff.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Headline: The case of the himehorn that got all the herd high by putting weird herbs on the cakes... (•_•) Well, I guess you could say that ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) they got baked.

Are you even trying, anon?
: T
Liked by: Evil Steve Leedah

You sure like to evade your responsibility, or is it that you are not even the real father? If you are, be a man, and tell her the whole story, tell her the truth, Dan. She is a good girl, strong and independent, she can handle it... or is that in reality, it's YOU who can't handle the truth, Dan?

Liked by: Evil Steve

I want to give Darkcake a hug and pat her head, and maybe see her smile...

>I want to protect Darkcake's smile
>Dark is so cute : D *gives candy to darkcake*...OH obviously cup-tan is cute too *gives candy to cup-tan too*
That's more like it.
Darkcake is a

I want to frost darkcake

Why does it always have to be about frosting?
Can't a cake dream a little about being cherished?
Picture of Darkcake daydreaming below:
Liked by: Evil Steve

Do or have himehorns ever used psychedelic drugs If so what was the result?

The low-ranking haremhorns do their best to keep the herd and herd members in proper working order.
Low ranking haremhorns taste-test everything before they feed it to the herd. Bad results are remembered and recorded in the herd records.
Although the himehorns enjoy some alcohol and smoking, behaviours that would make a herd member permanently defective are nipped at the bud: either the source of the behaviour is stamped out (if it's understood), or the herd member is thrown away.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Has a civil war ever happened amongst himehorns? They're so cute they must have something about them that's fucked up. I want to see a herd being destroyed either by a nohorn or the incompetence of a hornmother does that make be a bad person?

Himehorn's don't really have civil wars -- they organize themselves by herd. There are no real inter-herd organizations (though there are some super-herds with many hornmothers at the top and up to a hundred thousand herd members).
Normally, if a herd gets too big, they'll "splinter" or "bud" -- there will be some infighting at amongst the hornmothers and they'll take some haremhorns and musclehorns and leave to start their own herd in a new location, far from the current one.
Different herds can and do fight over territory, and the results can be very grisly. Broken eggs and smashed up bodies everywhere. Even a single musclehorn from another herd can do terrible things if they get into the wrong place. A musclehorn in a blood rage won't hesitate to eat another herd's haremhorns or smallhorns alive.

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Liked by: Evil Steve

Wait a tic, you submitted a fanfic as an English paper? What the shit

This was back before everyone knew what anime was. To the English teacher, it was just another story and she liked it a lot. =3=
Liked by: Ryan Evil Steve

Would himmyporn just be, like, a super warm cave with lots of veggies?

Depends on the caste.
There's usually there's a bit of a scenario.
For a haremhorn:
- A hungry hornmother
- Oooh~ she's soooo hungry! And she's sad! ;~; Why won't anyone feed her?!
- A haremhorn comes in with a big basket of fresh veggies and a plate of delicious cooked meat
- The hornmother is drooling! She's so ready to be fed!!
- The haremhorn feeds the hornmother and she loves it
- She even overeat juuuust a little
- And then she falls asleep and lays a double egg in the morning
For a hornmother:
- The hornmother is in a super comfy nest with a comfy blanket
- But she's still not satisfied! She's bored!!
- She starts to complain. Then she complains some more!
- Her complaints get louder and louder about smaller and smaller things, but her haremhorns always satisfy her desires! The work hard to make her happy right away!
- Then she looks out of her nest and sees a big happy herd with lots of happy eggs
- Laying a lot of eggs!
For a musclehorn:
- Headpats and sweet words of praise from a haremhorn
They can't even handle it. It's too much for a musclehorn!

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Liked by: Evil Steve


Language: English