
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Did you ever fall asleep in school?

I spent the better part of my second year in university half asleep. I was making Tomoyo42's Room, Paper Eleven and Nana's Everyday Life and April and May between and after classes... looking back on it I drank coffee non-stop (lots of butterscotch flavoured coffee from the student life centre and the "C&D" in the math building) but it never helped! It just made things worse!

Do you have the Templer's name, in the back story, that was responsible for hacking off the last hornmothers' limbs? Who was it? Is her aggressiveness a personal thing or common place with Templers?

This is spoiler territory... ;w;

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What would a musclehorn think of a large, heavy cake? What would a haremhorn?

The musclehorn would be impressed. Heavy is good!
The haremhorn would cut smaller slices so the hornmothers don't overeat and make themselves sick.
Liked by: Suika Ibuki

now that all these game caking stuffs are free when we gonna get some Cupcake Butt Slapping Quest 2? come on Dan just think of the butt.

I may actually look into doing Mother||Child with Unreal... but that's way own the road. Gotta get this Vampire Bride business done first!

>born from eggs >sweat glands Your creations are born from some deep rooted madness.

The inmates are running the madhouse, bio-anon. And I'm never giving it back!
Liked by: Michael McCormick

Oh, I've got a soft head for the musclehorns to eat right here... ... WAIT WAIT BABY NO TEETH OH MY GOD YOU RIPPED IT OFF OH SHIT OH CHRIST THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE AAAAAA ... ... ... Call me tomorrow for round two, darling.

Why do some nohorns have mushrooms growing down there? Do they never wash? Do their haremnohorns not care about them? Gross.

Can I sneak into a herd and spoil motherhorns without getting eaten alive by musclehorns?

Please leave your cakes by the cave entrance~ =3=
Liked by: Suika Ibuki

At least snowhorn is pure... ;~; || pure LEWD you mean. >dem translewdcent horns >dat white himecut >dem tiny hands

;~~~~; NO

Hi Dan, reverse harem chan here. I got dumped- did not make the cut. What now?

Do not contact, do return calls, do not care.
Lift, accomplish something, be awesome, get status and money, and be okay with being with yourself, by yourself, and yourself, period. When you don't need anyone else and you can bring value to others, then you're ready for someone else.
Remember that we are animals, anon. Your utility and status are what matter most in the mating game. Have a bright present and future and they'll be all over you.
Liked by: Evil Steve

if the snowhorn could love a no-horn why cant the other himehorns ;x;

It's because she's been rejected by the herd and can't lay eggs, anon. She doesn't feel love like we do. Himehorns don't have any capacity to pair bond -- instead her nohorn husbando rides on her unfulfilled egg-adoration feelings and fills that herd-shaped hole in her heart. ;~;
Liked by: Suika Ibuki

I jus saw the latest page of himehorns :D is being adorable a defense mechanism they evolved over time or is it a coincidence cause singing horn is soooooo adorable you wanna pat her head an make her happy agin :0

Suika Ibuki
Their cuteness is entirely incidental! It does makes the haremhorns want to spoil them even more, though.
Liked by: Suika Ibuki

Wait when did we learn what himehorns smell like?

Somewhere between the himehorn cloaca questions.
They smell like grass and the earth after the rain, anon. Musclehorns can smell kinda sour if they don't wash after while, though. They are sweaty.

Dan pls. I just want to know how Pancake is doing.

She's in the hospital getting defrosted. One day your time will come, anon. ONE DAY

What do witches smell like?

Enna smells like dusty, mouldy books. It's kind of a funk. It's probably the blanket, honestly. Does she ever wash it?
Enna's daughters don't really smell like anything.
Algis smells like autumn leaves and ripe melon.

We know what himehorns smell like - what does Dan Kim's author insert character smell like?

Loser sweat and desperation!

Of course Pancake is a good girl. Most girls say no my request at some point. So eager to please~. Do you have plans for any more good girls?


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