

Ask @diahayulhs

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What’s the best place to go to, when you want to be alone and enjoy solitude?

Perpustakaan Pusat UI at 4 p.m.
I gotta admit that it was too late for me to find this gem. People might enjoy their time doing assigments, researching for their papers, or having a simple 'nongki-nongki' with their groupie, while I find myself at peace by wandering around the building and doing things that people may find useless lol.
I usually take a walk from my faculty building and go straight through the library, or if I got extra free time, I'd use a bicycle. Once you get there, you'll be welcomed by the lakeview and also, Taman Lingkar--a pretty place for a little rendezvouz.
The visitors are usually concentrated in the main lobby, the main rooms upstairs, Starbucks, or just simply wandering around the building. I couldn't just expect them to be/not to be there so finding a place to enjoy solitude is kinda susah-susah gampang. Sometimes I'd buy an ice cream or a cup noodle to fill my lonely tummy and the couch right in the middle of the hall where Indomaret is located is a perfect place to eat my ice cream/cup noodle. Indomaret's spicy cup noodle is surely a treasure and a Paddle Pop cola ice cream would make a perfect dessert for my me-time in the library kkkk.
You know, cup noodles, ice cream, being alone, the faint smell of coffee (not too much or I'll get dizzy), well-arranged books, random Korean wandering the building, people keeping their distance, that breeze coming from the air conditioner, and a small spot just for myself ... such a nice place for a person to be alone and enjoy solitude.

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Liked by: iyosinaga

Which movie do you think is overrated?

Train to Busan, obviously.
Overrated, low-quality acting, they tried too hard to make us cry but I ended up wtf-ing the movie. Zombies in a family drama movie? A family drama in a zombie movie? No, we Asian are still not ready for this.
Those zombies made me cringe so much I wanted to stop watching after ~45 minutes. Too many fucked up moments; that freaking hobo and the arrogant old guy ruined everything lol.
And Gongyoo ... casting Gongyoo is also one of the reasons why it's overrated.

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Sebagai pembunuh berantai, bagaimana tipe korban incaranmu? Bagaimana kamu bisa lolos dari hukum hingga saat ini? #julietslover

Ya ampun baru kebangun tidur dah dikirimin ginian. Tapi oke, aku suka.
Ini versi realistisnya:
Tipe korban incaranku adalah orang-orang yang termasuk ke dalam daftar hitamku. Aku udah siapkan daftar hitam dengan kuota 10 orang, dan sampai saat ini baru terisi 5. Aku bakal menguntit mereka selama beberapa hari, lihat kegiatan mereka sehari-hari, dan menghapal kapan waktu mereka berangkat/pulang, serta kapan tempat tinggalnya kosong.
Pada hari H, aku bakal gunakan pakaian sekali pakai, tidak lupa penutup wajah dan sarung tangan. Bakal kubuntuti mereka, dan kalau waktu serta tempatnya sudah pas, kuhabisi dengan cara ditebas. Kuambil barang-barang semacam ponsel, dompet, maupun penanda apa pun yang ada di tubuhnya. Kemungkinan besar akan kubuka seluruh pakaiannya untuk nanti kubakar bersama pakaianku sebelumnya. Segala penanda identitasnya juga akan kumusnahkan. Oh ya, mukanya juga bakal kurusak habis-habisan supaya sulit dikenali sehingga proses identifikasi tubuhnya akan makan waktu lama.
Orang-orang di dalam daftar hitam itu nggak punya hubungan denganku, jadi aku mungkin bakal jadi orang terakhir yang dicurigai. Namun kalau pada akhirnya aku ditangkap juga, ya sudah toh aku udah puas.
Ini versi nggak realistis tapi lebih asyik:
I'm gonna terror them with prank calls and then mutilate them into pieces.
How do I get rid of their bodies: https://ask.fm/diahayulhs/answers/136481072075

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Liked by: iyosinaga

It’s World Museum Day! What is so outdated that it should be put in a museum?

Flat earthers' brains.

Laughing so fucking damn hard at ".. Not too close or I'll hit your face." :"""""")))) . . Baru aja pengen nyoba ngeliatin matanya ayu.. Penasaran wkwkwkwkwk

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Gue jadi keinget tadi tuh lagi ke kelurahan ya Ta. Gue duduk di depan kusen pintu menuju sebuah ruangan yg kayaknya isinya ibu bendahara gitu. Ada bapak-bapak, bukannya masuk ke dalam, dia malah nanya doang dari luar, tapi yg bikin gue kesal adalah, he stood too close to me, sampai tangannya tuh di atas kepala gue jadi gue berjarak 2-3 inci dari ketek si bapak.
Gue udah mundur dan ngelirik ke doi, ngasih kode wtf pak dan ngasih gestur gue gak nyaman gitu ya, eh dia lanjut aja gitu sambil sesekali ngeliat ke gue (kayak sengaja ngetekin dan sengaja ngeliatin gitu entah apa maksudnya si bapak) dan gue jadi gak ngerti faedahnya apa si bapak ngetekin gue kan.
Like, ada kali gue diketekin 3 menitan.

Wekekekekekek pengen ngelike tapi ngeri euy ada seme2nya uhuy

Marilah kita bangga menjadi seme wkwkwk.

What color are your eyes?

One thing I love (and proud kkk) about my eyes is: you can't really tell their colors. From 1 or 2 meters away you'll say they're black, but if you get closer (not too close or I'll hit your face) it's actually kinda dark-brownish? Like, so dark you can't even tell they're brown. They're also not brunette so basically my eyes aren't black nor brown, nor even brunette.
(This is pretty much pseudoscience but I'm telling this for fun: it's said that people with darker eyes are good in lying, vice versa kkk.)

Hahahaha but it's for curvy girl... :( *agak kecewa*

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Kemarin w sempet nemu yg biasa tapi namanya gak hot masa my stripper name: Diamond Sizzle ?????

Tinman got a heart, Scarecrow got a brain, Lion got courage...what do you get?

7 humans and a cat in a body that I love so much.
Liked by: Jess

Masih inget gak kalian sama temen masa kecil/sepermainan kalian? Kalo masih ceritain cerita menyenangkan yang pernah dialamin bareng dong. Have a nice day :)

Gue temenan sama Putri dari tahun 2004, kelas 4 SD, jadi ya kira-kira udah 13 tahun hingga di tahap gue belum ngomong topik pembicaraan full aja doita udah tau gue mau ngomong apa eheh.
Kalau lagi jalan fancy ke mall terus gue mundur satu-dua langkah, doita tau itu artinya gue hendak mengembuskan flatus (baca: kentut).
Kalau gue bilang 'doing', kami senyam-senyum ero* karena yha kita memang suka ngomongin topik dewasa 18+ dalam format diskusi berfaedah meski tetap berlumur mudarat.
Oke, belum berhenti sampai di situ.
Jadi dulu semasa SD, gue PP naik sepeda genjot sana genjot sini, jalu beli baru eh ilang lagi, ban kempes sampai ban hampis meledug udah pernah gue rasain. Nah tiap pulang sekolah, gue biasa boncengin Putri di depan ala-ala gitu mbikos sepeda gue punya dudukan boncengan tapi jalunya ilang dicolong orang. Sakit kan tuh kalau duduk di belakang. Intinya, kami sering sepedaan bareng.
Suatu ketika, kami sepedaan, Putri duduk di depan dan adek gue duduk di belakang. Niatnya mau beli Pop Ice di dekat masjid dekat rumah gitu. Dah unyu-unyu nyanyi-nyanyi lagu-lagu Radja (iya ok fine) terus gue semangat banget kan tuh bawa sepedanya, pas mau belok ke kiri bukannya maju dikit eh gue dempet ke got di sisi jalan. Alhasil, sepeda oleng dan seluruh penumpang terjatuh ke arah got. Adek gue yang dibonceng di belakang berhasil selamat dengan cantiq sedangkan Putri malang sekali dirinya karena dia harus bergelantungan di sepeda gue demi terhindar dari tercebur ke got.
Gue? Panik megangin sepeda sambil teriak takut temen w tercebur ke got lalu lenyap selamanya. :(
Akhir cerita, bukannya beli Pop Ice, kami malah akhirnya diselamatkan oleh abang-abang yang jual Pop Ice heuh.

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Liked by: Rahma Qonita Jess

Mungkin maksudnya gmn perasaan/respon ayu terkait hal tsb.-. (Re: kalo anak/suami gay)

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Heheheh kalau begitu, asalkan dia terlahir sebagai homo sapiens dan berguna bagi nusa bangsa dan manusia who am I to judge?
In fact, I have no plan on having children anyway.

Wkwkwk iya ya... Knp email ya..... *efek sering ngirim tugas pake email* *lah terus*

Karena anak kuliahan buka e-mail cuma kalau teman sekelompoknya habis nge-chat: "Sent yaa." Wkwkwk.
Liked by: Jess

What's the downside of dating you? And do your partner accept that part of you or you just try to change yourself to make him/her feel at ease without have to worry about your bad side?

The downside of dating me:
I don't love you.

Klo tar suami or anakmu gay, gimana kak?

Asalkan dia terlahir sebagai homo sapiens dan berguna bagi nusa bangsa dan manusia who are you to judge?

Let say you broke up so suddenly even a goodbye was too much to be tossed. And suddenly this person emailed you explaning things. But simply to explain. No conclusion. No climax. No what's next. What's the first thing crossed your mind that this someone was trying to do? *idea research* ^^ Thanks!

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Your relationship was too perfect s/he even writes a novel based on it and want you to collaborate.
And ... why e-mail?

What is your definition of ideal, perfect woman? Does she cook? Does she work? How does she look like?

What is your definition of ideal perfect woman Does she cook Does she work How

what is the one fact that you can never learn to accept, despite knowing that is an undeniable fact?

Indomie mengandung 380 kkal dan 1000 mg natrium.


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