
Elise Kumar

Latest answers from Elise Kumar

What is your opinion on the so-called "sugar daddy/sugar baby" lifestyle (older men paying young women to spend time with them), provided it is purely platonic? Why?

#askfm not for me

What do you do when you have trouble sleeping?

#askfm lie still with my eyes closed and daydream. Is it still called daydreaming if you do it at night?

Are you aromantic? How do you think "aromantics" choose their partners, in comparison to individuals who favor romance?

#askfm I'm definitely romantic. I have been with my husband for more than 10 years! I don't know anyone who is aromantic or much about it but if one isn't interested in a romantic partner there isn't anything to choose! probably choose sex partners much like anyone else though (unless they're also asexual).

Does creativity cause "madness" or does "madness" cause creativity, in your opinion? Why?

#askfm no

Is it acceptable for a person to not love anyone, in your opinion? Or does it indicate absence of good mental health?

#askfm there are lots of different forms of love. Some people are aromantic and don't want romantic partners at all, some people do but can't find (a) compatible partner(s). But most people still have love and affection for their friends, family, pets. If someone didn't love anyone at all - no friends, no family, no pets... then that person would be either very very mentally/emotionally unwell OR so severely different from me that I don't understand them at all.

Do you think a person's gender affects the content of their dreams? Why?

#askfm I don't think so except in as much as society treats people differently based on their (apparent) gender and so life stuff incorporated into dreams might be different? Who knows though! In dreams I have been different genders, different ages, different sexuality, different ethnicity. I don't think that means anything really.

What is your silliest fear?

#askfm going to sleep and then waking up as someone else and realising that my whole life was a dream and then, moments later, forgetting all about it and going on with "my" day as someone completely different.

People do not expect surgeons to operate on themselves, yet most of us expect psychotherapists to be problem-free when it comes to psychological conditions, interpersonal relationships, emotions etc. Why do you think that is?

#askfm where I come from psychotherapists are required to undergo counselling themselves. I don't expect my therapist to be problem free? he's a human? But I do expect that he will use his own resources to manage himself which leaves my sessions free for my shit.

What and when was the last insult you received?

#askfm in a review of a play I was in a few years ago a reviewer said some things that weren't that great including that I mumbled. But he also didn't bother to get my name right (we actually had to contact the publication and ask them to correct it - I mean I don't love that he didn't say nice things about me but I felt way worse for him to be saying them about another actor who wasn't even there).

Language: English